Defining when the 'good old days' were...

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Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by AJMD429 »

Some interesting data here... ... r-BB1mYttE

Makes sense that we all like the music and cars and so forth that happened during our teens.
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Eddie Southgate »

That's easy , it was when the Democrats were considered the conservatives.
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Sixgun »

Fifties to mid sixties. I went to a nice school with mostly middle class people……some were rich and a few were semi poor and I NEVER remember anyone saying, “did ya hear Mr and Mrs Smith are getting divorced? I NEVER remember anyone saying, “yea, Mr Smith is broke because he can’t find a job.”.

All my friends knew it was time to go home at 5 or 6 for dinner.

15 miles away there was a string of factories along the Delaware river, mostly union…Boeing, Scott Paper, Congoleum, PECO, Pepsi, Ford motor company, Chrysler, DuPont Industries, Sun Oil, BP oil and if you couldn’t find a good paying job in one day you were lazy and didn’t want a job.

It all went to hell with the hippie movement (yesterdays Antifa), the Vietnam War, and the Civil Rights movement…..don’t get me wrong, the Civil Rights movement was a good thing but it caused lots of division, hate and riots, especially after MLK was shot.

Criminals knew what their fate would be if they crossed the law. Very little crime in Philly when Mayor Rizzo gave his officers night sticks with the gratuitous freedom to use em.

When people have money to pay for what they need and mostly of what they want, they are happy.

I never saw a real deal knock down fight until I was 18 in the workforce. You had to go with a girl for at least a year before you know, they gave it up. Never heard of a girl getting “knocked up”

Gays and queers stayed where they belong, in the closet.

Most families in our neighborhood went to church on Sundays along with a big food spread and Ballantine or Schlitz beer that you had to open with a church key. WW2 vets ran the household and moms cooked, cleaned and did what was expected of them..stay close to the sink and that’s why women’s feet are shorter,

I have lots of fond memories growing up. Boy Scouts, camping, riding bikes, no fear. They WERE the good days.——006
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by rock-steady »

Defining when the 'good old days' were....

1949, according to Daily & Vincent.
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Grizz »

Sixgun wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:16 pm Fifties to mid sixties. I went to a nice school with mostly middle class people……some were rich and a few were semi poor and I NEVER remember anyone saying, “did ya hear Mr and Mrs Smith are getting divorced? I NEVER remember anyone saying, “yea, Mr Smith is broke because he can’t find a job.”.

All my friends knew it was time to go home at 5 or 6 for dinner.

15 miles away there was a string of factories along the Delaware river, mostly union…Boeing, Scott Paper, Congoleum, PECO, Pepsi, Ford motor company, Chrysler, DuPont Industries, Sun Oil, BP oil and if you couldn’t find a good paying job in one day you were lazy and didn’t want a job.

It all went to hell with the hippie movement (yesterdays Antifa), the Vietnam War, and the Civil Rights movement…..don’t get me wrong, the Civil Rights movement was a good thing but it caused lots of division, hate and riots, especially after MLK was shot.

Criminals knew what their fate would be if they crossed the law. Very little crime in Philly when Mayor Rizzo gave his officers night sticks with the gratuitous freedom to use em.

When people have money to pay for what they need and mostly of what they want, they are happy.

I never saw a real deal knock down fight until I was 18 in the workforce. You had to go with a girl for at least a year before you know, they gave it up. Never heard of a girl getting “knocked up”

Gays and queers stayed where they belong, in the closet.

Most families in our neighborhood went to church on Sundays along with a big food spread and Ballantine or Schlitz beer that you had to open with a church key. WW2 vets ran the household and moms cooked, cleaned and did what was expected of them..stay close to the sink and that’s why women’s feet are shorter,

I have lots of fond memories growing up. Boy Scouts, camping, riding bikes, no fear. They WERE the good days.——006
DITTOS on all that. we didn't know how great it was when we had it. It was Normal !
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Bill in Oregon »

The good old days were when I could still see, hear and pee. :( :lol:
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Griff »

What's possibly better than bein' at the wheel of a Hemi' when you're 16!
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by CowboyTutt »

I can answer that Griff!!! Being at the wheel of a '71 E Type Jaguar coup with a V12 or a '66 E Type convertible with the famous inline 6 cylinder when you are 20!!!!
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by JimT »

Being at the controls of your uncle's J3 Cub when you're 15, flying over Snoqualmie Pass!
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by GunnyMack »

I dont fall into that graph, I like 60-70s rock, 50s , classical music, old country.
The 80s and 90s music sucks, country today is too twangy for my taste.
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by Grizz »

JimT wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:33 pm Being at the controls of your uncle's J3 Cub when you're 15, flying over Snoqualmie Pass!
Absolutely. I've flown around the PNW with Dad in some of his various aircraft. Absolutely beautiful way to see the territory, island hopping to visit his friends, cruising along the flank of Mount Adams, stuff like that. Good Times :) But I weren't 15 any more . . .
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Re: Defining when the 'good old days' were...

Post by jnyork »

My Father was born in 1899, my Mom in 1906. They were always poor when poor meant something, lived a hardscrabble life in rural Wyoming, the Great Depression never ended for them. In later years my Mom was fond of saying "The only good thing about the good old days is that they're gone".
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