The libs hate the military, but they hate Trump even more...

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The libs hate the military, but they hate Trump even more...

Post by AJMD429 »

The Libs used to be so panty-knotted about the "$400 toilet seats in the Pentagon", partly due to outrage at the waste of money, but probably more likely because they hate the military too. However, their hatred for the military (and anything 'American') is DWARFED by their hatred of Trump, and their resentment of anyone with more money than they have (as spirit-less, or pseudo-spiritual bei ... fe-success). ... r-AA1yPXmx

So when super-wealthy (therefore 'bad') Elon Musk uncovers the very kind of Pentagon-waste that they would have so self-righteously virtue-signaled their indignation over if it were 20 years ago, under the direction of Bad Orange Man, the problem isn't the waste - it's Bad Orange Man and Bad Rich Man... :roll:
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