1 - Any member can post here according to the rules.
2 - Posts subject to editing/deletion by the management to comply with the rules.
3 - List transaction desired in topic e.g.
- FS = For Sale
- FS Elsewhere = items listed in other forums. (Include a link directly to the classified post in the other forum)
- WTB = Wanted to Buy
- WTT = Wanted to Trade
- AUCTION ALERT (for items listed on an auction site).
5 - Only comments pertaining to consummating a transaction such as, "send me a PM" or "more photos of the receiver top, please", or "I'LL TAKE IT!" are permitted on the listing. Of course the seller is permitted to answer those questions about the item.
6 - Do not repeatedly list an item. If you want it on the top, bump it with a "BTT" post.
7 - All members are instructed to follow the law as it/they apply to both the seller and buyer. If you don't know the law, ask.
8 - Topics will self-prune or disappear in 10 days from date of last post. If you want your item to appear longer a "BTT" post is recommended.
9 - Comments recommending a seller (or not) are permitted but will be subject to the auto-pruning this forum does. I suggest such comments be posted in the General Discussion forum.
The rules may change as warranted.
EXAMPLE of proper/acceptable topic title: " FS in NY - Quackenbush .22 Rifle" If you wish to combine actions it would be "FS or WTT in NY - Quackenbush .22 Rifle"
10 - Unfortunately, due to our crummy search engine, a need to standardize the topic title format to aid in searching for items, AND posters' apparent lack of desire to follow the rules we will, as of now, not be editing posts to comply but will simply delete posts or topics. There will be no notice about the error(s), there will be no warning, there will be no additional effort on the moderators' part whatsoever. If a post/topic disappears you may assume that you did not, in some way, follow the rules. Yes, you must tailor your post to this forum and not simply cut and paste from other forums/e-mails. Sorry. I do not have the time to correct each and every topic title or post.
If you have questions, complaints or remarks, e-mail the moderator or administrator. Generally speaking questions about an item should be answered in the forum rather than in a PM so as to provide all potential buyers with the same information. Of course, information you wish to keep private should be passed in the PM or email.
Good Luck!