Henry youth size .22 rf, Savage bolt gun 22 mag, 357 Rossi, and a Marlin .30-30 half magazine. Those were the ones that didn't need assembled. I completed assembly on a '68 94 Winchester that is browned and barreled to 32 Special in a camp ground in Illinois. Assembly is under way on a late 50's 94 that was missing a bunch of parts. I've been able to buy some and have adapted a few post 64 parts.
So many campgrounds don't want any firearms around ... out of sight = out of mind ... so working on it under the awning is out of the question. Hopefully the place west of Mission, Texas doesn't have their head inserted in the same place.
South Dakota is a beautiful place. It's been 22 years since we were here. Two weeks is hardly enough time to even enjoy the tourist attractions let alone just drive and enjoy the land.
Hopefully a chance to hunt or just murder some targets is in the future.
If any of you are around the area, I'd like to meet you and -as a friend of mine says- spread some fertilizer around.