Ny police officer shot

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Ny police officer shot

Post by 4t5 »

Watching the funeral of the young officer, I got to thinking , why can’t the family sue the da in new york (personally) for MAL PRACTICE, the perp was released earlier, I don’t think it’s been done before , but if you can sue a doctor for negligence why not the da?
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Re: Ny police officer shot

Post by GunnyMack »

That's an interesting question...

Was good to see that HEROs uncle tossed the governor out! She could care less- just a photo op for her
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Re: Ny police officer shot

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

Prosecutors are generally immune from suits regarding prosecutorial decisions.

Prosecutorial immunity.

https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/si ... jc0168.pdf

There’s a paragraph in this AG opinion explaining it.
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Re: Ny police officer shot

Post by wvfarrier »

Judges and Prosecutors have Absolute Immunity as long as their decisions were within legal guidelines
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Re: Ny police officer shot

Post by Ysabel Kid »

Another example of what they do not being against the law - but about as morally corrupt as one could get. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Ny police officer shot

Post by COSteve »

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