Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

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Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Old No7 »

OK, I'll admit it...

When I first saw the posts of this "newly designed" SP101 .22 LR on this site many months ago,I looked at the "overly tall" front sight and skinnier barrel (than the original 22 SP) and said "Ugh, I think I'll pass...". That was until I handled one up close.

And then I made the mistake of handling another one... And then yet again... :o

Well, it finally grew on me, and one followed me home one day to play! So far, it's been a very accurate shooter, especially since I updated the rear sight blade. But I have to say, this was the roughest Ruger DA revolver that I have ever handled. It took some careful polishing to make this baby match all of my other Ruger's. Nope, they are not S&Ws and you "really shouldn't have to" do all the extra work to try and make it like a S&W trigger. True... But if you do go to the trouble to smooth it up, it will help improve the feel and trigger pull and mine is perfectly acceptable now for a woods gun.

Jeff Quinn wrote a Most Excellent Review of the New SP101-22 on that imbedded link over on GunBlast, so there's no sense repeating all the verbiage here. But I've added a few pix with descriptions for those who may be interested in one of these. I used to have one of the original 4" heavy-barreled 22 SP101s, so I'm in a good spot to compare the two designs. (I had sold that one off to a member here a couple of years ago when I upgraded to a 32 H&R Magnum SP; and then when I contacted him late last fall to see if he'd sell it -- too late, he already had...)

Here's the side profile of the new 22 SP101, wearing the Elk Stag grip inserts from Sack Peterson (see another post on those for his website):
New SP101 22 - Profile (Medium).jpg
And yes, she's an 8-shooter now!
New SP101 22 - 8-shot (Medium).jpg
These next 2 pix will really show you how the "old" (original) versus "new" SPs look. That's my 32 Mag with the heavy barrel, but the older 22 was the same dimensions (except where it counted).
New vs Old SP101 - Profile (Medium).jpg
New vs Old SP101 - Barrels (Medium).jpg
One of the regular criticisms of many Ruger products is the infamous "Ruger Billboard", as they call it, where the warning notice is plastered prominently on the barrel -- usually in a very visible spot too! On this newer model, they wisely reduced the font and put it on the bottom of the barrel...
New SP101 Warning (Medium).jpg
The hammer spur of the new (on left) is curved and less aggressive to grip, as compared to the flat and sharp original spur. You can also see the small windage & elevation adjustable sight on the 22, compared to the windage-only blade of the 32 (and original 22). That adjustable sight is a great improvement!
New vs Old SP101 - Hammer Spur (Medium).jpg
Here you will see I drilled 2 holes in the rear blade, then filled them with some French White (???) nail polish from my wife's stuff and sealed it with super glue. This has been a helpful improvement, for my eyes anyway.
New SP101 - 3-Dot Sights (Medium).jpg
Ruger also made the hammer weigh less by casting it with less metal/weight, and it is even more "skeletonized" than this pix shows when it's removed from the action. Maybe that helps improve the lock time, but it's tough to tell...
New vs Old SP101 - Hammer Weight (Medium).jpg
Well, that's it. I didn't really "need" another 22 handgun, but here again (funny how this happens), "want" showed up and got his way! Can't say I'm too sorry about that though... She's a great l'il shooter and now I like the "new" design better than the original I'd had years before.

Tight groups.

Old No7
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by olyinaz »

Very nice and practical. I hope it's a hit for Ruger as well!

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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by BenT »

I have yet to handle one of these, can't seem to find anyone who has one. But I like the single ten and really like to handle the sp101. I don't have a 22 revolver and it's toward the top of the short list.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Old Ironsights »

BenT wrote:I have yet to handle one of these, can't seem to find anyone who has one. But I like the single ten and really like to handle the sp101. I don't have a 22 revolver and it's toward the top of the short list.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Bill in Oregon »

No. 7: What ammo is your gun fondest of so far?
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by AJMD429 »

Thanks for the report - those DO look like one of the nicest little 'kit' guns one could have...
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by 2ndovc »

Those are nice looking revolvers. I've been trying decide between the SP and the Single Ten.

Nice to see a good review by someone who just got one.

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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Old No7 »

Bill in Oregon wrote:"No. 7: What ammo is your gun fondest of so far?"
Sorry Bill, haven't gotten to that just yet. Shot it again today with whatever 22s were handy.

As it was 20 degrees out with 20+ mile an hour winds, I was just happy (or crazy?) to be shooting at all! Serious target work to finalize ammo selection will have to wait until spring -- which could be June in Maine... :wink:

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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Old Ironsights »

I just wish it was a .22/.22M convertible...
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by kimwcook »

Good lookin' Ruger. Make sure to tell us how it does at the range.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Chuck 100 yd »

Nice !! I have had one on order at my local dealer for months. :x
Wholesale Sports has them but I want my friend and fellow club member to get the sale. I can wait. :wink:
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Ysabel Kid »

Old No7 wrote: As it was 20 degrees out with 20+ mile an hour winds, I was just happy (or crazy?) to be shooting at all! Serious target work to finalize ammo selection will have to wait until spring -- which could be June in Maine... :wink:

Old No7
Figured that was "shorts" weather for you! :wink:

Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by 1894c »

thank you for the post--looked at one...thought about it...tempted...but way too attached to my Single-Six's to trade..i've decide to let others enjoy... :)
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Remington40x »

I'd sure like to see that in a 5-inch .32 H&R. What a nice woods bumming gun that would be.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by 3leggedturtle »

BenT wrote:I have yet to handle one of these, can't seem to find anyone who has one. But I like the single ten and really like to handle the sp101. I don't have a 22 revolver and it's toward the top of the short list.
I handled a Single-10 It felt pretty nice, sights weren't near as bad as clamed to be on the Net. Trigger pull was around 4.5lbs. At $485 I really didnt want another 22 pistol that bad
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by BenT »

Remington40x wrote:I'd sure like to see that in a 5-inch .32 H&R. What a nice woods bumming gun that would be.
Your reading my mind.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Chuck 100 yd »

Cabelas is asking $599 for the SP101 .22 :shock:
Makes it hard to pass up the Single Six at those prices. :wink:
As soon as they become more available the price will drop.
Just try to find a Ruger SR 1911 around here. They have been out for several months now and my dealer has seen a total of "ONE" !! :x
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Triggernosis »

I'm wanting one of the .38/.357 versions, but I wish they had the barrel profile of the .22 version.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by piller »

If Ruger would find a way to make an interchangeable cylinder for them in .22 Magnum, then I would be more interested.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by DPris »

You'll be in line BEHIND me. :)
I'm liking the full-lugged 4-inch .357 SP more than I thought I would, but I'm still lobbying for the half-lugged version.
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Re: Ruger's "New" SP101 22: 8 Shots, and it's a hit!

Post by Old Ironsights »

With my new job I'm actually in the market for a 6+ .22 snubby that will be both less rusting (pot metal or Stainless) and CHEAP (because I work in a canal) as a tool to shoot burrowing critters & snakes.

While the SP101 ain't CHEAP, it's certainly everything else I need in a "ditch gun".

(FWIW... If anyone has a functional CHEAP pot-metal/stainless .22 snubby that is gathering dust... let me know...)
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