300 Blackout Suppressor options

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300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by AJMD429 »

Anyone use an integrally suppressed AR barrel…?

It may shock some of the people here, but I have to be honest, and admit that in the past 50 years, I don’t think I’ve once put on a ghillie suit and traveled overseas to take out any sentries, so I don’t need anything approaching ‘total silence’ but if I ever had to fire my 300 Blk AR pistol in the house I’d like at least some reduction for ear protection and to prevent ringing/sensory loss in time of need.
Even just firing a 45 ACP once inside the house left my ears ringing for hours.

I use my Infiniti (Liberty Cans) but it is long, and as a 0.358”/9mm can, I suppose a 0.308” one could be quieter.

No money to budget at the moment but thinking ahead, they make some short cans and integrally suppressed barrels like the Leonidas uppers, that seem to be compact and ought to be decent with subsonics.
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Re: 300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by wvfarrier »

I shoot a lot of subsonic 300blk but do not own a suppressor however the 200 gr Maker Rex I load to 950fps are pretty darn mild on the ears. They expand to almost 2 full inches are are fearsome. I would have no qualms about firing them in the house and not going deaf. For me its a mental thing, I just refuse to pay $200 to own something that shouldnt be regulated and then to be on an NFA list.
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Re: 300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by Ysabel Kid »

I like the Q "Trash Panda". Yes, not integrally suppressed, but not too much additional length.

And, a tax and wait for something to save your hearing and the hearing of those around you just goes to show that our government wandered off protecting our rights a very long time ago. :evil:
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Re: 300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by Scott Tschirhart »

A second vote for the Q Trash Panda.

I shot my Mini Fix today with the suppressor just to check zero.

I have nothing but great things to say about this one.
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Re: 300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by Sixgun »

Just use a solvent trap.
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Re: 300 Blackout Suppressor options

Post by Paladin »

I have shot the Sig Rattler in 300 Blackout with subsonic ammo it is as quiet as my MP-5 suppressed shooting 158 gr IWI ammo. VERY impressive. I have two cans that will handle them, a Surefire 7.62K and an Obsidian .45. The Obsidian will do the 45-70 and 350 Legend well.

I have never worm a Gillie suit while using a suppressor

The Sig Booth with the Rattler and suppressor.
Sandi 20 Apr.jpg
The Surefire 7.62
Arch's M21.jpg

The Obsidian on a .44 Mag
Rossi .44 Mag.jpg
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