Is My Thinking Flawed?

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Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by Newtmaker »

Took my Henry 001T lever gun to the range this am. First rounds were off the target left. Made a correction on the tang sight and before I could get the rounds centered the rear adjustment was maxed to the right.
The front sight is very slightly right of center (A Lyman 17 Globe sight) but only a few thousands. I know the tang sight is properly centered as far as attachment, so it would seem to my simplistic thinking that the gun should shoot ptetty close with the front sight pretty much centered and the rear as well. Obviously mine ain't behaving like I think it should?

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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by rgates »

Every gun is a law unto itself. Move your front sight to the left to get on target. You may need to move it a few thousandths left of center to get back some adjustment in your tang sight. Good luck.
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by Blaine »

Re-Center your rear sight, and see how close you can get moving the front sight. The front moves the POI differently, IE: to move the POI right, move the front sight LEFT. Sight it in close, and then try at 50 yards. If it changes again at the longer distance, send it back to the factory because something is mis-aligned.
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by earlmck »

Walt, it's so easy for the tang sight, even if centered on the tang, to be canted a little one way or the other. In fact, non windage-adjustable tangs are frequently sighted in by shimming one side or the other. You may have to do a little of that, but I'd give that front a bit more drift to the left.

Hey, and sometimes the hole in the barrel isn't quite centered: that's the only explanation if have for one of mine that has the rear all the way left and the front dang near out of the slot right to get sighted in...
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by Borregos »

How far are you off now?
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by Griff »

BlaineG wrote:Re-Center your rear sight, and see how close you can get moving the front sight. The front moves the POI differently, IE: to move the POI right, move the front sight LEFT. Sight it in close, and then try at 50 yards. If it changes again at the longer distance, send it back to the factory because something is mis-aligned.
earlmck wrote:Walt, it's so easy for the tang sight, even if centered on the tang, to be canted a little one way or the other. In fact, non windage-adjustable tangs are frequently sighted in by shimming one side or the other. You may have to do a little of that, but I'd give that front a bit more drift to the left...
Yep, check that tang sight before you up and ship the gun back. Or, flip the tang sight down and use the barrel sights to see if they have the same issue, then you'd know that it's the hole down the middle, that ain't.
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by stretch »

I've used a little trick when setting up iron sights on a

Put the rifle in a cradle like your cleaning stand. I point
it at a wall 20 or 30 ft. away. I use a target with a light
illuminating it. Look down the top of your barrel, and you'll
see a reflected line of light along the barrel. Align that line
with your target by moving the cradle. Now align the sights
with the target, while keeping that reflected line of line aligned
with the target. Your windage adjustments will now be close
when you take it to the range.

You can also do the same thing by sighting down the barrel with
the bolt out, and aligning your sights with the center of what you
see down the barrel. (Bore-sighting.)

Cheap and cheerful ways to get close! 8)

Of course, the 1st method won't work if the bore of your barrel is not
concentric with the outside of the barrel! I've not heretofore
experienced this. ...... :lol:

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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by El Chivo »

I have had loads that were all they way to one side on my tang sight. Too bad they don't have more windage. With the tang sight, each click gives you less change at the target than with receiver sights due to the longer sight radius. But they're more accurate for the same reason.

So you might try working on the load or changing bullets - the new combination may be centered again. It may not be your gun at all.

P.S. I liked it when I had a load that required my tang sight to go to the right, because it was easier to get to it as opposed to leaning over the stock an extra few millimeters.
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Re: Is My Thinking Flawed?

Post by Sixgun »

Assuming you are doing everything right, sometimes things just don't work out. I had that issue on an 1886 in .33 one time and come closer inspection, I saw the barrel was bent.

Not to confuse what others have said----(all great advice)

If you have run out of windage adjustment, you can get a headstart on the windage adjustable tang sight by shimming the left side of the base with thin cardboard, like from a primer box (.020) Then start over.

If you can't shoot at home follow Stretch's advice.----------------Sixgun
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