.30-30 powders?

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.30-30 powders?

Post by jnyork »

I shoot 125 Sierra bullets in my .30-30 for silhouette, I have run out of 4895 powder but have several others that might do. What are you guys using? Thanks
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by GunnyMack »

I keep finding IMR4895 just shoots good, an oldie but a goodie!
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JBowen »

I use 3031 with the 170 grain and W248 with the 150 grain bullets. I bought some Leverevolution to try but have not.

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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JimT »

With 170 gr. and 130 gr. bullets
I use 3031 a lot
Also Winchester 748
and H-335
and LEVERevolution

With heavy cast bullet RCBS #30-180-FN
IMR 4350

Best accuracy was with H335
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by earlmck »

I just laid in a couple jugs H335 so I can keep the fambly AR's running through the coming hard times. That'd do real fine for light 30/30 jacketed stuff. Powder Valley seemed to have plenty.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JimT »

I found some of the best accuracy with 190 gr. cast bullet using H335.

RCBS #30-180-FN
cast bullet sized .311" and using Hornady gas checks
(these weighed right at 190 gr. in my alloy)
26 gr. --- 1796 fps average of 10 shots ...
Very consistent and accurate load
I used this load to shoot the White Buffalo at the Whittington Center ... 1123 yards. That took some work! :roll: :lol:
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by ywaltzucanrknrl »

I generally throw my charges for the 30-30 or load them on a progressive, so I use powders that meter well. I like LeverEvolution, but not for light bullets. For 125's and 130's I like WW748, X-Terminator, TAC, VVN130, VVN133 or H322. I think the VV powders are my favorite and they have been available consistently for the last few years. I've also used a lot of AA2230 (it was very inexpensive at one time) and tried several of their powders like 2460 and 2495, which should work well with 125's also.
I've tinkered with RL7 and the 4198's for light bullets also and I'm pretty sure you could get good results with them.

I think you have a lot of choices Jerry. Lots of powders out there that should work well. What do you have?
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Turdyturdy »

150-170 grain, BLC2, SW Tactical Rifle, W748, IMR3031.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JimT »

Most accurate load (not tested by me) was this ... fired at 150 yards from a custom Marlin 336 built by Mic McPherson. The accuracy of this load and this rifle have been demonstrated to be repeatable.
130 Speer w LVR.jpg
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Rimfire McNutjob »

AA2495 is around, but I agree with the recommendation to try one of the VV powders. They burn super clean and are generally pretty well in stock at most online retailers.

I like 3031, but not at $65/lb.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by earlmck »

JimT wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:27 am I found some of the best accuracy with 190 gr. cast bullet using H335.

Well thanks for the tip Jim. I don't think I ever used H335 with cast bullets in the 30/30. 4759 until that ran out and now 5744 which is running kinda' low. Lots of H335 on hand so I'm going to give that a go. Coupla' grand kids have joined me at our monthly "steel buffalo" shoot and I'm letting them use my favorite Marlins with that 180 grain fngc. I'll load the boys out with 26 grains of H335 and see how they do.

Rimfire McNutjob wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:18 am AA2495 is around, but I agree with the recommendation to try one of the VV powders. They burn super clean and are generally pretty well in stock at most online retailers.

I like 3031, but not at $65/lb.
3031 has been one of my "go to" powders for all my reloading career. But 3031 is a PIA to meter in my little Redding. H335 is similar burn rate, meters lots nicer and runs about $45/lb (imagine that being cheap!)
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Drawdown »

Oh yeah, about my favorite subject! I haven't tried a 125gr Sierra, but the 150gr Sierra PH is probably one my most accurate bullets in all 3 my 30-30s. Especially with near a Max load of LVR. I've used LVR, 3031, Varget, W748, imr4895, and A4064.
I'd gladly settle for LVR if I had to settle upon one powder! And A4064 is a very accurate powder in 30-30, but to be honest I haven't experimented with it much except with 150gr and 170gr Hawk Bullets. But so is W748 & Varget, it'd take some tweaking of each, but I know I could get em more accurate than I'm capable of consistency with iron sights!
Best my memory I was shooting the 150gr Sierra @ 2,425fps in my Mod 64. It and the 160ftx Hornady also aprix 2,420fps, both with LVR, would be very close as far as which is most accurate? But the 130gr Speer HC is near them with 3031!
And in my Mod 94 Carbine I've just settled upon the Hornady IL 170gr & LVR, good load!
And the LVR is great with the Nosler 170gr Partitions but not as accurate as the Barnes 190gr Original & LVR!
Really haven't tried imr4895 that much either.
But every individual rifle with a choice bullet is gonna shine with a particular powder, and that's only to be found by trial!
I've recently went to a Speer 165gr HC and H4350 in my 30-06, very accurate @ 2,785fps! But that's not really much more than the 160ftx & LVR @ 2,420fps from my Mod 64 30-30! Inside 150yds, either one is sudden death when put in the right place!, but obviously the 06 will double it's range!
But I'd love to try for a elk or moose with that Barnes 190gr Original @ 2,190fps! I gotta think it's an over achiever!
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by FLINT »

3031 with 150s
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by COSteve »

For 2,000 fps 150 grn X-Treme plated plinking loads I like W760 mainly because I have an 8lb keg I got as a Christmas present from my son some years back.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by ywaltzucanrknrl »

Jim T, it's interesting that the load you listed used CCI 350's. I've used large pistol primers in several rifle cases, in fact they are all I use in my 8.15 x 46R.

I have not been able to get LVR to shoot very well with lighter bullets, either the 130 Speer or 125 Sierra, but I may have to give it a try again with some different primers and such.

Any idea the velocity on that load and how long of a barrel the rifle had?
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JimT »

It was a 22" barrel.

I use LVR with the Speer 130 gr. HotCor bullet in my 16" Trapper.
38 gr. LVR
(CCI#350 magnum pistol primers)
Winchester cases
2444 fps average

I tried 39 gr. and 40 gr. and did not get any increase in velocity. Apparently with the short barrel that is about as much powder as it will burn.

Using the CCI 350 Magnum Pistol Primers gives a velocity increase over any type of rifle primer. The Remington Large Rifle primer came the closest to matching it.

Using LVR with the light bullets, the powder should be "swirl - charged" into the case. Drop it in a funnel is such a way that it swirls around the funnel as it is entering the cartridge case.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by JDL »

Using the RCBS 30-180FNGC (191 grains), I have found H-414 powder to produce the best accuracy in 3 Marlins and one Winchester M94. Out of a 24" barrel 336 A the velocity is 1970, while in a 20" 336SC it dropped to 1953. It does leave some powder residue in the barrel but, doesn't seem to affect accuracy.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Steve in MO »

With my Hornady 150gr bullets, 35 grs. of WW748 gives me just under an inch at 50 yards, which is as good as I can do with my eyes and buckhorn sights.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Walt »

From what I've read, H414 is identical to W760.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by GunnyMack »

Burn rate chart shows 760 as slightly faster than 414. I've used 414 in the past and had good results- in 338win mag though.
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Re: .30-30 powders?

Post by Walt »

Loading manuals and burn rate charts show differing pressures and velocities with the same loads with H110 and W296 as well, although everyone insists they're the same powder. I'm a little confused there.
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