So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

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So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by AJMD429 »

So who actually fired those missiles at Russia...?

Looks like the Biden (Obama) administration and RINO people want war if that’s what it takes to derail Trump.
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Re: So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by Ray »

We have a native son who came home from moscow on sabbatical and spoke at a senior citizen civic group. He has been there for nigh-on three decades and now speaks fluent russian. He married a russian lady and has several children including a nonverbal autistic daughter. Apparently the family health/welfare folk over there do not recognize autism as a reality. Anyway he had no idea what was going on in ukraine due to news blackouts and propaganda. The mail from home ceased to be delivered once excerpts of the western news reports were sent.

Anyhow, 85+% of russians think that "the little jew" as they refer to zalinski is a fascist and a traitor. Kiev is sacred to the history of russia as it is where the invading norsemen spawned with the native slavs to become "the rus". Saint Andrew introduced Christianity there or so the claim. The cyrillic alphabet and russian language evolved in kiev not moscow. They venerate kiev as the mother of russia.

If true, it sheds a different light on things but can never excuse the murderous atrocities.....
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Re: So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by earlmck »

Whoever or whatever is calling these shots -- is a frothing lunatic and a traitor. I'm guessing it is Anthony Blinken but who really knows?
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Re: So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by Grizz »

another dimension is that nazis hate commies, and commies hate nazis. deep deep personal systemic Hatred. it's a vector that's unseen but still underneath the piles of poop on top.

hitler invaded russia because he hated and feared the stalinistas, and deluded hitler spent all his disposable resources in russia slash ukraine.

there appears to be a dimension of pay-back-ism going on for grievances that are hundreds of years in the making -_-_

there is a simple solution coming, but the arrival date is uncertain . . . some believe that the train has already left the station - - -
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Re: So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by Tycer »

Well, how secret and important is the technology and launch codes? I’m hearing that the clearance level is sky high for our guys and the info is siloed. Gonna share that with anyone?
Scott Horton and Nial Ferguson are going to debate the history of US involvement tomorrow night on zerohedge YouTube 7pm eastern
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Re: So was it the US, or Ukraine, firing those misfiled last night at Russia…?

Post by Ray »

Tycer wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 1:27 am Well, how secret and important is the technology and launch codes? I’m hearing that the clearance level is sky high for our guys and the info is siloed. Gonna share that with anyone?
Scott Horton and Nial Ferguson are going to debate the history of US involvement tomorrow night on zerohedge YouTube 7pm eastern ... b3J0b24%3D

I haven't finished it yet but it reinforces the idea that accepted, settled history is just who's textbook got the school contract(s).
m.A.g.a. !
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