Ejector mods for Rossi M92 rifle

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Ejector mods for Rossi M92 rifle

Post by flightsimmer »

Hi guys and girls;

I thought I would document the modification I made to my Rossi model 92 ejectors in both of my rifles.
First off I deburred the bolt and the ejector itself and then replaced the spring with one I purchased from Sears hardware dept.
It still ejects the brass and/or cartridges but it doesn't throw them into the next county anymore.
The old 38/357 spring was .240" O.D., .150" I.D., .800" long and made with .042" wire.
You can see the dimensions of the new spring in the picture below but get the 1" spring instead of the 1-1/4" one.
The short black spring was from the 38/357 and the longer black spring was from the 45 Colt. I don't think that means anything in particular.
I hope this helps if your having the same problem and it saves you some money.


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