I didn't have a lot to spend, but with a little research on the internet I concluded that the .177 caliber Crosman American Classic pump-up would be about perfect for me (it has a lever!). The gun shop did not have any in stock, but ordered one for me at a cost of just $55.

It's a lot of fun to shoot and the power can easily be adjusted by the number of pumps you give it. Three is about minimum and ten is maximum. I put a tuna fish can out in the back yard at about 12 yards and found that five pumps dented the can pretty good, and ten would put the pellet all the way through. Unfortunately I was having a problem seeing the pistol's sights despite my recent cataract surgery, so I got the notion to put a scope on it. I did not want a pistol scope that would require holding the gun at arms length, and having seen pistol silhouette shooters use rifle scopes and simply hold the pistol nearer, I decided that was the way to go. I used the rest of my gift certificates to get a steel breech assembly to replace the pistol's plastic one, as well as a 3-9 BugBuster scope and a scope mount.

This is a really cool little compact scope that has an adjustable objective as well as an illuminated mildot reticule. Now I can see my target clearly and have been enjoying my new toy very much. It is a bit heavy at 3 1/2 lbs., but it shoots great. I had to laugh at spending nearly three times the cost of the gun to scope it, but thanks to my gift certificates I invested only about $8 out-of-pocket.