Loss of a friend

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Loss of a friend

Post by GunnyMack »

Got a message this morning from a dear friend, her Dad passed this morning. Al was truly a great guy, sportsman, loving grandfather, father and always ready to give a hand.

My friends request is if I'd be willing to load his ashes in shotgun shells , of course I said yes. The family has had the tradition of what if affectionately known as 'Shoot S...' on Thanksgiving morning. Everyone brings a non perishable food item for the local food pantry. We eat, shoot clay birds, a few drams of adult beverages ( to ward off the chill :D ) - a good time all around.

I know ashes in shotgun shells has been done before, I'm just wondering the best way to do it. I'm thinking a Lee dipper into each shot charge. Ideas?
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Re: Loss of a friend

Post by Rockrat »

I think the lee dipper of ashes, in the shotcup first, would be a good idea and work well
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Re: Loss of a friend

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Oh my.
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Re: Loss of a friend

Post by gamekeeper »

Sorry for the loss of a friend Will, I can't help with the reloading but I know of a man who had his ashes fired from a cannon at Fort Nelson, Portsmouth. Seems like a fitting last act for a sporting man.
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Re: Loss of a friend

Post by Nath »

Sorry for your loss.

You could consider using black powder for more effect!
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Re: Loss of a friend

Post by GunnyMack »

At the request of my friend I loaded a box each of 12 & 20, each got a lee dipper of ashes.
Thanksgiving morning we will all line up and send our salute to my friends parents down range before the fun shooting begins.
I was noticing how much static the plastic hulls/wads was drawing the ashes up and out of the hull while pouring the dipper full.
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