Best scope for 22 rifles

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Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by RIHMFIRE »

Well boys, my eyes are not what they used to be, so I need your advice on the best budget scopes for older 22's
Remington 511, Stevens/Savage 87D, the old click clack model, Marlin 60, mossberg 342k, etc
stuff like that with 3/8" dovetail. Thanks
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by GunnyMack »

Many moons ago I got a fixed power 6x that has since been on a 10/22. Been so long I forget what brand it is! Oh wait, it's a Weaver scope. It's been a reliable setup.
Depending on the rifle a 1.5- 4, or a 2-7 would be my choices. Sometimes a tad bit more magnification is desirable. Granted a 4x can and will do just fine.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by coyote nose »

I love those old 22s. Have owned several over the years. I find any of the older Weavers look and work perfectly on these, and they can often be found cheap at gun shows. The minimum I would use would be a Weaver C4 or C6. These have a flared objective end thus more light gathering ability and they look cooler than the B series (B4 B6) which were straight tubed. At gun shows I often get these for 10-15$ but would not do more than 20 for a good one, even with mounts. Next up would be a Weaver D4. Again a correct period scope and really better than the C models. I find these usually starting at $20 but personally would not go above $30, these may or may not have mounts. The variable version is called the V22. Again in the 25-30$ range. On all these suggestions I want to stress the warning that before you buy look it over carefully. These scopes often were on a boys first rifle and of course boys being boys they took a lot of abuse. Look for separated lenses (rainbow rings inside the lens, milky optics internally (can be cleaned but a quagmire if you dont know what you are doing), dents, scratches, broken or crooked crosshairs, crosshairs NOT inline with the adjustment screws....canted I mean (my pet peeve), and dont forget to look at the adjustments to make sure plastic housings have not been cracked, especially on the C series. Despite these warnings there are a LOT of these scopes out there so be picky, dont listen to the dealers hype about why HIS C4 or D4 is worth $50. These things are everywhere.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by Drawdown »

Good advice on the Weavers! I've squirrel hunted all my life with 22lr, and 99% of that time has been with one of two Weavers. Mostly an old Weaver V22 which I got in the late 70's. I still have it here somewhere, but it pretty well saw it's better days long ago. I got a new Weaver RV7, 2.5-7×28 in 2007, it's still literally perfect, but I pretty much quit squirrel hunting 10 years ago. That scope was zeroed when new, and has only been adjusted a few clicks since. I got it out and shot it this past winter and it's still on the money! But here's the real story about scopes. How you'll use it?
I've hunted most my days off a 4w, and hauling a scoped rifle on very rough roads demands the best mounts, the most important part, even a cheap scope will serve you decent if mounted right. I've used all Leupold or Warne Steel Mounts. I prefer a low power variable because when still hunting it's on 2× for off hand shooting, but if a long shot and a rest, I'll run it up to 7x.
If I was still hunting with a 22 today and looking for a new scope? If I could still get that Weaver I'd gladly buy it again, but I don't know if it's still available? If not, definitely a Leupold 2-7×28 variable, I think they still make it? Their 4x Fixed Power is excellent I know, but 4x is a little to shaky for standing off hand shots for me, I like low power, just better for accuracy! If you're just a target shooter or always shoot off a rest, a 4x or 6x fixed is hard to beat and totally dependable whereas variables can cause problems if not a quality scope!
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by marlinman93 »

I have an older Weaver 3x-9x on my bolt action .22 rifle and it's served me well for plinking and varmint hunting for over 40 years.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by jkbrea »

I have a Weaver k4 on a 10-22 that works fine. I saw on Amazon a Bushnell Rimfire. It's a 3x9 I believe with BDC reticle for 40gr bullets out to 125 yards and it's $69 on Amazon. I was going to get it but was given a Sig Whiskey5 scope for free.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by AJMD429 »

Keep in mind that there are a lot of different adapters, ranging from 1 inch or even 30 mm scope rings that will fit the rimfire dovetail, to nifty little sections of Weaver rail that slip over the dovetail and lock in place. I like using quality centerfire scopes on 22s if the 22 accuracy is up to the task.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by AmBraCol »

I put a Skinner Sights 1-6 scope on my grandson's Savage. LOVELY scope that's worked quite nicely for us. Unfortunately their optics page is missing in action. Not sure what's up with that.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by zoner »

My 22 rimfire rifle is easy open Contender frame with 21"22lr Match barrel. The scope is Weaver K3 and works perfect for the shots I take (0-50 yds) with that rifle. Over 50 yds I move up to the 22 KHornet.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by Sixgun »

The old Weavers are tough built scopes and can be picked up cheap but……they lack the clarity and repeatability of modern scopes…there’s a world of difference between them……just spend a few more bucks and get a Nikon, Vortex or a Leupold……it doesn’t have to be a top of the line $1,000 scope. Don’t fool with old scopes……….
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by Drawdown »

Like I said, I haven't researched Rimfire Scopes in lotta years. But I did lotta searching 5 years ago for the best centerfire scope for the money? And I got two them, for my 30-06 and 270's! A Burris Fullfield ll, which I got in 3-9×40. I couldn't be any happier I know in a Leupold Vari3 series which cost near 3x more! I got both from Natchez, the first for 149$ the second less than year later for aprox $20-25 ? more! Reason I mention this, maybe they have a RF Series in same lineup, idk? But a good centerfire scope is fine on a rimfire! But if you're a rimfire hunter, and especially as I was, a squirrel hunter, parallax is important, the killzone on a gray squirrel, whether head or vitals, is really an 1" circle, 1.5" at most according to angle! And most centerfire scopes are parallax adjusted to 100yds, idk maybe more? Or you can pay for plx adjustable? But my Weaver RV7 us if I remember set at 50yds. And often in hunting shots, you'll not look perfectly centered in the scope!
But there was nothing but praise from lotta good gun writers on the Burris FF ll series, them being made in the Philippines, whereas most scopes are Japan, or other Asian countries, and I think most Burris scope also, some them I'm sure! But the Philippines gun supply factory's are turning out quality products. I read where John Barness stated, he liked the FF ll 8n every aspect as the mid priced Leupolds!
But as too buying an old used scope? Don't! Unless you know buyer for sure and his use of the scope! Literally! Otherwise, I'd go with Leupold!
If for only target shooting? Occasionally having to rezero no big deal! But to hunter, a scope that can't take abuse and hold zero is worthless!
The last time I did any serious hunting with my CZ 452 & Weaver RV7 was 2016 our spring season. I didn't check the rifle before. But one hunt I killed 5, mostly off hand shots on 2.5x. Last I hunt was about same, but I shot one, standing leaning against a tree, a squirrel sitting on limb looking right at me. Dead center between eyes, ranged with rangefinder after shot, 62yds!
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by RIHMFIRE »

Well, I put a vintage Marlin model 850 2-5x20 made in 1970 on my marlin 60.
I was shocked to see on-line what some guy wants for his. :o
I used Warne scope rings, 1" med. I may have to change that to lows.
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by Drawdown »

Hey, I love it, I remember those! Hope it holds for you! I visited an old friend few weeks back. He got a new Mod 70 Win, aprox 1975, and wasn't long after we started work together. I shot that rifle, but it wasn't scoped yet. We'll other day we was talking, and got that M70 out and it was scoped right after I shot it. With the famous Redfield 3-9×40, the TV screen lens! He's lot older me, don't hunt anymore or shoot much. I tried diligently to buy that scoped! No way, he's leaving for his boy. I know that scopes spent 99% of its days in a gun safe, and no 4w riding! Love to have it, and those high gloss scopes of the 60's-70's!
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by Grizz »

ya only need ONE. Just transfer it to any of the other 21 rifles as needed . . . :roll:
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by RIHMFIRE »

Grizz wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:26 pm ya only need ONE. Just transfer it to any of the other 21 rifles as needed . . . :roll:
Yeah, but its more fun to have One for each! :wink:
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Re: Best scope for 22 rifles

Post by 44shooter »

I have a Burris compact 2-7x on my 77/22, both mid 80s vintage. I hunt on 4x and rarely change it.
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