Does anyone have experience with the SAR 2000?

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Does anyone have experience with the SAR 2000?

Post by piller »

I know it is sort of a clone to the CZ75, and similar to the P35 Hi Power. It feels great in my hand, and I am trying to find a reason to not get one. Around $500 in the Atwoods near me.
D. Brian Casady
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Re: Does anyone have experience with the SAR 2000?

Post by 2ndovc »

I looked one over at one the local shops. Seems like a well made pistol and liked the feel of it. I just can't get a good grip on the tiny slide. Ended up selling a really nice CZ 75 for the same reason.

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Re: Does anyone have experience with the SAR 2000?

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Brian, I have handled the SA and the Girsan/EAA at gun shows and they feel marvelous in my hand. I have never owned or shot a Hi-Power but have been tempted many times.
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