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Just picked up this Marlin 1894 CS, .357/.38 yesterday. This carbine was made in March of 2019 and was one of the last of the Remington Marlins. It only had about 10 rounds through it according to the dealer. I just bought one of the new Ruger/Marlin 1894 .44Mag carbines and when I first looked at it I thought it was one of the long awaited .357/38 models from them.
Even though it was one of the infamous “RemLins”, I bought it anyway and took it home. The action was very smooth and when I got it home, I found that A-Zoom snap caps fed very smoothly also. This gun came with the original box and papers and looks almost unfired.
I may not keep this one since I already have 4 .357/.38 lever action carbines ( Marline 1894 CS, Chiappa trapper SRC, Winchester/Miroku model 73, and a Rossi model 92).
I have its twin. Feeds just about everything. Full wadcutters with a little jiggling of the lever. Fit and finish are good and accurate to boot. Looks like the last ones came out pretty good.
I have no first hand knowledge of Remlins, however - I've read where the later ones were made quite well.....way better than the early years of Remington ownership.
I'm patiently waiting for the Ruger version of the 357 model 1894.
Just came back from the range. This one is a keeper (I can now boast 5 .357/.38 lever guns). One ragged hole with .357 or .38 at 30 feet. The trigger really is smoothing out (especially after about 100 dry fires this morning). Showed this to my local dealer today. He says these are about a $1,200 gun. I got it for $1,150.
My last three “JM” Marlins all had issues. This one seems flawless.
trooper joe wrote: ↑Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:38 pm
Just came back from the range. This one is a keeper (I can now boast 5 .357/.38 lever guns). One ragged hole with .357 or .38 at 30 feet. The trigger really is smoothing out (especially after about 100 dry fires this morning). Showed this to my local dealer today. He says these are about a $1,200 gun. I got it for $1,150.
My last three “JM” Marlins all had issues. This one seems flawless.
Trooper Joe
If I change the sights I will probably use the “XO” sights like on my other Marlin 1894 “JM” .357/.38.
I acquired a similar Remlin in late 2018. I has fed everything I put in it, and if I would shoot it more it would smooth out. Mine also wears an XS ghost ring set. Iirc, i paid around half what the going rate is now. Then again, it seems everything has doubled in price in the last 5 years.
You have the right to force me to pay for the feeding, housing, clothing, education, and medical treatment of yourself and your children when I have the RIGHT TO FORCE YOU TO PICK MY COTTON.
A friend of mine talked me out of this about a week after my last post. Yesterday I got it back from him. The gun is living with me until I go toe up .
I have a 1894CS made in early 2019 as well. I've shot it quite a bit, shoots great, really fun to shoot those .38 specials, less recoil than my .22 magnum. I've taken 3 deer with it - the .357 does the job but I have better choices for deer as it seems pretty anemic even at relatively short range (30 yards), but that might have been bullet selection. In any event this is a fine rifle that shoots and functions very well!
Grizz wrote: ↑Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:28 am
that's a beaut !
I'm waiting for a Ruger made 94 in 44cal with a 1:20 barrel . . . . that will feed my 405Gr revolver load . . .
Don't forget that Ruger already made a 44 Mag 96/44 Levergun with a 1:20 twist...
Looks more like a Winchester 88 or Marlin 62 or Savage 99 though, so not 'traditional'...
I've fed 350 grainers in it without problems but not tried anything longer.
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws "first do no harm" - gun control LAWS lead to far more deaths than 'easy access' ever could.
Grizz wrote: ↑Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:28 am
that's a beaut !
I'm waiting for a Ruger made 94 in 44cal with a 1:20 barrel . . . . that will feed my 405Gr revolver load . . .
Don't forget that Ruger already made a 44 Mag 96/44 Levergun with a 1:20 twist...
Looks more like a Winchester 88 or Marlin 62 or Savage 99 though, so not 'traditional'...
I've fed 350 grainers in it without problems but not tried anything longer.
Tru Dat. Not seeing those around either. Actually I think maybe there is a 1:20 Marlin around, but it seems that the old stock 1:38 rifles are being discounted and advertised fairly cheep. Then again Rossi 45s are being advertised as 1:38 rifling. That's ai for ya, you can never be sure of facts, OR just because I never heard of it doesn't mean that it hasn't happened. Too many details for 0600 . . .
Galloway wrote: ↑Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:02 pm
Great looking gun but my word 1150? Folks will be showing of their 1100 dollar 10/22s in a few years.
one way to look at that is to compare the gun prices to gas prices by decade. inflation is how governments rob citizens, and it's not about the prices, it's about the dilution of value.
40 years ago gas was $1.25 a gallon.
Minimum wage was $3.15
A new Winchester 94 was $129
A new Remington 788 was $89.95
I can't remember what a loaf of bread cost. (69 cents?) Now it's $3.69
None of that means anything.
What a person is will to pay is all that matters.
But Lord I'm glad I bought most of my leverguns before the madness set in! (Not counting my new Ruglin Trapper in .45-70 ) I just couldn't help myself
"Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one less scoundrel in the world." - Thomas Carlyle