Winchester clubs

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coyote nose
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Winchester clubs

Post by coyote nose »

Recently I bought about 50 great magazines at a gun show. Copies of both "the Winchester Repeater" and "The Winchester Collector". What I find odd (and frankly...kind of dumb) is that these are the official magazines of 2 different Winchester Collecting clubs! Really? Hard to believe there was enough interest to justify 2 different national clubs! The Repeater magazine is the magazine of "The Winchester Club Of America". The Collector magazine is from "The Winchester Arms Collector Association" which I see is still around. Anyone know whatever happened to the Winchester Club of America? I can find nothing about it online. My magazines range from 1991 to 2020 (The Collector) and from 1989 to 2003 (The Repeater) so as you can see both organizations were around for awhile at the same time. Any input would be appreciated.
"...for there is a cloud on my horizon...and its name is progress." E. Abbey, 1958
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