Crosman American Classic 1377

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Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Shasta »

Our silhouette shooting club gives out annual awards, many of which are gift certificates from a local gun shop. I was lucky enough to win some of these and was giving thought as to how I wanted to spend them when it occurred to me that I did not own an air pistol. I don't shoot handguns much but an air pistol would allow me to get in some practice while remaining at my home in a city subdivision as I have an indoor pellet trap in my hallway and a good-sized back yard.
I didn't have a lot to spend, but with a little research on the internet I concluded that the .177 caliber Crosman American Classic pump-up would be about perfect for me (it has a lever!). The gun shop did not have any in stock, but ordered one for me at a cost of just $55.


It's a lot of fun to shoot and the power can easily be adjusted by the number of pumps you give it. Three is about minimum and ten is maximum. I put a tuna fish can out in the back yard at about 12 yards and found that five pumps dented the can pretty good, and ten would put the pellet all the way through. Unfortunately I was having a problem seeing the pistol's sights despite my recent cataract surgery, so I got the notion to put a scope on it. I did not want a pistol scope that would require holding the gun at arms length, and having seen pistol silhouette shooters use rifle scopes and simply hold the pistol nearer, I decided that was the way to go. I used the rest of my gift certificates to get a steel breech assembly to replace the pistol's plastic one, as well as a 3-9 BugBuster scope and a scope mount.


This is a really cool little compact scope that has an adjustable objective as well as an illuminated mildot reticule. Now I can see my target clearly and have been enjoying my new toy very much. It is a bit heavy at 3 1/2 lbs., but it shoots great. I had to laugh at spending nearly three times the cost of the gun to scope it, but thanks to my gift certificates I invested only about $8 out-of-pocket.

Last edited by Shasta on Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Old Ironsights »

I have.... a few. Most in the bubble pack from a store-closing sale.

They are about the perfect pellet pistol, and have a LOT of available accessories (which can make your Pellet Gun worth more than an SAA...)

My biggest beef with the platform is the gawd-awful front sight and no really good way to replace it without doubling the bulk of the pistol.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Nath »

I don't have mine anymore but they are good. I took a stack of game with mine.
I improved the trigger and opened the transfer port (may just apply to UK models) and added a probe to seat pellets deeper in the breech.
I prefer the 22 version of yesteryear though.


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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Rusty »

Shasta, if you're on Facebook there is a group there called "Airgun Chat and BS" that discusses mods and such to airguns. You might find it interesting.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by JReed »

I love mine. Have had it for 10 or so years now. I have taken rabbits, grounds squirrels, startlings, and even a crow with it. Never had a problem with it putting critters down as long as I dont screw up the shot. You are going to have a lot of fun with it.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by marlinman93 »

I've had a Benjamin 132 since the 1970's. Used it often for years, and even practiced with it when I shot Bullseye, although the trigger was much heavier than my .22RF match pistol! I don't shoot it much anymore, but would never let it go. It used to be a nice polished brass, with a parkerized frame. The brass is all patina now, but I like that better than how shiny it was when new!
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by AmBraCol »

You've gone and done it now! Those things are addictive. I finally wore out the pump assembly on mine, picked up a flat top piston from Mac1 Airguns last summer but haven't had time to mess with it since we got back. With the flat top and after flat topping the valve and pinning it, you can pump them up much higher than 10 pumps and get some impressive power from the platform. The steel breech is a must have, or one of the aftermarket breeches. I put a Crooked Barn breech on mine, it allows me to cock it with my left hand instead of my right.

They are very accurate pistols. A few years ago we had an informal pistol match at the gun club. I didn't have a 22 so they loaned me one. It was, to not be to graphic about it, horrible. 167 out of 200 was the score obtained. I'd been shooting the 1377 and KNEW I could do better than that score, but they laughed at me when I asked for the chance to run the same course with the pellet gun. After setting up another target at 25 meters (unofficial) they started the next round. 20 shots for record resulted in a 196 or 197 out of 200 possible. Afterwards they showed me the results and why they weren't interested in letting me claim the pump pistol score - the closest to the original score was still thirty points behind. They always make fun of me and my "toys", but they don't put nearly as much time in shooting since they refuse to use such "toys" - and get their tails kicked when we get serious on the line.

One can obtain longer barrels and even buttstocks for them for not much money. Order parts directly from Crosman, prices aren't too bad. You can even swap it over to 22 caliber if you like. Of course, you've already got the main upgrade with that steel breech.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Ysabel Kid »

I picked up the .22 version through Wally World's website last year. Where did you get the scope mount? I have a couple of those "bug busters" lying around and this would put one to good use. My cataract surgery last month went very well. Distance vision has improved ten fold, but my near vision is still a bit blurry. They said it could take 90 days for my visions to fully adjust. Meanwhile, I need to cheat! :D
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by mohavesam »

I bought a 1377 back around 1990, to replace one that was run over... longer story.

I've used it to dispatch gophers, collect cottontails, even neatly dropped a tree squirrel once. Anything that didn't require a silent, fast second shot really. My kids all punched paper with it before their 5th birthday, and daughter #1 really took to it, being able to shoot my 3D deer archery target in the backyard after school. They are great bargains and worth having in every gun accumulation (collection). :wink:

- I re-shaped the front sight with file and high-vis paint, but the rear sight was the problem for me. It came canted to the left 10-15 degrees. I re-mounted the best solution I could find, which was a bargain-bin old Millett rear meant for a Browning Hi-Power. I screwed it right on and it works fine. Eventually I fashioned an old black film canister into a muzzle break, which had an amazing effect on "focusing" the muzzle report downrange. Yes, this was perfectly legal under most circumstances... 8)

Crosman makes some great airguns. And their CS is top-shelf in my experience.
Go get one!
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Ysabel Kid »

mohavesam wrote: Eventually I fashioned an old black film canister into a muzzle break, which had an amazing effect on "focusing" the muzzle report downrange. Yes, this was perfectly legal under most circumstances... 8)
One of the plastic ones for 35mm film rolls?
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by MrMurphy »

My dad had one. Along with a Crosman pump rifle, I shot in my backyard for years. Considering this was in L.A (not the French speaking one), I could shoot nearly any day, almost for free at 20-30 yards (the width of the backyard) with a backstop.

I slaughtered many thousands of Communist Coke cans and practiced my accuracy vs speed shooting (when you only have one, make it count).

Currently airgunless, but as I now live on acres (not yards) and have a healthy bunny and bird population, I may pick another one up.

The version that has a removable stock is rather handy. Reminds me of the Buckmark .22 carbine.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Shasta »

Ysabel Kid wrote:I picked up the .22 version through Wally World's website last year. Where did you get the scope mount? I have a couple of those "bug busters" lying around and this would put one to good use. My cataract surgery last month went very well. Distance vision has improved ten fold, but my near vision is still a bit blurry. They said it could take 90 days for my visions to fully adjust. Meanwhile, I need to cheat! :D
The steel replacement breech has a dovetail mount, so I just bought an adapter rail that goes from dovetail to Weaver and the scope mounted right up. The local gun shop had the adapter rail in stock and it was around $10.

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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by FLINT »

Awesome! glad you are enjoying it. They are great guns.

I got one for Christmas in I think 1985 or 1987. The seals finally gave up a few years ago, so I gave it the full treatment. Steel breech, flat top piston, matching valve, stock, 16" .22 cal barrel, barrel break, extended bolt probe, etc. put a little red dot sight and made it into a neat little carbine. and yes, very accurate.

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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Well, phooey. I didn't order a 1377, but I did order a 2240 and a steel breech for it.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Old Ironsights »

Shasta wrote:
The steel replacement breech has a dovetail mount, ...
Gonna have to look into that.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by jcw »

I bought on in .22, 44 years ago. Still have it but I would imagine all the seals are dried out. it's been sitting in the closet for the last 30 years or so.
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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Hobie »

I have two (.177 and .22, thanks Fred!), and an "extra" handgun scope, I think there's another project in the works!

Had one earlier .22 caliber model when I was a kid, fashioned a butt-stock for it before they made them and shot starlings off the bird feeder with Dad's encouragement. Flat nosed pellet had to land just right to kill at 55 feet. Hit many in the chest to only pull feathers and watch them fly off.


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Re: Crosman American Classic 1377

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Great to see you posting Hobie!
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