Stopped by to say hello...

Welcome to the Leverguns.Com Forum. This is a high-class place so act respectable. We discuss most anything here ... politely.

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Welcome to the Leverguns.Com General Discussions Forum. This is a high-class place so act respectable. We discuss most anything here other than politics... politely.

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Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Hobie »

As the old timers know I have not been by here often. Life changes and other responsibilities have prevented much activity on my part in the forum. I hope all are well.

Unfortunately, I've had several complaints about the behavior of a couple of people on the forum. This is really disappointing. While we seem to care less about the opinions others have of us as we age it is my opinion that we are no less responsible for our behavior towards others. Obscenities, base accusations, name-calling and off-forum threats are not acceptable behavior. Besides being offensive to the parties involved, it makes the forum an unpleasant place for other participants and a place they would not want their family members to visit. Such behavior also reflects poorly on the firearms hobbyist community.

We are having a political fight of our lives here in VA. The fight is spreading. I would hope that every forum member would bear in mind that their behavior reflects on us all as they post. If this isn't possible the administrators will take action to remove all such from the forum.


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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Nath »

Hello. H. Good to hear from you.

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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Hobie, glad you stopped by, and thank you for reminding us all that we are supposed to act as gentlemen and friends here. Hope you are not forced to take additional steps.
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Tycer »

Hello friend!
Kind regards,
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by piller »

Nice to hear from you again. Good luck in the fight for your Constitutional Rights there in Virginia.
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by gamekeeper »

Welcome back to the fire Hobie, I've missed your input, hope the politics in your neck of the woods work out in your favour . :wink:
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Blaine »

A welcome return...thanks for showing up. 8)
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by wm »

Even the best of friends can rankle each other.

The trick is honestly knowing the difference between making a point and making things personal. Some call it tact. Some call it wisdom. And some do not know what I am talking about.

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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by claybob86 »

Hi, Hobie! Glad you stopped by! :)
Have you hugged your rifle today?
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by alnitak »

Hobie! It has been a long time! Good to see you here again.

As a fellow Virginian I am appalled and concerned about the attitude in VA now. Just like Colorado, where the libs from CA moved into Denver and took over the state, the same is happening in northern VA, even in my Loudoun county. What I don't get is the Newport News area with all the military there. Republicans control 95% of the geography, but Dems out vote us in the cities. A crisis is upon us ... I just hope the courts can save us from the liberal derangement!

Take care my friend, and keep up the fight!
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by historicfirearms »

Hobie, glad to hear from you. As a new member I have been doing a bunch of reading old threads here. I can tell that this is a very good bunch of people here. Most other firearms forums are full of arrogant know it alls. This group truly feels like they are here to share and learn. Unfortunately, people are getting worse at showing manners online. Im not sure what the cause is. But, just remember that there are real people on the other end of the conversation and treat them like you would in a face to face talk.
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by gamekeeper »

historicfirearms wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:53 pm Hobie, glad to hear from you. As a new member I have been doing a bunch of reading old threads here. I can tell that this is a very good bunch of people here. Most other firearms forums are full of arrogant know it alls. This group truly feels like they are here to share and learn. Unfortunately, people are getting worse at showing manners online. Im not sure what the cause is. But, just remember that there are real people on the other end of the conversation and treat them like you would in a face to face talk.
Correct on all counts 8) welcome to the fire..... :D
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Chuck 100 yd »

It’s good to hear from an old friend.
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Twodot »

I, for one, have been wondering "Why don't he write?"
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Re: Stopped by to say hello...

Post by Ysabel Kid »

Benjamin Franklin said it best: "if we don't hang together, we will, most assuredly, hang separately". The gun control leftists have tried to separate the gun community for years. Virginia is now the main battleground in what will be coming to all communities if we do not unite to defeat this. No matter how safe you feel your state, region, town, county - whatever - is now, Virginia should be your wake-up call.

The statists are counting on several things: people being too busy working and living their lives, too much to lose to stand and fight, and us as a group not caring if our own ox isn't being gored. That last one must be dispelled for good.

We can do our own little part here by being friendly with all, polite and respectful, and welcoming. The more our ranks swell, the more we will be able to resist the constant onslaught of the left and fight the growth of apathy on our side.

Welcome back Hobie. I'm sorry so much is happening in your life; I know this myself (different things, similar results as it applies here).
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