Concealed carry --- again

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Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

I am currently between CC handguns. I go back and forth between something like the Springfield XDs in .45 ACP, which I might leave home because of its bulk, and something like the little LCP in .380, which is so easy to carry but leaves something to be desired in the punch department. I'm looking more closely at the current crop of small 9mms. They have gotten smaller and easier to carry in the past few years. Anyone have a favorite, or thoughts on the subject? I know we kick it around quite a bit here. In an ideal world I would carry a 1911, but at 5'9" and 159 pounds, it is tough for me to hide -- and it's heavy.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Pisgah »

My .45 carry is the Springfield XDs; my deep-concealment carry for those absolute-discretion-required situations is the Beretta Pico .380; my middle-of-the-road subcompact 9mm is the Beretta Nano. The Nano is small enough for pocket carry (with moderately large pockets -- say, relaxed-fit jeans or pleated-front dress slacks -- about like a J-frame S&W), smooth as a bar of soap for next-to-the-body comfort and smooth draw, dead reliable, and very accurate.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Blaine »

For EDC "walking around" Social Work I've carried the LCP for years. 6+1 in one vest pocket and two extra mags in the other vest pocket. 17 rounds that are barely detectable unless you're looking for them. There are more and better 9mm mouse guns out now than when I got the LCP, so I don't know what I would get right now. I also have a little S&W AirWeight .38 Special that I carried before the LCP. I never cared for the speed loaders for them, and they were slow and bulky. In the truck, I have the Glock 30S with a few extra mags in case I need some firepower on the forest service roads or bumming around in the woods. If I was willing to holster-up, the Glock is what I'd carry..small and reasonably compact 45acp are a great comfort.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JimT »

"Punch" may not be the last thing on the list but probably should be. A good reliable 22 always at hand is better than the more powerful gun left at home. In the few face to face encounters I have had, I never noticed or cared what caliber gun the other person had. Nor did they inquire about mine. Confidence in your ability with what you use is vital. Many a "small" gun has beaten a "better" one. In the end it's the man not the machine that gets it done.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by jeepnik »

Years ago I picked up an AMT Back up in.45acp. Plenty of punch. Small but heavy enough to help with recoil.

It's too bad they aren't still made.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by wvfarrier »

i carry one of 3 everyday. S&W 927 (7 rd 9mm) revolver.
S&W 627 (8rd 357) loaded with 38 spl+P. Or if im wearing a loose shirt a Sig 229. i love carrying wheelguns tho.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by marlinman93 »

I've carried a Model 60 S&W for almost 30 years. Never felt under gunned with it, and always easy to conceal.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by 2ndovc »

Lately it's been my Colt Defender or a Sig P238 depending on my mood or where I'm going, clothing, etc. I had an S&W Shield in 9mm that I still have to replace from the stuff that was sold off while I was ill. I really liked that pistol. It carried really well and I liked how it performed. I'll pack my G26 once and awhile but not as much as I used to.

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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Pete44ru »


The smallest/lightest .357 revolver is the Ruger LCRX.


If you like the Ruger LCP, but would like more power, Ruger makes the similar (but only a tad larger) LC9


The smallest/lightest /45ACP pistol is the Double Tap


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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by jeepnik »

Thought about a Double Tap. But only two rounds. The AMT has 5
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by jdad »

I'm about your size and I have no problem with a Sig 938 in a Recluse pocket holster.

I had an XDS in 45 and got rid of it for the reasons you mentioned. Too bulky and heavy . I still tuck my shirt in. :wink:
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by AJMD429 »

Tried LOTS of em, and HANDS DOWN I favor the SIG P-938 in 9 mm.

I carry a Para-14 1911 double-stack mostly, being fortunate enough to live in a pro-ccw state and be self-employed; could care less if someone 'notices' I carry (it actually strikes up many cool conversations with patients).

However, if I need to be 'discrete' I want concealability AND a decent power level. My 44 Spl Bulldog revolver is too wide/bulky to have much advantage over a 14-shot 45 ACP, and my P-12 'Officer Model' 45 ACP holds 12+1 rounds, but is still 'large', so that means stepping down to 9 mm. NONE of the 8 or so 9mms I've shot handle nearly as well as the SIG P-938, with its natural pointability, ergonomic grips, tritium night-sights, AND 1911-style controls.

I like the extra control of an external hammer, and having BOTH carry guns with identical controls. If you like 1911's try the SIG P-938....!
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JohndeFresno »

Like I said before -
Left my beloved .45 1911 in the locker for a new powerful inexpensive (gun and practice ammo) combo. Lightweight, slim (.9 inch), tiny, accurate, dependable and powerful:
S&W M&P Shield 9mm, Federal HST 147 gr ammo in a Kydex IWB or De Santis ankle glove holster for tucked in shirt wear.

Try out this amazing little gun!
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by piller »

I have a Taurus 738 for carry where it is the only size practical. A 709 slim for places where i can get away with not wearing a tie and dress shirt, or keep a jacket on all the time. A Walther model 99 in .40 cal for those times i have little choice about going places where it is known to be unsafe, and either my Glock 22 or my RIA 1911 for those times when I can carry what I want even if it is openly carried. My best defensive item is still my awareness of what is going on around me. My Super Blackhawk and Super Redhawk are more than I want to carry unless hunting.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Thanks, fellas. I will definitely take a look at the Sig 938, as well as the Shield.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by tman »

Glock 43 9MM 147+P Hardcast and JHP loaded alternatively. You are ready for anything. :wink:
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Griff »

JimT wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:53 pm "Punch" may not be the last thing on the list but probably should be. A good reliable 22 always at hand is better than the more powerful gun left at home. In the few face to face encounters I have had, I never noticed or cared what caliber gun the other person had. Nor did they inquire about mine. Confidence in your ability with what you use is vital. Many a "small" gun has beaten a "better" one. In the end it's the man not the machine that gets it done.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

My "regular" EDC is a "Compact Commander" - Officer's lower & Commander upper. Easy enough to carry IWB under almost anything.

But since it is out to be Cerakoted, I've been carrying my SiG P229 clone - which is only marginally more bulky (have to carry it OWB) but conceals fine in most circumstances.

While at the LGS (well... Sportsman's Warehouse in Casper) I fondled an XDE - which was, IMO almost TOO slim, but I'm sure it would CC extremely well (and it has a hammer!).

When I feel the need for more Whompum, or "no Brass Left Behind", I still pack the SP101.

But my REAL "EDC", for whenever I am awake and out of the house, regardless of what I'm carrying from the above list, is my NAA Guardian .32acp. I even take it swimming. (A must in Lake Michigan near Gary...)

As far as the 1911 and your 5'-9"/159 goes, a LW Officer's lower (or Polymer Officer's size lower) with a traditional Commander 4.25" barrel with Bushing is really an ideal setup for anyone who likes shooting 1911s. I'm only an inch taller and 20lbs heavier than you (36" waist) but a CCO/LW Compact Commander with Chip McCormick +1 mags carries, shoots, and COMPETES (IDPA/IPSC Stock) really really well...
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Pitchy »

Still loving my XDs Bill, light powerful low recoil and accurate.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Blaine »

Old Ironsights wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:19 pm My "regular" EDC is a "Compact Commander" - Officer's lower & Commander upper. Easy enough to carry IWB under almost anything.

But since it is out to be Cerakoted, I've been carrying my SiG P229 clone - which is only marginally more bulky (have to carry it OWB) but conceals fine in most circumstances.

While at the LGS (well... Sportsman's Warehouse in Casper) I fondled an XDE - which was, IMO almost TOO slim, but I'm sure it would CC extremely well (and it has a hammer!).

When I feel the need for more Whompum, or "no Brass Left Behind", I still pack the SP101.

But my REAL "EDC", for whenever I am awake and out of the house, regardless of what I'm carrying from the above list, is my NAA Guardian .32acp. I even take it swimming. (A must in Lake Michigan near Gary...)

As far as the 1911 and your 5'-9"/159 goes, a LW Officer's lower (or Polymer Officer's size lower) with a traditional Commander 4.25" barrel with Bushing is really an ideal setup for anyone who likes shooting 1911s. I'm only an inch taller and 20lbs heavier than you (36" waist) but a CCO/LW Compact Commander with Chip McCormick +1 mags carries, shoots, and COMPETES (IDPA/IPSC Stock) really really well...
I was just poking around and for the first time saw .32NAA...that's sort of a kick butt little improvement on the acp....Seems like ammo isn't horrible or too hard to find.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Buck Elliott »

My choice for "deep" concealed carry is a Browning Mini-1911, in .380.
It holds 8+1, weighs 14-oz empty, and it goes Bang, every time I tell it to, and digests every sort of .380 ammo I've fed it..


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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by 1894c »

I have carried a Glock 27/26 in the front pocket of my uniform pants since 1996. Presently my "BUG" is either a Glock 26 (21.75 ozs.) or a Glock 43 single-stack in 9mm (17.95 ozs.). The Glock 43 is very accurate and very easy to shoot. With that said, I just bought a Glock 42 single-stack in .380acp just because I was curious (13.76 ozs.). Like Mr. Buck Elliot's experience with his Browning 1911 in .380, I've been impressed with the Glock 42's lack of recoil, the accuracy, the it'll eat everything, and the ability to place multiple shots in a 3-4.5" group within 10-15 yards (I am presently carrying Hornady 95-gr. JHP XTP). Remember, it's about bullet placement than punch!

I had the M&P Shield when they first came out, nice auto--but when the G43 showed up the Shield went down the road. I didn't like the xtra-plastic spacer on the Shield's 8-rnd mag, it would move up when I carried it as a spare (it could become a liability that I couldn't afford, nor was I interested in after-market solutions)...

Will the G42 be my new "BUG" no, but I've been carrying it when I wear shorts, flip-flops, or my 5.11 tactical duty-kilt. I like the .380 over my long-time use of a S&W 642 in .38spl, in today's urban jungle a quick reload is critical (so for the first time since 1983 I have no 5-shot j-frame or Ruger LCR)... :)
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Ray »

Last edited by Ray on Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by jkbrea »

I've gone from a Ruger .380 (which in my opinion is very, very weak), to a LC9 which I liked but gifted to a friend. For years I've
carried a Springfield EMP which is a compact 1911 built for a 9mm. It is the nicest compact pistol I've ever shot. Extremely reliable and accurate. It is pricey but well made and fits your hands very well. I carry it in a Crossbreed IWB holster and can't even tell it's there.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

30-30, your tactical kilt looks a lot like my Utilikilt, which I have had for a half-dozen years or so. I'll have to dig it out. Wearing the kilt, you could moon your perp to to insult, confuse and disorient him while fishing your EDC piece out of your sporran.

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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by tman »

30-30 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:16 pm I have carried a Glock 27/26 in the front pocket of my uniform pants since 1996. Presently my "BUG" is either a Glock 26 (21.75 ozs.) or a Glock 43 single-stack in 9mm (17.95 ozs.). The Glock 43 is very accurate and very easy to shoot. With that said, I just bought a Glock 42 single-stack in .380acp just because I was curious (13.76 ozs.). Like Mr. Buck Elliot's experience with his Browning 1911 in .380, I've been impressed with the Glock 42's lack of recoil, the accuracy, the it'll eat everything, and the ability to place multiple shots in a 3-4.5" group within 10-15 yards (I am presently carrying Hornady 95-gr. JHP XTP). Remember, it's about bullet placement than punch!

I had the M&P Shield when they first came out, nice auto--but when the G43 showed up the Shield went down the road. I didn't like the xtra-plastic spacer on the Shield's 8-rnd mag, it would move up when I carried it as a spare (it could become a liability that I couldn't afford, nor was I interested in after-market solutions)...

Will the G42 be my new "BUG" no, but I've been carrying it when I wear shorts, flip-flops, or my 5.11 tactical duty-kilt. I like the .380 over my long-time use of a S&W 642 in .38spl, in today's urban jungle a quick reload is critical (so for the first time since 1983 I have no 5-shot j-frame or Ruger LCR)... :)




2 excellent choices with the 26 and 43. Covers 99% of what a defensive handgun is used for. For extreme deep carry, I have found that a Keltec .32 fills that last1%.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by alnitak »

I love my Kahr PM-9 with 147gr HST ammo (it also shoots +P). Very accurate and best DA trigger out there for small 9's. The Sig 938 has similar MoA as a 1911, which is cool, but I don't like having a safety on a gun I may carry in my pocket. The Kahr, with its polygonal rifling and adjustable night sights gives me confidence for longer, accurate shots, e.g., in a hostage situation. The CM-9 is a less expensive alternative, with fixed sights and standard rifling.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

30-30 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:16 pm I have carried a Glock 27/26 in the front pocket of my uniform pants since 1996. Presently my "BUG" is either a Glock 26 (21.75 ozs.) or a Glock 43 single-stack in 9mm (17.95 ozs.). The Glock 43 is very accurate and very easy to shoot. With that said, I just bought a Glock 42 single-stack in .380acp just because I was curious (13.76 ozs.). Like Mr. Buck Elliot's experience with his Browning 1911 in .380, I've been impressed with the Glock 42's lack of recoil, the accuracy, the it'll eat everything, and the ability to place multiple shots in a 3-4.5" group within 10-15 yards (I am presently carrying Hornady 95-gr. JHP XTP). Remember, it's about bullet placement than punch!

I had the M&P Shield when they first came out, nice auto--but when the G43 showed up the Shield went down the road. I didn't like the xtra-plastic spacer on the Shield's 8-rnd mag, it would move up when I carried it as a spare (it could become a liability that I couldn't afford, nor was I interested in after-market solutions)...

Will the G42 be my new "BUG" no, but I've been carrying it when I wear shorts, flip-flops, or my 5.11 tactical duty-kilt. I like the .380 over my long-time use of a S&W 642 in .38spl, in today's urban jungle a quick reload is critical (so for the first time since 1983 I have no 5-shot j-frame or Ruger LCR)... :)




You win just for the 511 Kilt pic... I own, and wear, 4 variants.

And nothing fits better in a sporran than an NAA...
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

Bill in Oregon wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:34 am 30-30, your tactical kilt looks a lot like my Utilikilt, which I have had for a half-dozen years or so. I'll have to dig it out. Wearing the kilt, you could moon your perp to to insult, confuse and disorient him while fishing your EDC piece out of your sporran.

With the disappearing/Passing of Doc, those of us Kilt Men should present our noble Scot Knees to the rest of these poor excuses for heirs to the Celtic Isles tradition...
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

I'm in. I'll dig it out and have the wife snap a photo. Always meant to make my own sporran and never got around to it though.

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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by rodeo kid »

Well, I guess I'm just surprised to hear a couple of people say that an XDs was too bulky! Being an old fogey, I have carried a revolver forever. My trusty Colt Cobra was my off duty gun and when I retired I just kept carrying it. When the XDs came out I was intrigued and bought it in the then only availab!e 45. After the 9mm came out I got one mainly because it was in FDE. (I am a pushover for a gun in FDE) Now I wear a XDs in the summer(usually the 9) and when it is cool enough for a jacket I go to my favorite of all time, my Browning HiPower Practical. Sometimes when I want to feel young again I will put the Cobra back on. oh for the good old days. God Bless.⛪
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by zoner »

first off,i don't like plastic guns. That being said i do own one and it's my carry gun. Its a 9mm S+W Shield. The trigger break was a bit heavy so i replaced the factory sear with one from Apex tactical....$40 i think...didn't replace any springs etc, just the sear. I decided another good mod would be a tritium front sight so ordered one from Dawson Precision and installed it myself, with a punch and hammer, then i blacked out the factory dots on the rear sight with a sharpie. I use a IWB kydex holster from PJ Holster. Its so comfortable that i literally sometimes forget i am wearing it. For what its meant to do( protect you and yours at SD ranges) its pretty much perfect.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Rube Burrows »

My everyday carry is a Glock 43. Before that I had a Glock 27 but the 43 is plenty good and easier to carry for myself. It also goes bang 100% of the time with never a worry of anything less.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JohndeFresno »

The SW Shield 9 also eats and spits out ammo of all types 100% of the time, per and other reviewers - and me. And its grip and feel are the easiest for me to use and control for any tiny 9mm gun I have tried. And it's American made - not the product of some furriner furniture maker. The BEST CCW gun I have ever had.

Get one - get two or three.

I own SW stock. Right now (since that mean ol' Army rejected the Smith) it needs the boost.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

John, the Shield just got more interesting when I saw the promotion -- two extra magazine, two boxes of Hornady Critical Defense ammo and a magazine loader for free through Sept. 30.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Lassiter »

I've gotta go with John on the S&W Shield. I bought a 9mm a couple of years ago and love it. Then in June I bought one in 45 acp and like it even better. It's a tiny bit bigger than the 9mm but still easily concealed with a bigger punch. I put a light and laser on the 9mm and now it resides in the nightstand next to the bed. If I'm just gonna run to the store for something quick I slip my Ruger LCP in my waistband and I'm good to go.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Ray »

Last edited by Ray on Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

Ray wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:36 pm For cooler weather I might carry a snubby .480/.45 colt ruger blackhawk....

.475 barrel mounted on .45 colt ruger with chambers reamed .478 straight through....

If ever have to use it imagine the confusion of the forensics folks over the 178 gr. round ball.....

.490 balls loaded from the front in the cap and ball method then propelled with a blank shortened .410 shell loaded with unique and cotton wadding
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JohndeFresno »

Ray wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:36 pm...
.490 balls loaded from the front in the cap and ball method then propelled with a blank shortened .410 shell loaded with unique and cotton wadding
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Ray, I can see you like to think outside the box!

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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

Well, I visited the local Sportsman's and handled both the Shield and the XDS, then went through some of the online reviews. The Shield won, based on ergonomics, superior trigger and the fact it is made in the USA. Found one on Gunbroker NIB and shipped for $354. Should have it next week. I feel I will be well protected with this slim little .45 tucked away. By the way, both guns have nice promo rebates right now -- two mags and ammo with the Shield, four mags and holster with the XDS.

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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

I just aquired an interesting product for use where not even I can sneak in a popper: ... f7xtqvUrBn

Been wanting to get a new Vest for years since I sold my last IIIA, and this is a cool (and much cooler in the heat) option.

Ed: honestly, even at 7lbs empty, this is going to be my EDB (every day bag). All of my "stuff" for work etc. fits nicely (and it charges my laptop!) The Solar Charger is a huge BoB plus... especially combined with a wireless battery unit.

If I MUST go metal-less (TSA/STASI zones) it gives some protection. I get the whole "Mall Ninja" meme if "If you are planning to take X damage, your tactics are bollocks" but it still covers (sic) a multitude of "Oh Crud!"

And, if things get REALLY stupid, upgrading to Class IV isn't hard...(well, yes it is... hard ceramic anyway...)
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JohndeFresno »

Clever product, OI.

Bill, for your consideration on what holster setup might suit you:

BladeTech Kydex Klipt Appendix IWB holster - now $23.99.
Lightweight, secure, slim, minimalist. Yet it affords a quick draw. Easy to remove but a very secure inside waistband rig if you wear a standard belt for the clip to hook around.

MORE CONCEALMENT, especially with tucked in shirt where even a belt clip looks obvious in close contact with others -
DeSantis Die Hard Ankle Glove - $55.00
Very comfortable and secure, stretch wraparound with large strong Velcro fastener, leather with thumb snap. It has an optional or additional upper calf strap, I don't remember if I purchased it or not. But I never use it, and just sitting or walking I don't even bother with the thumb snap due to its secure molding. I have worn it all day comforably on numerous occasions, even in 100+ degree Central California weather.

Extra Ammo
Active Pro Gear Model 258 wrap around ballistic nylon and Velcro small gun ankle holster - Now $34.99
I use this .38 snubby generic type ankle holster to carry two 8 round 9mm Shield magazines. Putting the Velcro strap over the base of one magazine with its base lip holding down the other one, they nestle together. That means 24 rounds for this little gun: 1 in the chamber, one 7 round mag in the firearm, two 8 round magazines in the Model 258 holster. Very concealed, especially with black socks and shoes for those rare events when the pants leg slips up, and a more balanced carry on each leg.


Others here no doubt have other ideas. These setups work extremely well for me.

Last edited by JohndeFresno on Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by 6pt-sika »

I've refrained from getting a concealed carry permit for about thirty years . Friday we had what I "assume" were a bunch of BLMers come in the shop looking for Ballistic body armor to wear Saturday to the Lee statue protest thing in Charlottesville VA . After seeing/hearing them and seeing what transpired in the last 36 hours in Charlottesville it's time .
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Bill in Oregon »

That was a real mess, with evil actors on both sides.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by Old Ironsights »

6pt-sika wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:32 pm I've refrained from getting a concealed carry permit for about thirty years . Friday we had what I "assume" were a bunch of BLMers come in the shop looking for Ballistic body armor to wear Saturday to the Lee statue protest thing in Charlottesville VA . After seeing/hearing them and seeing what transpired in the last 36 hours in Charlottesville it's time .
I'm strongly leaning toward bringing the G3 with me on my trip to Somaliland Minnesota just in case...
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מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרסין Daniel 5:25-28... Got 7.62?
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by rabbit hunter »

I've been packin' the 1911-380. I really needed something light for my arthritric hip and I have the 1911-22 for less expensive practice. I have always been a 1911 fan.
The cheap plastic front sight fell off twice. Browning suggested gluing it on with black Loctite, which has worked so far. I don't understand why they didn't machine a groove in the slide for a normal front sight. After all it is not an inexpensive gun.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by 6pt-sika »

Old Ironsights wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:08 am
6pt-sika wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:32 pm I've refrained from getting a concealed carry permit for about thirty years . Friday we had what I "assume" were a bunch of BLMers come in the shop looking for Ballistic body armor to wear Saturday to the Lee statue protest thing in Charlottesville VA . After seeing/hearing them and seeing what transpired in the last 36 hours in Charlottesville it's time .
I'm strongly leaning toward bringing the G3 with me on my trip to Somaliland Minnesota just in case...
I've also been refraining from buying a tax stamp for a can or a fully auto . I may however get a tax stamp for a 12" shotgun . A 16 or 20 gauge SxS or O/U with a 12" barrel is rather interesting to me . We've manufactured and sold several over the past 4 years . We sold one SxS 10 gauge but that thing was a brute to shoot with factory 3 1/2" .
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by JohndeFresno »

In my state there are so many restrictions that (it appears) the only legal semi-auto carbine that we can currently use are an SKS (7.62x39mm) or the Deerstalker .44 Mag which is no longer sold. Again, from what I understand.

Even the Hi-Point 9mm or 40 SW or .45 carbine must now be modified with a bullet button contraption and a big plastic flare piece is now wrapped around the hand grip so that you cannot wrap your fingers around it. Crazy.

The foreign made SKS, remember, uses a clip fed 10 shot internal magazine. That is, the bullets are in clips like the old M-1 Garand, and shoved into the top of the receiver for reloads. And it has no hand grip. But prices have gone up on these, now.

That tax stamp thing:
This state has demonstrably overzealous ATF. It is not necessarily the agents' fault, the Leftist supported political appointees at the top are to blame.

I had considered obtaining one or two firearms with a tax stamp, only briefly. Then I remembered the many abuses by the ATF. With a tax stamp and special registration, one opens himself up to unannounced inspections and warrantless searches. Knowing the confusion of even veteran ATF agents about the bans and restrictions in this state, you might then have items confiscated and suffer detention for other inventory which is perfectly legal. It has happened several times.

I have several close relatives and friends still in law enforcement; but due to the way this nation has changed, I will only allow a peace officer into my house socially, or to take a report or answer general neighborhood questions. But no other LE agents enter my house or premises or car for any other reason unless they have probable cause or a warrant. In that way, they must spend a little time and specify exactly what they have a right to search for, and in some cases limit the search based upon the warrant.

Having said that, there is still a "neighborhood out of control" defensive firearm that is legal in even this state: A folding stock pump shotgun that has a certain minimum length - I think 20 inches - and a barrel at least 18 inches long. It can have a pistol grip and folding stock if there is no foregrip and it is not a semi-auto.

My modified old High Standard Riot-7 (Model K-120) with #1 Buckshot and seven round, relatively quick reload capacity, is still a good option for part of my home and family defense. Again, perfectly legal here. And no invasions of my privacy to worry about, since I am (of course) a law-abiding citizen. OK, so I have exceeded the speed limit a few times, and threw some recyclable bottles into the gray trash barrel instead of the blue recycle barrel. So cite me.

My shotgun has been hard chromed for weather extremes; the Varathaned pump handle was purely an act of vanity. High light reflection and visibility? Of course. Let 'em see it.

Still compact and very, very effective against multiple assailants, even with shields and other barriers. You just have to be careful of the backdrop with #1 Buckshot.

The bad news: I cannot find an adequate ankle holster for this one.
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Re: Concealed carry --- again

Post by 6pt-sika »

I did the paperwork etc for the concealed carry permit Monday . The lady at the clerks office said it should be back in 2-3 weeks .

Today I acquired a slightly used Savage Model 11 Hog Hunter in 308 that is of course threaded for a suppressor . Gun looks about new and I got it for 75% of dealer cost on a new one . So with that being said I suppose I'll cross another bridge and finally buy a suppressor . I just hate paying the $200 tax stamp .
Parkers , Mannlicher Schoenauer’s , 6.5mm's and my family in the Philippines !
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