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did ya shoot that poacher too?
or are ya holdin him for the authorities?
NRA member
"When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'present' or 'not guilty.'"
--President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner”
Man nothing gets by this place About 1 year ago I think the same thing happened here.but still great shootin them commies never made it to the white house. . Jim.
dkmlever wrote:How long was the shot? How fast were they flying?
Not sure how fast they were going. They passed a 767 that was on approach.
I took the lead reindeer at a lasered 987 yards. They kept going until I dropped the 2nd one. That stopped them, but the shot was just over 1420 yards by then.
The dang sled finally slid to a stop at 1682 yards where my third shot took down the 3rd deer. It took me 2 more shots to get the fat guy in the red suit. He was running around screaming curses and my first shot missed.
I give all the credit for the superior accuracy to Booger Bullets. They are made for long-range accuracy and a close shot of a thousand yards is nothing for them. They are so accurate you simply have to point the gun in the general direction and pull the trigger. They are guaranteed never to wound. One-shot kills at extreme range is what they do.
Good Grief. I've been sitting here with the grandkids wondering what happened to that dude. Ya gotta let him up. Maybe he'll get another mode of transportation and still make it by mornin.
Jim, O Jim;
What did I tell you about that bolt action stuff!
Worst of all - now I gotta hide this post if I expect Barb to ever eat "hamburger" at your place again!
Then again: "But don't them bolts shoot good!?"