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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

HAVE A GREAT DAY Kristy and thanks for all the good Juju you sent my way...... :D
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Haha thanks buddy!
I will surely let her know.
We had a good day yesterday. We all went over my parents place for dinner. Mom cooked the whole shindig. We had a nice time. My parents place is really nice, so people would think we are a normal family at first glance.
However, they would soon see we are horrible, merciless people, with no regard for society. :D
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

Yes at first glance people mistake me for a civilised person too.... :lol:

Glad you all enjoyed the day, all I did was mow the lawn before a heavy shower of rain and then rescue the landlady's Tortoises from the rain...
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Old Savage »

Happy Birthday to the lovely young lady.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

I might as well get on the bandwagon…..GK sends his juju but I have it in reality……..

They claim if your birthday comes in the first 5 days of the month, you are destined for a life of a king or queen….

Rain for the next 3 days…solid…….April showers brings on the juju.—-00

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

First 5 days huh? I just missed it.
Story of my life.

Well, at least the wife made it, so we're covered. :D
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Well then, you’re on the cusp… is the first, I’m the 5th (hence “first 5 days”.,

I tell ya bro….winter was tough, now it’s rain. There’s only been a handful of days this year where it was comfortable being outside.

You know that nasty looking half blind fox I posted the other day? Last night I went out the back door to do something, then I walked around the garage to the front yard, spot lights came on automatically and there’s this fox standing in the grass looking at me from about 15’ away…never moved.

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Hey don't feel bad. We got more snow coming this week.
That fox stayed cause he knows you feed him.
Years ago, my buddy that ran the gunshop would take his leftovers every morning and give them to a fox that stayed in a culvert at an intersection. Every time she heard my buddy's truck she would come out. She had a litter of kits and they would all come out too. Cutest things you ever saw.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

Born on the 31st of the month so no wonder I have always struggled... :lol:

Foxes I have found have an inquisitive nature, one of my favourite critters as long as they left my birds alone.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Foxes are cute animals despite their nastiness of occasionally dropping off a load of Nancy Pelosi on the walkway. Sometimes they even drop a load right in the food bowl. I felt kind of “s-+/(y 2 months ago after shooting that fox in front of the house but the weather was very cold and that fox had 0 (Zero) hair on him…….looked like one of those cholupas or whatever they are called from Mexico……

Talk about rain……..the front yard looks like a lake……

On the next decent day we have I’ll take some pictures of the cannons that George Washington left behind…(buried) The so called “Battle of the Brandywine” didn’t actually happen along the river except for a few skirmishes …….most all of it happened in open fields on the east side of the river which are marked today……driving past horses occupy these fields today……there’s lots of “old money” here and these families didn’t sell out to the government.

Many of these old money farms still have first growth oaks on them…meaning they were standing during our revolution……one of these trees became a feud between the township and the owners of an oak that’s like 10’ in diameter…..the tree stood next to the road and was rotting. When it was inspected the township discovered 4 illegal immigrants living inside of it, complete with a TV and washing machine. (I made that last part up)

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

I knew you made it up.....illegals don't wash their clothes. The taxpayers just buy em more.

So today I figured I'd do a little fork maintenance on my trail bike. Oil looks pretty nasty. I'm sure it was the original oil. So now I'm sitting on my butt. Just gotta put in the new oil and set the height. Then put it back together.
I mean hey!'ll probably be spring in a couple months. :D
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Those springs look like the recoil spring from an SKS.

Yea…the more S you have the more maintenance. Maintenance takes up a good 30% of my day and if you don’t do it, it piles up and soon becomes 100% of your day……….or…… can be like my 2 brother in laws…..they maintain nothing, including their houses and just come to see me when they need something……..I don’t think either one of them kept a car longer than 3 years. Backyards full of junk with riding mowers with 300 hours on them.

That’s why today neither one of them bother me anymore as I told them both to start maintaining their equipment…..well, one don’t ask me anymore because he’s dead and while living he didn’t maintain his body either and the other one has one foot in the grave and the other on a slick of synthetic slip oil……and he’s 6 years younger than me……
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Yup. There's such balance in nature. Most times, you can look at a guys stuff and tell a lot about him. Like you said, if they don't maintain their stuff, they don't take care of themselves either.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

That's my wife.
Me......? I get out the instructions for my grandsons Hot Wheels track. I spread out all the pieces to identify and get in order.
That's why I'm a machinist. It's also why, when I put something up for sale, it's gone immediately to someone who knows me.

Well, it's back at it again. Freakin whiteout conditions this morning. There's about 6 inches down now and it's supposed to keep going till tomorrow.
Hopefully the snow will be gone by 4th of July weekend.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

My ex GF would buy shelving etc in kit form, she only let me put it together as she said her future son in law either broke bits or had parts left over...
When I was a kid I used to build plastic models of old aeroplanes etc then I found some lifesize model revolvers from Japan complete with full instructions in Japanese but at least I had a bit of knowledge of how they worked even back then.

I'm sure you will be complaining about the heat by the 4th July... :lol:
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

I used to do models too. There were some cool ones back in the 70s.

Haha I bet I'll be complaining before that!
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

Hey has someone locked Sixgun in his new shed :?:

I will be on the move again in May, my son rang and said it's all systems go I have just got to wait for them to fit a new carpet and install a new log burner. :D
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

I don't know. Summer is in full swing down there so he's probably busy outside.

That's great news buddy! I'm really happy for you. Not only will you have a place more suitable for you, but your kid will be close by. Good stuff.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Old Savage »

Earthquake near Sixville. 4.8
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Old Savage wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:52 am Earthquake near Sixville. 4.8

Yea…..and I slept through it……the phone was ringing from my in laws…..what? Me worry?….A.E.Neuman

On a different note, mom asked me last night to put the tray of chicken breasts into the oven…….I opened the oven and there was a half loaf of bread in there. I asked mom what she wanted to do with the bread and she said throw it outside…….i grabbed the bread and it was hard as a rock so I took it into the garage and had to use the drill press to drill a hole in it. Came in and asked mom how long was that bread in there and she says, “about a week”. That’s some tough bread and I knew not to chastise mom or she’d make me eat the bread for a week.

I had lots of fun today with the equipment…..I was in the mud…pulled out a guy stuck in the mud next door. Told me he’ll cut the price in half this summer with his backhoe for another cleaning of the pond…..yep….thats how us rednecks/country folk live….we don’t get all dressed up and go to charities or go to the theater in Philly. When we do eat out we cook something on a hot plate and eat it outside in our Jeep with the air conditioning and radio on….aint much, sometimes it’s lettuce or other food that that restaurants throw in the dumpster.


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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Holy smokes! Is that green grass?
Well, at least we didn't get snow like last time. Only 8 inches or so. They got it worse down to the coast. Lots od wind and power outages too. Good place for it, stinking yuppies.
Back to work now. I never got up to camp this week. Hopefully there isn't any more there than we got.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Green Grass….Out My Window… Gary Lewis and the Playboys….

I cut 2 weeks ago but only here and there….cut the backyard today…….

And you’re still getting snow! aaaannnndddd your working….just a few more years bro….it hard, very hard…been there…….

Did you hear we had an earthquake this morning? I slept through it around 10 am…4.8 I think…..

Still cold though…high of 48 and it got down to 38 last night………
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Long time before I'll be mowing.
I heard about the earthquake. Didn't feel anything up here. We've had little tremors a few times in my lifetime, but it's barely noticeable. A log truck going by does just as much.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

Just mowed the landlady's lawn before it rained, mowed it less than a week ago the grass here is on steroids, 59f here....
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Walt »

A high wind warning came with the forecast here. Apparemtly parts of NM are supposed to experience "hurricane-like" winds which will move up through Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. It's been pretty windy here, "blustery" as Pooh would say but hurricane-strength? Nah.... 43° here at the moment but it should warm up nicely tomorrow.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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" Blustery" is what we have here at the moment but the temperature reached 60f for while.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

We got a snowstorm Wednesday and Thursday and it's supposed to be close to 60 Monday. I can feel the sinuses already.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

I got up in a good mood…walk outside and came back in……..finally, a day without rain but 40 mph winds……Im gonna move to N.M. and live in Walt’s shed.

On another note the flags I buy are made by the Valley Forge flag company. ..4 X 6…….$42….. These are the only ones that last…about a year…..I was thinking some years back on how to make them last longer as it’s usually somewhat windy here……..when I get a new one I spray it with a full can of clear lacquer……it will get me another 6 months to a year…….got a new one and just completed the spray.

Notice I have Walt’s air compressor…….a bro must be the graphic designer …”de Walt”.

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Ha! Great minds....
When you said how to make it last longer, I immediately thought, "clear coat it".

Nice! A Deeeee....Walt Air compressor.

I have a DeWayne. They are made in Cornville and cost $29.95. Sounds cheap, but you have to feed and water them. There's just an air fitting coming into my garage, but you have to have a little closed in box outside. If you're feeling generous, you can insulate it or put in a window. There's usually a 400lb trogladyte Cornville gal powering it. A good one can put out about 12.5 CFM at 150lb. You can have 2 outputs, but it cuts the CFM in half and one output isn't "filtered" if you catch my drift.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Walt »

I hate to rain on your parade, Six but the wind has been howling here for days. Must be that Global Winding.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Global winding? Great!! Another way for the liberals to make a mint…. I tell you guys, when I got up 20 minutes ago there was a lot of “in-house winding”.

You know Walt, you’re really doing good….as to fitting in with the Black Sheep Squadron”. Our motto is, “what, me worry”? and our mascot is Alfred E. Neuman.

$29.95 for a “DeWayne”……around here they are free for the taking. Drive about 10-12 miles east and there are large concentrations of them, most have a “biggie bag” of greasy chips hanging next to their EBT cards…

Dewayne huh? Mmmmmmm….there is an upgrade to the DeWayne but they are expensive, around $100……….Its sold by DeWayne’s sister and
goes by the brand name, DeLackaquisha. I’ve never seen a new one and the ones I did see have marks on them like they were in someone’s garage for awhile.

Looks like nice weather outside for a change…..60…semi sunny…….
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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I have to take some time off the board for today……My tuxedo came in and we are going to a democratic fund raiser and dinner. It costs $50,000 a ticket……and then we are going to the theatre to watch a Chinese ballet……….then we are due to be on the air telling everyone how to live their lives while we get ready to take Mark Zuckerberg’s yacht to the South of France for a film festival. They set us up with Barbara Streisand at her table…

Then it’s back to Kalifornia for some forum editing.

OK, we have this Senator that us Pa people were bashing something terrible…..John Fetterman who looks like Strek……….well, I tell ya, it’s in the news about Fetterman claiming, “these people from my party are going crazy and I will not get on the wagon with their thoughts.” He continued by saying “I am NOT woke and I’m in favor of Israel.”

He might not be too bad after all.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Is he back to wearing his baggy gym shorts and hoodie?
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Well Six, you are a little late for last night’s opera, La Boheme.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Looks like it was a packed house.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

"Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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They are sitting in the Dress Circle box seats on the left circled in purple. Since the house lights aren’t down yet I assume it was early.

But Costa Mesa ain’t Cornville so …
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Next week we are going to see Sting and Billy Joel, more my style - San Diego.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

That sting and Mr piano are both as worthless as testicles on a priest…….

No Walt…..he’s been wearing a suit. Congress had no other choice as his sweat pants haven’t been washed since Noah’s Ark. This guy, his wife and a slew of kids live in the showroom of a defunct car dealership. Give him about 2 years and he will be living in a mansion like other politicians.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

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Well, don’t know anything Sting has done but … he does sing in English. No subtitles required as in La Boheme. Billy Joel I have always liked. He kind of gets into the area of social commentary which is a lot of what Six does ;-)
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Walt »

What I like to do....
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

Oh Lordy, Lordy …….who is that Walt? YOU are the consummate “man of all things cool”…….

Not much going on here other than Governor Newsome stopping over to get his 2 million dollar check for his re-election …….I threw in a little extra for LGBTQ+ festivities. Then it’s off next week to hug some trees with the crew from “Drag Queens” for some S&M…….I love Kalifornia.

According to an MSN article I just read Kalifornia has a 68 billion dollar deficit……the people are moving out and then Newsome comes on and says more people, per capita from Florida are moving to Kal. than the other way around…..Ha! the ones moving out of kal. are multimillionaires and the ones moving in are less that parasites.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

We BARELY got in with the 4 wheeler yesterday. I got the tractor fired up and started easing that up the road. I got it to the corner and only had trouble in one spot. Took some patience and a little back and forth, but I got through it.
I left it at the corner and then really struggled getting us out the rest of the way with the wheeler.
Headed back up with the trailer this morning while it's still froze to get the tractor out and home for maintenance.
It was some nice at camp yesterday. Couldn't believe it, I think it was 60. Crazy! Then we had a 3 minute night. That was weird. They said there was 10,000 people in Jackman yesterday. The population is 700. WTH? Traffic backed up here in town and all along the 201 corridor. They said they counted licence plates from 28 states, including Alaska. For a stupid eclipse? People must really not have anything to do. Around here, all the locals were just going about their business.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Walt »

That's my sweet wife, Six. She's 65...
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by gamekeeper »

You're a Lucky man Walt.... :D

I was grocery shopping today and nearly bumped into a 6 or 7 year old little girl who appeared to be stuffing a semi auto pistol inside her coat :shock: then I noticed two plastic Katana swords strapped to her back :o so I assumed the pistol was also a toy.. :lol: over here orange tips are not required and some kids guns look awful real...but what seemed strange is I hardly ever see young boys playing with cap guns... :(
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Sixgun »

That eclipse th7ng is waaaayyyy overrated unless you’ve never seen one……I wanted to see this latest one as it was a 92 %er…..but……I slept through it…..didn’t matter as my SIL said it was cloudy and no one noticed anything……..

Walt….you have a gem there… order to look that good your wife obviously took good care of herself. There’s just somethin’ about leather pants……looks like you and Jay have the best “lookers” on the board……..mine used to be and that leads me to recite a joke:

A long married woman asked her husband for 20G’s for a breast enlargement operation. He told her that’s a waste of money and to just rub toilet paper between her breasts everyday……after 6 months she told her husband it’s not making a difference and what gave him the idea that it would work……He told her, “well, you’ve been rubbing toilet paper between your “cheeks” and look how big that got….

I thought toy guns were outlawed in the UK…….Kalifornia outlawed plastic straws NOT because a certain segment of the population threw them out the window but because spitballs gained more velocity with plastic that’s paper.

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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Hey! Walt done real well. Good for you buddy!

Got the tractor home and I'm my garage. Now it's maintenance time and getting it ready to head back to the woods. Ran and got a top link and got my log skidder attachment all mounted. Slick! Gonna work great.

I do a little o' that too Walt!
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by Walt »

Thanks, guys!

Yep, my wife is an exercise nut just because she loves it and it makes her feel good. She exercises here at home and also for work for hours every day. She runs a fitness/wellness program for about 65 civilian (non-military) police officers who provide security for Sandia Nat'l Labs. If they don't pass the annual qualifications that she administers they have to turn in their guns and badges so she keeps them whipped into shape.

Jay, the snow coming from your property must be deeper than it looks cuz I can see where your punkin was dragging. I see you're running with chains. Mine is mostly a summertime toy since the forest service doesn't open the gates to the old logging roads until late April or early May. I always get pretty antsy at this time of year for them to open 'em up and let us in. I'm ready. There are trees blown down across the road in the spring so I always bring the chain saw.
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Re: Chairmen of the Politically Incorrect

Post by OldWin »

Yup, it's deep. Even my tractor struggled in spots. JD770 4x4 with the differential locked.
I didn't want to use the sled as I have my storage fuel in it. The ground is bare back from the road a ways, and the dooryard of the camp is a mess cause I plowed it with the tractor this winter.
Next is mud season. Even when the snow is gone, roads are impassable cause the frost is going out and it's basically a bottomless quagmire. It's dicey till around memorial day. Depends on where you are. That's why I wanted the tractor out now.
"Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
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