Rabbits under my shed.

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Rabbits under my shed.

Post by Bullard4075 »

I have one, maybe a couple rabbits burrowing under my back yard 12x12 shed. I am concerned they will weaken or disturb the 2x4 (sitting on blocks) foundation. As soon as possible I will put expanded wire screen around it but would first like to get them out. Would Mothballs deter them? I live in a subdivision so shooting them with CCI 22 CB's is a Plan C kind of thing although 2 early morning Plan C"s have been accomplished. Others have taken their place. When I have the time I may build a trap or snare. Ideas?
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by FWiedner »

Garden hose and an airgun?

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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by piller »

Powdered cayenne pepper sprinkled around the entrance.
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by crs »

Be glad they are not skunks!
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by GunnyMack »

Beg borrow or steal yourself a Jac Russell Terrier- it'll take care of your rabbits, rats, skunks, groundhogs,heffalumps whatever! Only down side is have to fill in all the holes they dig!
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by zoner »

my grandfather told me about hunting rabbits during the depression.....with his pet ferret. Ammo was expensive. He'd put the ferret in a gunny sack and when he flushed out a bunny that went to a hole hed open the sack at the hole,the ferret would go down the hole like a rocket, and shortly would drag the bunny out of the hole. Gramps would bop the bunny in the head with a walkin stick,put the bunny and the ferret back in the sack, and go look for another bunny. Got any neighbors or friends that have a pet ferret?
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by 44shooter »

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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by horsesoldier03 »

Pee in the hole.
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by donw »

my largest concern about rabbits is they draw larger predators; coyote, big cats...

dogs are normally a deterrent for rabbits.
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by marlinman93 »

I know a guy who will rid you of rabbits for free!

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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by piller »

GunnyMack wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:27 am Beg borrow or steal yourself a Jac Russell Terrier- it'll take care of your rabbits, rats, skunks, groundhogs,heffalumps whatever! Only down side is have to fill in all the holes they dig!
That is a small price to pay for all the fun of watching any type of terrier work.
D. Brian Casady
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by GunnyMack »

Any terrier worth it's kibble is fun to watch when it's hunting!
I sure miss my JRT! He was a hoot & a half. Not a day went by for 16 years I didn't laugh at his antics. Boy did he HATE cats!
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by Bullard4075 »

I think I have it licked. I first put flat paving blocks all around the foundation. The rabbit started digging under the blocks! I then threw some mothballs in the entrance holes (covered by the blocks) front and back and so far so good. Three days now and no holes. Interestingly enough the inside of my shed now smells like my grandmothers house. :D
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by rabbit hunter »

You lucky devil. I grew up eating fried rabbit that my dad & I hunted in southern Illinois. Of course, I was the brush pounder to flush out the rabbits until I was old enough to participate in the shooting. I wouldn't try to get rid of the rabbits. I would just try to harvest them. I don't think rabbits are destructive to out buildings at all. They are mighty good eating and more healthy than beef by a long shot.
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by GunnyMack »

I can't remember the name of the book but years ago a kid from the lower 48 decided to make a go of living off the land in Alaska. He kept a journal which was found with his remains the following spring( or longer). He starved to death by eating rabbits and other small game.
Yes small game is good table fare but lacks for vitamins/minerals that we must have to survive.
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Re: Rabbits under my shed.

Post by Camel73 »

A few years ago I came across a write up of some kind on old New York government paperwork stating that it was illegal not to own a breeding set of rabbits back in the 1930's.

I thought that was pretty interesting..
I kept it.. somewhere...
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