One MORE thing I can't figure out about 'liberals'...

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One MORE thing I can't figure out about 'liberals'...

Post by AJMD429 »

So there's a bunch of 'anti-semitic' flyers being put out in Indianapolis - ... r-BB1pJ7ky - and the article says they are from what they label 'Neo-Nazi' groups.

My 'liberal' friends seem to see a MAGA-hat under every bed, and will tell you all the 'MAGA-types' are waving Confederate flags, and that they also are 'Nazis'.

But the 'liberals' ALSO seem to hate Israel, and hate Jews accordingly. ( loving and 'inclusive'... :roll: ).

So....since these flyers are evidently saying bad things about Jews, that must mean 'liberals' think they are 'good', because to them 'Jew=bad' - but since the flyers are put out by Neo-Nazi's, then they must be 'bad' because to them 'Nazi=Trump' and 'Trump=even more bad'.

The cognitive dissonance ringing inside so-called 'liberal's heads must be enough to make them deaf - come to think of it, maybe that's why you can't carry on a logical or intelligent conversation with them.

I actually feel sorry for them, because if your spiritual, moral, scientific, and historic view of the world are constantly in conflict, it must be very disturbing, and to live with such constant anger and hate would be very stressful.

Of course if they can stay within their information bubbles, they can limit exposure to the reality that might conflict with their views, and they can project all the things THEY do and feel on their 'enemies' ( when they call conservatives 'fascists'... :roll: :lol: . That's not the pot calling the kettle black, that's the coal calling the limestone black.

Libtards just can't figure out who to hate, or who to hate the most...

Kind of like with Covid - 'big corporations'=bad, and 'big pharma'=more bad, Trump made vaccine so 'vaccine=bad', but then Libtards got spooked, so 'vaccine=good', which means 'big pharma=good'. Libtards want trans-stripper story-hour for kids because 'trans=good', and 'free speech=good', but demand censorship if it is about covid or politics, because 'information=bad'.

I think the only way to deal with liberals is to just assume they have some sort of arrested development where they stalled out at about the five-year-old level - superstitious, easily led, easily fooled, and unable to process logic.

[/rant] :wink:
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Re: One MORE thing I can't figure out about 'liberals'...

Post by Grizz »

It is far simpler than that Doc. They have deliberately tried to cancel YHWH and Yeshuah by casting off the bonds of righteousness. God said OK and gave them strong delusion, so that they believe their own lies.

They are blinded by their hatred of God. That's it.

Grab the popcorn, it will get much more better.

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Re: One MORE thing I can't figure out about 'liberals'...

Post by rock-steady »

I remember an old country pastor, many years ago, would often say, "Cheer up brothers, it's going to get a lot worse."
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Re: One MORE thing I can't figure out about 'liberals'...

Post by AJMD429 »

I think Grizz is right - to 'progressives', Government IS God... :roll:
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