Well fellers {rant}

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Well fellers {rant}

Post by Pitchy »

Guys i`m going to rant a minute, hope ya don`t mind and understand.
I`ve had it with fighting with everything the wife and i do, nothing goes right.
We tried to saw another log and every dern thing that could go wrong goes wrong. This place must be jinks because it has been a nightmare for the 21 years we`ve lived here.
The problems just never quit and it`s going to break up the wife and i, poor little thing tries as hard as she can but it ends up a disaster.
I`ve decided i`m not going to do anything for a while but sit in my chair and drink whiskey. I know it can be worse, far worse but telling me that doesn`t help.
Sorry to let everyone down that thinks i`m living a charmed life that isn`t the case, far from it.
No one needs to say anything i just wanted to let ya know that the projects may stop for a while.
If ya would pray for us it would be appreciated. :(
Last edited by Pitchy on Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by walks with gun »

Sit in the chair and drink whiskey, thats about the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.

Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by bdhold »

well, take it to the porch with a cigar.

you're not supposed to do anything full-time, anyway
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by madman4570 »

pm sent
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Griff »


Some days you're the bug, somedays you're the windshield. I think we all know how that is. Prayers up, pard.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Hobie »

Whiskey isn't the answer. Stuff happens.


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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Charles »

Those who know me, know I am not opposed to drinking whisky. But drinking while depressed is just as deadly as drinking while driving 100 miles an hour. If you really want to die, you are on the right path and will get there pretty soon.

If you care about living, and nothing you do works right, then take a look at what you are doing. Some things just are not worth doing. Do those things you can do and not those things you can't. Why set yourself up for failure and disappointment. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

Many of us are familiar with the dark beast of depression. I have been there and thought I would never come back to a life worth living. It took some counseling and a long look at life and how I was living it, to get things back on track.

So, if you want to drink yourself to death or get so drunk one night you end it all, then that is your right. But, if you want to live, get off that porch, put down that bottle, get some help and make the changes in your life that need changing.

Sorry if this sounds a little rough, but patting a guys hand and saying..oh now, now, things are not so bad, never did anybody any good. If anything is going to help, straight talk stands the best chance.

Best of luck in your fight.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by cshold »

Pitch sounds like you and mom Pitchy need a vacation
away from the ranch & shop for a week or two. :)
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Nath »

Hey Mr P and Mrs, its ok, ok to get peeded off once in a while. Lord knows I do!
My good wife is on a downer now even! Next it'll be me and so it goes.

Have a sip and a giggle. You'll come round when yer' ready. You got talent and many blessings, it's just now that you don't know it. Have a breather, have a cuddle.

God is a God of love and he will give you some, just try to stay humble n' then.

Peace to you our friend, kick back time,,,,,

Nath :wink:
Last edited by Nath on Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by dennie »

Pitchy, Nath nailed it pretty well. Get to doin' things that you love.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Pete 22 »


I don't often post, but visit here virtually every day.....the folks here are as down to earth as one could ask for. I've always enjoyed the posts, the infomation, the banter(sometimes a bit spicy, same as family can be on occasion) and the general class folks exhibit here at Leverguns. IMO this classy a board is not something easily found on the web these days. I'm honestly not sure where I'm going with this....I guess it just bothers me to hear someone who's posts and opinions are ones I've come to enjoy on my visits here to be in such a bad way. Have a drink or two if that's what it takes, relax a few days and hug your loved wife and let the frustration pass....it'll turn for the better. Peace brother, prayers sent.

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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by FWiedner »

Pitchy, everybody gets frustrated about stuff that seems too hard or that just doesn't go according to plan. Everybody.

I ain't much for comiserating over big sloppy dishes of "Woe is me."

It ain't nobody's business, so forgive me for asking, but you did bring it up.

What happened? Is everybody OK?

Government office attracts the power-mad, yet it's people who just want to be left alone to live life on their own terms who are considered dangerous.

History teaches that it's a small window in which people can fight back before it is too dangerous to fight back.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Chuck 100 yd »

Pitchy , my good friend, We all have our trials and nobody can feel just what you do. It sounds like you are taking things to heart that should be shrugged off and forgotten.

Please give it a little time and go easy on the booze.

I pray you and the little lady find peace in your way of life.

Hang in there pard.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Old Ironsights »

Sit in the chair and drink whiskey FOR ONE EVENING.

Then take a couple of days and go to the lake, or range or whatever.

it's August. The Dog is biting you.

You build plenty of cool stuff that none of US could make work, so chill on the rest.

It will work out when it stops being "important" and starts being just another "attack of the injuns"...
Last edited by Old Ironsights on Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by JerryB »

Pitchy you know whiskey ain't the answer, all you'll have is a bad head and a rotten time getting over it. Maybe you are trying to stay to busy, slow down some, cut back on the projects and get some rest. Sometimes us old folks just git tired and rundown. You know I will have you in prayer.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Adobe Walls »


All I can say is: DANG! If I didn't know better I'd figure I posted that story. Actually made me laugh that somebody else is having fits with all the same alligators in the swamp of life too. Yeah, I know what ya mean. Don't know what single thing or event takes place that gets a guy trapped in kind of a vortex of life that threatens to suck him down constantly, but it sure as shootin' happens to a lot of us. I'd kinda tend to go with the idea of light on the whiskey, reasess the projects priority, go heavy on the prayer and just maybe consider asking for help if you have that option. Lord knows we whip dead horses once in a while too. No man is an island unto himself even though we have a tendency to try to pull that act off over and over. Ain't none of us as young or as good as we were a decade or two ago; some weather better than others but we all weather. GOD is still GOD and he's still there listening when you feel like talking to him.....Adobe Walls.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by jdad »

We all step in #2. You just have to wipe it off and keep moving forward.....a little more carefully.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by GregT »

I don't think you and I know each other but I have read your posts and I'm sure you have read mine. Let me tell you what happened to me yesterday.
Every morning I weight lift at the local health club. Not a real fancy place, but I like it as when I am involved with heavy weights on my shoulders, you have to be focused on that and nothing else. Good time to think when you are working on some of the machines. Anyway, I left that place, got out into the early morning sunlight and holy cow, my right eye had one of those giant "floaters" in my vision! I've had some tiny ones for years, but this one was larger and I wondered what the heck was going on in my eye! Went immediately to the local Marshfield Clinic here in town and was there for a quick exam. Doc says, "I want you down in the hospital in Rice Lake to see an opthamologist immediately". I was not planning on this, but you will move pretty fast when it's your shooting eye that is involved. Doc down there did a pretty rough exam and found I had three little tears in the retina. He said that the floater was a symptom of things going on and it was a good thing I checked it out. We discussed lazer surgery and when I had a grasp of what was going on...repairable damage... I suggested we get on with it right away. My 17 year old foster son was home and I phoned him and told him he was in charge and to take care of the dogs, etc. (He ended up doing a fine job). The surgury took about a half hour and I have never looked at such a bright light ever in my life. He "welded" up the tears and I go back on the 29th for an inspection. He apologized for being so rough on my eye. You know, when I got up yesterday morning I had no plans for anything like this on my schedule for the day. I just bought two more rifles this past month (a Marlin 1895 and a "pre-Mountie Model 39-A) and saw to it that both had beautiful iron sights in place. I never looked at the fact that my right eye could be gone in minutes anytime the power above decided it would be that way. I thought about things and decided that I would continue to do the things I like. My eye is sore and it has another floater but I can manage that. My sights still work fine and the problem still is getting the time to shoot. The bigger problem could have been a dead eye. So, I'm no drinker but I am going to have a large Canadian Mist and Spright tonight and relax. I am going to think about what I have that I love, and look forward to; my job at the Primary school in the Pre-Kindergarten with the most beautiful little youngsters you can ever imagine. I was going to retire if I stayed at the high school, but fate got me transferred to the Primary school last January. I have a job and hobby, two dogs, a home and foster care that I love. Any of these things can get frustrating, but I walked away from the as*hole of an assistant principal at the high school and will continue to eliminate from my life things that frustrate me. You need to do the same. Sounds like you have a great lady to rely on. Tomorrow night, cook a nice steak for you and her, find something nice to watch on satellite, and thank God you have life to enjoy! You have to make things better. Booze in quantity only makes things worse! I'm going to shoot my little hundred year old Remington Model 12 pump .22 tomorrow that I had relined by a fellow in Minnesota a few years ago and try not to wreck any more of my 64 year old body!! If you want to give me a call now and then, send a note and I will get my phone number to ya!
My best,
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by ollogger »

Theres some dang good folks here that care for you Lenn, I cant add a thing to that
take care of your self & the Mrs & read Gregs post 5 times :)

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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by JReed »

Hey Brother just trust in your faith and that regardless of how bad it seems the Lord still loves you as do we. I will pray for you.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by rjohns94 »

Lenn, praying for you and the mrs. Nothing is more important , outside your relationship with God, then your partner in life. Let things, property and everything else go but hold on to the ones you love. I am here for you to talk, to offer a place to escape to for a while if you wish.
Last edited by rjohns94 on Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by 2ndovc »

I wish I had something important to say but I ain't got it. Been through the grinder at work for a year plus. Was hittn' the bottle pretty hard when my wonderful wife called me on it about two months ago. I think I was waiting to see if anyone really cared. Finally realized that I was more than a big paycheck and I really didn't need to kill myself seven days a week.

I always liked the line at the bottom of your posts about "Water under the bridge". That's all it is Bro. Water under the bridge. Sit back and enjoy a few for me.

You have my best wishes that everything works out!!!

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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by AJMD429 »

Old Ironsights wrote:Sit in the chair and drink whiskey FOR ONE EVENING.

Then take a couple of days and go to the lake, or range or whatever.

it's August. The Dog is biting you.

You build plenty of cool stuff that none of US could make work, so chill on the rest.

It will work out when it stops being "important" and starts being just another "attack of the injuns"...
Pretty much what I was going to say...!

1. Make a list of the bad stuff you have to deal with (since you are already dwelling on it, no sense denying it).

2. THEN make a list of the good stuff you have going for you.

3. Note that the list #2 is probably only got a few things on it, like:
  • your wife,
    you're mind and body are basically intact,
    you have a sound spiritual faith that can give you strength,
    your basic needs of food, water, shelter, and protection are met, and
    you still live in a place where freedom still exists.
4. The list #1 is probably a mile long, but has stuff that if you really get down to brass-tacks, doesn't really matter, compared to the wonderful things on list #2.

That's one simple way to put things back in to perspective. We all have to do it, from time to time, or God has a way of forcing us to do it if we won't on our own. Whole genres of movies and books and plays are about the theme of 're-discovering the beauty of life' and 'realizing that what you have and took for granted is precious beyond all else'.

Good luck on this project - it may not be as much 'fun' as the wood-and-steel ones you post about, but it will be far more important. You can post a 'progress report' about it afterwards, so the rest of us can learn and be inspired.

I have faith you'll do well.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by KirkD »

I'm sorry to hear about how things have been going, Pitchy. I know you have had a tough row to hoe. I was feeling pretty rough a couple days ago. I went out and sat on a bench under a Birch tree for a while and had a talk with the Lord and just sat there and looked around and thought. It didn't do it all, but it did help. I know what you mean when you say you'll sit in a chair, if it's anything like what I do.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by J Miller »


Hang in there friend. I don't have any fancy wise words to say, but don't let the world get you down. Your wife needs you and you're a part of our forum family too, so we need you.

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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by RIHMFIRE »

prayers sent buddy ....hang in there...

Sometimes its just a good idea to walk away and do something else
that you really like!
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Blaine »

:idea: Put down the bottle...That never helps. I got 25 years of drinking experience, and it never did one thing good for me except make me feel like chit the next morning.... :wink: Get on that scoot and go one week in one direction, and then come back. That always clears up the old head.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by olyinaz »

Charles wrote:Those who know me, know I am not opposed to drinking whisky. But drinking while depressed is just as deadly as drinking while driving 100 miles an hour. If you really want to die, you are on the right path and will get there pretty soon.

If you care about living, and nothing you do works right, then take a look at what you are doing. Some things just are not worth doing. Do those things you can do and not those things you can't. Why set yourself up for failure and disappointment. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

Many of us are familiar with the dark beast of depression. I have been there and thought I would never come back to a life worth living. It took some counseling and a long look at life and how I was living it, to get things back on track.

So, if you want to drink yourself to death or get so drunk one night you end it all, then that is your right. But, if you want to live, get off that porch, put down that bottle, get some help and make the changes in your life that need changing.

Sorry if this sounds a little rough, but patting a guys hand and saying..oh now, now, things are not so bad, never did anybody any good. If anything is going to help, straight talk stands the best chance.

Best of luck in your fight.
Well said.

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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by C. Cash »

Guys feel better when we move.....we need action. Walk, pray, shoot, throw, pray, walk, read a paragraph in the Bible, repeat. Do this rather than get in the chair and hurt yourself with alcohol. Believe, even when it doesn't make sense, that the Lord loves you and has your back. Every day is a gift and the He needs you to serve those who he has placed under your care. Put the focus on them and off yourself. Satan wants you to obsess about what is happening to you and get you deeper into deepression and self destruction. Forgive and love those who you are angry with every chance you get. Look to The Lord's example Brother. Hang in there.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Dave B »

Pitchy, I pray that tomorrow is much brighter for you and yours.
Your friend in Phoenix,
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by C. Cash »

Tommorow is ALWAYS a new day, and a new chance indeed!
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by DixieBoy »

Pitchy - I don't believe in coincidences. Had someone tell me years ago that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Here's what I'm talking about. Today I was in the post office (mailing off things I've sold because I'm only working half a job, instead of the two jobs I had when things were better) and there was very old woman in there, who did her business with the postal workers and then left. Fairly upbeat older lady, I'd guess about 80 or so.

I know these guys in the post office pretty well; been living here for decades. The two of them and me were commenting on that old lady's attitude, and I mentioned to them that I'd seen an old guy in the supermarket the previous day who must have been pushing 100 years old (yeah, we have a lot of very much older folks in Florida). We were both waiting for cold cuts at the deli section. I said hello, and the old boy was very pleasant and seemed pretty upbeat for a guy who looked like he might fall over dead at any moment.

Anyway, I've had my own share of "the blues" over this last year, and I've been dealing with it pretty much alone. I have one brother who cares about me, one who doesn't, and three true friends. But these folks can only do so much. The guys at the post office know me, and they know I'm struggling now too, and we talk about stuff. Well, today I heard something that almost knocked me right over.

I flat out asked these guys at the post office - after the old woman had left - what did they think it was that kept these folks going ? I'm not talking about prune juice, but what was it that got them literally out of bed in the morning. In other words, why do they keep on going ? One of the guys behind the counter said "hey Chuck, remember the old guy who was in here last week?" And Chuck, who I've known longer than any of them said, "yeah, he really had it figured out, didn't he?" Here's what the old guy told my buddies at the post office when he explained how he kept going, how he continues to live when it would be easy to give up.

This old guy told my buddies that you need 3 things. You need something to do. You need something to look forward to. And you need something to love. That's it. I'll tell you what, I felt like I'd just been given the secrets of the universe. No kidding.

Thinking about it some more after I'd left there, I got to thinking that I've been so down about things for so long that I didn't see what this old fellow had clearly figured out. But it hit me like a punch. That old guy is right. I've got maybe one of those things going for me right now. Truth be told, if anyone has had a prolonged stretch of unemployment, or a crummy divorce, or deaths of those close to us, or whatever, it can get to where you don't think there will ever be light at the end of the tunnel. And you can lose your confidence that things will ever get better. In a way, you lose hope. This is something that I have to admit I've been allowing to happen. But I think that we have to fight it. There is no other choice.

This is where some advice from my little brother helps. He is very fond of telling me - when problems seem overwhelming and/or never ending - that I need to make one small step towards improving my situation each and every day. Just make one step. Make it a habit. And at least allow ourselves to believe that things can get better. This is where faith in God helps. I believe in God, but I also admit to wondering at times if He's been busy with other problems, and that mine were not so important to Him. When I catch myself allowing to think thoughts like that I immediately feel guilty, but hey, I'm human. Faith is harder to maintain that it is to talk about.

I had something to say, and something I think can help. I hope it helps you, and me, and anyone else who might need it. Hang in there Pitchy. - DixieBoy
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by DixieBoy »

Along the lines of the 3 things I mentioned above, if you've ever met someone who has survived the loss of a long time spouse, and gone on to actually LIVE, as opposed to just existing, you're probably looking at someone who has figured out those 3 things.

Ever notice this ? Some people just wither up and die when a spouse dies. I know that my Dad was on that course when Mom died. They had 65 years together. For the life of me, I don't know how people survive that. I spent about a year and a half, after Mom died, trying to do all I could to make sure my Dad knew that he was loved, and that he mattered. That became my mission in life. That was it. But I knew deep down how much he missed Mom. Dad was the bravest guy I've ever known. He put on that brave face for a year and a half before giving up. I tried to give him some things to look forward to, but I always suspected that I was a poor substitute for his beloved Kay, our Mom.

Since Dad died, I've talked with my little brother about this, and we both agreed that it would have been more merciful if Dad had passed before Mom. Not that Mom didn't love Dad in the biggest way, because she did. But Mom was also really active and much more outgoing than Dad was. Mom would have grieved, for certain. But Mom would have continued on, I believe, because she knew those 3 things I mentioned in the post above.

Anyway, if any of this is of help, then good. I know it helped me just by putting it into words. I hope it helps you too Pitchy. And anyone else who might need it too. - DixieBoy
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by El Chivo »


Pitchy, the whiskey goes along with it, but just one shot is plenty. Then take a week to do nothing and get back into it a little at a time. Your projects are quite ambitious and it can get overwhelming. Just weed it out some.

I'm also a little overwhelmed, I have a place full of projects and not enough time to do them. Just finished my fawn decoy with tape recorder, amp and speaker. Made the amp from a kit. Had to make two, I blew the first one up. It's been on the table for a month. Before that it was something else.

I don't tackle it if I don't feel like it. I often skip it and watch movies while playing the banjo or uke. Same tune over and over.

By the way at work they announced layoffs to come and were meeting today about cutting out the night shift, and I work night shift! Kinda adds a little extra dimension.

I just finished a frog movie - all my frog clips synchronized to classical music. Now that's relaxation!!! If you want I'll send you a copy - just send me your address.
Last edited by El Chivo on Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by RustyJr »

Mr. Pitchy,
You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't stay off here for too long if you can, I know I'm one of several who would miss you around here.

Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by gamekeeper »

Pitchy, those 3 things DixiBoy talked about made a LOT of sense to me, I frequently seem to lose 2 of the 3.

There is a lot of good advice here and a lot of love and respect for you and yours, hang on in there my friend.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by gundownunder »

Pitchy, I'm not a praying man, I don't think it helps.
Having said that, you have my sincere best wishes.

Sit on the porch and sip a couple of whiskeys by all means, it will give you time to reflect on things and maybe get a better perspective on what needs doing. Don't expect the whiskey to give you the answers, it won't. I drink a little on most days of the week, it settles the beast inside me.

Saying you have had enough and would trade your life to someone that wants it more sounds like I get from time to time. I think a doc would diagnose it as depression. If you can't get it under control by yourself, please talk to someone about it.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by GonnePhishin »

Pitchy, whiskey won't help. Sounds like the adversary has you on the ropes. This is the time to double up on the prayer time, not to give up, cause that's what the devil wants you to do.
Prayers offered up for you and your family...
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Gobblerforge »

Get on the Harley and come to Ohio. I'll help you fight it. Love ya Bro.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Tycer »

Not much worse than being hungover, still depressed and looking like a weak puss in front of the woman you love. You'll break her heart. You've got too much work to do to insure she don't starve in the next twenty years, you took that oath and swore it in the name of God. Go ahead, be depressed for a while, drink a bit, wallow in your misery, embrace it, name it then put it in a box for a long bit and get out of your funk. Life ain't easy and you won't make it any easier making your wife miserable with you having a wussy attitude. I don't have any patience for myself when I get depressed so I don't suppose I should have any patience for you either. Two Hundred short years ago kings lived a harder life than our poor do today, we live like gods - for now - our 125 year party might end soon and you know it. Enjoy your misery dear friend for it is yours. All those folks who have gone before us had theirs, some were able to put it in a box and some took it with them into their box. I know which one you are. Go build a small, pretty box with a small lock on it so you have somewhere to put yours. Best wishes from a friend, Tycer
P.S.: Don't waste good misery on cheap whisky, life's too short. Go buy your favorite. Get her hers too. And some flowers.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Borregos »

Pitchy, I have no wise words.
Hang in there friend.
You are in my thoughts.
Sometimes I wonder if it is worthwhile gnawing through the leather straps to get up in the morning..................

Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by bdhold »

Today is my birthday, and yesterday I made my pilgrimage to Specs for a fifth each of sipping rum and scotch.
That will pretty much last me to my next birthday.
The days my daughter goes back to her mother's house, and the cat watches her walk out to the road for her mom to pick her up, then sits in the window sill waiting for her to come back, gives up then sits on her spot on the couch, I drink, and it is good.

Paul told Timothy, "Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses."


Pitchy, you can pray for me that I will learn to forgive her mother, because I can't do it without God's grace.
And if you heard the list, you wouldn't blame me.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Pitchy »

walks with gun wrote:Sit in the chair and drink whiskey, thats about the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.
Ya must of meant that in a good way somehow neighbor :roll:

Guys i never expected to come here this morning and see this many replies.
Let me make it clear on a couple things that i said so black hellicopters don`t land in my yard.
In fact i`ll edit it a little.
When i said things are dangerous i was talking about how trying to saw those big logs and everything going wrong was getting dangerous because it could cause a accedent.
Also i`m not thinking about ending my life my faith would keep me from thinking that.
We had a bad day, very bad and was venting about it and was mad.
Sometimes it seems like God doesn`t care and ya feel like giving up but that isn`t the case, how could a guy give up with friends like you.
Now as far as drinking, God took drinking out of my life 20 years ago.
I drank a lot of that whiskey yesterday and it had no effect on me what so ever, no hang over nuttin.
Reckon God is still watching over me.
I have to read over what ya all said a few times, very good advice and concern for this old fanny burp.
I really hate posting threads like this and have done so before but i don`t have much fellowship around me so forgive me.
Thanks guys.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by bdhold »

If you haven't seen Machine Gun Preacher, I recommend it.
Entertaining, and I found a spiritual message - while it seems you can be doing everything right, everything can still go wrong. What you do with it then is the test of right and wrong.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by shooter »

I've had a rough spell these last couple years. A couple deaths in the family, a couple bouts of unemployment, this injury that's had me off work for the last 6 months, and now the surgery that will take at least 2 months to recover from. Plus I'm not sure that I will have a position to go back to when I am done with my rehab. It's easy to get depressed about things, but I choose not to. Of course I get down sometimes, and there are times that I just want to sit around the house and not do anything, but for the most part I choose to have an upbeat attitude about things. It's how we choose to handle our situations that determines how we feel. The bad thing about getting down in the dumps is that, for me at least, I tend to take it out on my loved ones that are trying to be supportive. I know I'm being pretty ornery with my wife right now because I'm a little bummed and in a lot of pain, but it's not her fault I feel this way.

Go take a vacation. We just got back from a nice vacation a couple weeks ago, and I felt so much better. It's relaxing and takes the load off for a while, and lets your mind and body recuperate from all the stress.

Keep your head up, and feel free to vent anytime. I think this forum has some of the best guys in the world, and the fellowship on here is great.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by JohndeFresno »

AJMD429 wrote: ...
1. Make a list of the bad stuff you have to deal with (since you are already dwelling on it, no sense denying it).

2. THEN make a list of the good stuff you have going for you. ...

I have faith you'll do well.
It seems like the Good Doctor has again come up with a reasonable prescription for your blues, although my early life experience showed me that (for me) drinking when things went south would make things worse. Then again, I no longer drink at all.

But you might want to revisit Doc's list for some great pointers! And there are (mainly) some other good posts here. All the best - I'm praying for you, Pitchy.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by .45colt »

I had a couple of shots with You last nite Pitchy. Your not alone in this world. God Bless.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Pitchy »

Walkswithgun is a close friend and he tried to call a couple times yesterday but i had the phone off.
He is a close friend so don`t misunderstand my reply to him.

I should add that i had a bad car wreck years ago and got a severe cuncussion that they have tuld me left me with circular thinking. So it`s like a stuck record in my mind and everything goes round and round.
You guys are like family and it shows by your replies and i can`t tell ya how much it has meant.
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Pitchy »

Feel a lot better today thanks to you guys, thanks.

Also about them logs, the wife and i have sawed about 40 of them big ones over the years.
But we were a lot younger and the mill was in better shape.
We won`t let them whoop us , my next plan is to lay them on the ground and saw them in hald with a chainsaw. Once in half the blade will reach through and we can make lumber.
Going to let the weather cool down and take a break first. :wink:
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Re: Well fellers {rant}

Post by Chuck 100 yd »

Now,that sounds like a plan. :wink:
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