Holster fever

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Bill in Oregon
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Holster fever

Post by Bill in Oregon »

I blame Jay and his lovely Lemat holster for the current infection, although I derived some momentum from having an Uberti 1860 arrive in the house.
I have made a few over the years, but pretty much forgot the order of business, especially when it comes to decoration, and made some rank mistakes. Still, this one came together reasonably well based on the tried-and-true manilla folder pattern process that I first read about decades ago. (Also helps to have a falling-apart copy of Rattenbury's "Packing Iron" on hand.)
I asked the fellas over at the Leather Shop at CAS City what I should put over the Fiebing's dark brown dye and was advised to use plain old olive oil. New one on me, but it seems to be working fine. Time will tell.
Now if I can find the patience to complete a few paper cartridges; it was around here somewheres but it has been a while since I have seen it ... :lol:



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Re: Holster fever

Post by 2ndovc »

Looks good from here! :D

jb 8)
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Re: Holster fever

Post by gamekeeper »

Very nice Bill 8) will you make a matching cap pouch?
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Bill in Oregon
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Re: Holster fever

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Actually considering a cartridge pouch, but once again I would have to locate my missing patience just to proceed past the paper cartridges themselves.

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Re: Holster fever

Post by JimT »

Nice work Bill! Ya done good. Rolling cartridges should be no problem for you.
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Re: Holster fever

Post by Ysabel Kid »

Awesome Bill! Glad to have caused your latest inspiration. We are all enablers here! :lol:
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