I like the idea of a SA/DA with decocker.
Is it the one based on the 1911 design? I have an LCP....it's "just" ok.crs wrote: ↑Thu Jan 02, 2020 2:14 pm My wife has their .380 and it is slick, accurate, and best of all , easy to operate the slide.
In a gun store/range yesterday and chatting with the clerk, she showed me a Sig 380 and told me they sell a lot of them to women.
They are not cheap, but who wants a cheap auto pistol?
It is your $ and your choice!
A 320, or any other like it is not under consideration. If I get another, it will have a hammer and a decocker.JimT wrote: ↑Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:02 pm Since I don't know much of anything that I am talking about, please don't judge me too harshly or take my opinions as the gospel
First .. I am not a fan of polymer guns.
Second .. I am not a fan of striker-fired guns.
Third .. I am amazed at how cheaply built many of these are
Fourth .. I am even more amazed at the prices they charge for them.
This is the Sig P320
The metal insert in the frame is the only serial numbered part of the 320
I am not sure if you call the the firing control group or the trigger assembly or what ..
The grip module (I looked that term up) is just a hollow piece of plastic. Excuse me .. Polymer. You can replace them for about $50 to $60.
So you are paying pretty close to $500 for a slide and barrel and the trigger group.
Thanks but I will stay with my all metal antique things.
My P226 Stainless Elite has that feature and I like it alot.
Yes, and no...
Having worked there I'd say...
Well .. I wasn't kidding when I said I did not know what I was talking about. I don't think I have ever fired a Sig in my life. Not sure I've even handled one.
We live in a golden age when even the cheap guns are pretty darn good.2ndovc wrote: ↑Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:49 pm WM,
I have a Walther PPX that was also a pistol the evolved into the Creed. It was my mom's and she picked it out. It's a full sized 9mm but it was the only one in the shop that she could pull the slide back every time. It's surprisingly accurate as well and as big as a G17. Shoots better groups than my G19 or 17.
There's a big difference between the Sig polymer guns and the traditional metal framed, exposed hammer, pistols with a safety and a decocker. A good friend has a P229 that he got from a Sheriffs Deputy that I've been trying to talk him out of for some time. That pistol is perfectly reliable and a really good shooter.
a gOOD GUN BUT OVERPRICED. iF YOU WANT A DANG GOOD GUN WITH A DECOCKER , GO WITH A CZ 75BD IN 9MM OR .10MM. THESE ARE ALL STeEL FRAME AND SLIDE . i JUST BOghUT A 75D compact IN 9MM WITH A DECOCKER. tHE COMPACT IS AN ALUMINUM ALLOY FRAME FOR LIGHT WEIGHT CCW CARRY. nOT MUCH SMALLER THEN THE FULLSIZE 75BD i pICK IT UP from THE FFL TOMORROW. or better yet go to cz site for whats available the cz 75 is their flagship pistol and is world renowned by the militay and police
I should probably go down to the Toy Store/Gun Range and try a few first...
I had one of the original 99s for awhile. Ran great. Didn’t fit my hand as well as a Kframe Smith so I traded it. Many of the newer pistols have gripframes that do work with short fingers. Even with the better fit I do better with a single action trigger.wm wrote: ↑Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:43 pm https://www.atlanticfirearms.com/produc ... 999-pistol
CZ999 …… Zastva CZ not the BRNO CZ
Not a direct copy of the SIg. Kind of like it …… the way the Ruger Blackhawk is kind of like the Colt SAA
I have a Range Officer full size 9mm. If I wanted to pack around a full size 1911, this would be it. Rock Solid.Bill in Oregon wrote: ↑Mon Jan 06, 2020 9:43 am I have never been a huge fan of the Sigs, especially the polymer wonders that Jim was discussing. Their little .380 is one of the best in its class and they build a very nice 1911, but there are other 1911s just as nice for less money.
I tried the Sig P365 compact 9 and it just did not point well in my hand, so off it went. Springfield's new Hellcat is their answer to the 365, and I will be interested to handle one. That said, I just haven't bonded with a 9, ever.
JB -- I concur with you, I carried, qualified with, and shot a ton of 9mm through two Sig P320 Compacts for four years. They're a good gun, but I went back to Glock, and my LE Agency also went back to Glock as of this year. There were 4-things I didn't like about the Sig P320... there is no trigger safety on the trigger (like a Glock), so there is no resistance to keep it from going bang... The grip modular (replaceable grip frames) get scratched up easily... I did not like the high bore axis.. and even though the Fire Control Unit is easy to take out, it's not as easy to work on as a Glock... this is my lousy cranky back-east opinion--of course I am a unrepentant GLOCK FANBOY... :)