Lookout Sixgun...

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Lookout Sixgun...

Post by AJMD429 »

...bad guy on the loose in Pennsylvania. I heard on the news that someone shot at him but missed....were you using one of your Rossi's...??? :lol:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2 ... ed-inmate/
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by Sixgun »

Funnier than heck Doc…….last week me and mom cruised through the area which are basically “old money” estates……cops everywhere along with news people……..bunch of fat cops standing around talking not doing much……a horse painted bright orange could have walked right past them unnoticed…..

Then about 4 days ago we took another drive past the famous Longwood Gardens at nighttime, the former home of a DuPont which is heavily forested…in this one bean field which was around 12 acres or so the cops had a car every 75 yards with their lights pointed into the bean field. I’m guessing the beanfield plants were about 2-3’ high……..I laughed like crazy as the little “beaner” could have belly crawled out between the cars and back into the forest……

He was sighted near everyday and eluded them easily, breaking into houses for eats and drinks then took a nap after a couple of cold beers.

Me and mom were laughing like crazy at that point as we both knew that’s all was needed was a couple of hillbillies with double barreled shotguns and a half dozen bloodhounds. After all, he was sighted a lot and leaving behind trash and clothing for the dogs to get the scent….

350 cops with the latest in technology and helicopters can’t catch a 5’ beaner with no knowledge of the area in a 2 mile “sealed” perimeter zone….then he stole a refrigerated van that was in the perimeter zone and relaxed in air conditioning and drove right through them all………and no one noticed…..what a fiasco.

Did you see the guy crab walking up the side of the prison in broad daylight?….he got to the top and over the razor wire by throwing a shirt or something on it…..and he walked on down the hall, as Jim Morrison said.

Rossi? Come on, even you guys admitted in another post that “cheap is too expensive” and how much cheaper can you get with a Rossi?….a better use for them is to hold up bean plants….I heard he was offered the use of a Rossi but he said he could depend on a piece of bamboo better.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by COSteve »

Yep Sixgun, my 2ea .357mag Rossis are cheap junk. I've only run about 8K rds through each since 2009 when I got them, they can't hit a bowling pin at 400yds but they can at 300 and 200, they both feed .38spl and .357mag smooth as glass and they're so unreliable that I've not had a single problem with either one. Yep, junk.

Oh by the way, I bought a 1963 Winchester model 94 new in 30-30 and besides the sloppy action and mediocre trigger, the loading gate would hang up open at times. That, and you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it at 20 ft. I couldn't wait to get rid of it. So yep, my Rossis aren't as good.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by Sixgun »

The cops caught him today after 2 weeks…….while I’m pro LE, the show they put on today was an absolute disgrace…..first, this guy who they were looking for had nothing but his wits and after 10 days in a so called sealed perimeter with the latest technology and THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPS……he eluded them and made for a get away in a refrigerated van that was IN the perimeter zone.

Then the little 5’ guy who weighed 125 pounds made it to an area 20 miles away 3 or 4 days ago but this time there were FOUR HUNDRED COPS. The cops did not catch him…the dogs did……without the dogs he’d still be running.

Then the cops paraded him in the cameras like he was a 50 point buck that weighed 700 pounds. There was a group picture with about a hundred cops in camo all with M-4 carbines with a big “thumbs up” like they saved the world.

Disgusting, pitiful, egotistical , and woefully undertrained would be a better description for these cops.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by kaschi »

Didn't that guy who shot at him also have a gun stolen out of his garage by the convict?

That was a pretty amazing stunt how that little turd escaped from the prison. With an act like that, he could've made it to the America's Got Talent stage. Watched the footage on local news here.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by Sixgun »

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention”……we think guns and convicts think escape……..and that cat climbed up the wall like we climb stairs…

He did steal a ..22 rifle but I didn’t see no mention of it during his capture. Word has it that he tried to shoot a squirrel for meat but the gun jammed up tight….they didn’t mention what brand of gun it was but they said it was an import from South America.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by junkbug »

I am not praising him, but his captors and hunters seriously underestimate him.

I agree, they have very little to be proud of. I did see a picture of that .22 with a flashlight on it, in one of the LEO hands.

I guess they are just very glad it is over. And nobody was shot or killed.

When he returns to the penitentiary, he will be a legend, after many days of solitary confinement.
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by jkbrea »

He did steal a ..22 rifle but I didn’t see no mention of it during his capture. Word has it that he tried to shoot a squirrel for meat but the gun jammed up tight….they didn’t mention what brand of gun it was but they said it was an import from South America.

Ok....that's funny s**t. !
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by kaschi »

Word has it he's in Camp Hill Prison now, the same place Uncle Jerry Sandusky spent some time. That's supposed to be where all prisoners are admitted into the system and processed before going to other prisons (unless they stay in Camp Hill).
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Re: Lookout Sixgun...

Post by Sixgun »

Yea, like JKbrea says, he’s going in a windowless 6x9 with nothing but his thoughts to occupy him while the cops who restrained him after the dogs found him are celebrating in bars telling everyone how “bad” they are. My personal belief is that once cops were required to have a degree it all went to hell…….that’s the personal words told to me by the chief of Linwood Pa about 25 years ago. Todays cops just don’t have the street smarts it takes in some situations……

Most people out of the area don’t see the local news which the big networks pick up and piece it together to suit their needs……….I saw a bit of it myself ….cops lined up 3’ apart with sniper rifles on a bridge when they should have been in the bush…
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