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Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

A question has been bugging the stuff out of me for a while and now I have the "need to know answer"
Let me start to say back about 8 years ago a friend at work wanted me to get him this certain gun(reason he wanted me,was I could get it much cheaper (FFL dealer cost)
It was a Browning BLR(straight grip)Lever in 7MM Rem Mag.
Now,because I wanted to ensure this gun was defect free at time of purchase I was the first one to see this gun from the box.
When I opened it,I almost wet myself,it was absolutely stunning(I mean like Wow)
I worked the action and shouldered it and the feel was cannot be properly described(it just felt right)
When presenting the gun to him,right then and there I said(if you ever sell it,will you please let me have first bids?)
He said then "I will never sell it" well long story short now all he does is shoot bows and he sold five of his seven guns(kept a Ruger GP100 and a Rem 1100)
So,I got the gun. Having shot this gun on more than 10 occasions through the years I was amazed how it shot.
Compared to my 1970's Marlin .35Rem and 1972 Win 94 30-30 this gun was just plain and out a better shooter and much smoother.
And as far as comparing a 30-30 or 35 Rem to a 7MM Mag? Well we wont go there.I know where that stands.( no use in trying to change my mind on that one)

So my question is why? Why isnt almost everyone going nuts over these BLR's?
I mean you can have them in many Calibers/stock grips/barrel lengths/finishes etc.)
I know people get attached to something old like a car or whatever, but having and shooting all three(there is no comparison,at least to me)
I just don't get it?
Educate me please? all views respected.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by rjohns94 »

I had one in .308 and it shot great. I wasn't too thrilled with the way the trigger mechanism moves with the lever. They have advantages over others with the ability to use pointed bullets. For me though, I guess they just dont have the look and feel of a 92, '71 or 1886, or a 94. To be fair, i'm not really thrilled with the looks of win 1895 either so perhaps I just can't recognize beauty. :wink:
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by wilko »

i'd buy one in a heartbeat.... but i got all i need and wont buy more guns (except maybe for a nice mauser if the opportunity present itself) :)
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by J Miller »

TO ME the Browning BLRs are ugly bolt action wanna bees. They are neither traditional lever actions nor are they any thing else. I simply do not care for their appearance. I also feel strongly that if I need a bolt action rifle cartridge for their performance I'll get a bolt action rifle.
Or a Winchester 1895.

JMHO and you asked for it.

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Re: Help me understand?

Post by Old Savage »

Joe is about right in a way on the general conception of the levergun aficianados = doesn't fit their conception. Mine is just too nice to want to use it in the brush and it is very accurate and smooth. I don't particularly like the way it carries and don't want to but a sling on it. I do like to shoot it every once in a while. Shot a one inch group with it with open sights and a 1/4" group - 3 at 100 yds - with a handload and scope not long after getting it. Too Nice - if it was more like a Ruger I would use it more.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by .45colt »

It's just what gives You that warm fuzzy feeling. :D . I have a Brother in Law that lives on a farm. He prolly bought and sold 20 different rifles from.458 to .22cal. He got an older Win model 70 synthetic stock .7mm has spent most of it's life muddy and dirty in the work truck. it shoots so well for Him that He sold everything but the .22's and can't understand why anyone would want something else. any critter He doesn't wan't around is in big trouble.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by Hobie »

Just not traditional enough for the levergun shooters and too old-fashioned for the bolt gun shooters. We've sold 4 or 5 from the shop in the 3 years I've been there. I think all went to the same two guys.

Personally, I'm just not interested. Can't get wound up enough to plunk down the cash. Not interested in the magnum cartridges at all. Yes, they are a neat gun, a quality gun, and very usable. If I had one given to me I likely would keep it. If it was my only gun I would likely think myself well served. But, I still can't bring myself to buy one.


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Re: Help me understand?

Post by 86er »

I am a big BLR fan, but don't own one. The foremost reason is that I happen to have other rifles in calibers the BLR comes in that are sentimental, and the remaining calibers hold little interest for me. One caliber that I have mild interest in is the 325 WSM. However, in the BLR I shot in this caliber, the short barrel lead to velocity loss that put the cartridge behind its closest competitors and the BLR happen to recoil excessively in that caliber. The next thing that I waffle on is the shiny stock finish. Where, how and what I hunt in some cases puts the reflectiveness of the stock in question (whether real or conceived). Lastly, I have seen such variance in the accuracy of BLR's over the years that I am reluctant to get a new one and would only consider a used one that I was familiar with its proven accuracy potential. I think one day I will find the right BLR 7mm-08 and get it. Then I will sell my bolt action 7mm-08 that is a very accurate and reliable rifle but I have no particular attachment to. In similar regard, I like the 1895 Win but I just dont have a use for the 405 Win, 30-06 or 30-40 (particularly without the easy scoping option) and I have a 303. Another rifle I really like is the TC Icon. However, I have rifles in the calibers it comes in except 338 Win and that one I don't want. So, liking them and owning one are two totally seperate things. Best of luck with yours!
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

Some interesting points guys-----Thanks!
Don't get me wrong my Marlin and Winchester have been good little guns.
I honestly think its that caliber offering(course, I love the 300 Win Mag too) and how nice the guns quality just struck me.
A 7MM Mag (with those sharp pointy bullets )in a levergun------ah, life is great.
I am going out right now and hunt a chipmunk with it. :lol:

It also made a good big boom firing er off now and again for the 4th of July :wink:
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by J Miller »

Ummm, just a thought but if you shoot a chip monk with that 7mm mag, you even have a tuft of fur left to show for it. :o

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Re: Help me understand?

Post by FWiedner »

You'd have the whole critter intact if'n you "bark" 'em.

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Re: Help me understand?

Post by AJMD429 »

I'd rather buy an old, beat-up Savage 99, and fix it up. They look nicer to me, and I like my trigger mechanism to stay in one place, not open-up when I work the lever.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by Marlin32 »

I kind of agree with 86'er. I have one, a 308 and have shot two more, a 243 and an '06.
The '06 seemed a bit out of balance, but only shot it once.

The only hang up I have with my 308 is the trigger pull. Had it worked on by local gunsmith, he did manage to bring it down some, but still heavy in my opinion.

Second, it really likes the lighter bullets, 150's and the 165's. Accuracy goes down hill with the 180's and the 200grainers. Still, accurate enough that I have no qualms about hunting with it and will be my back up gun on Moose this fall, and may use it for the mule deer.

My third problem with the BLR is the weight or lack of. 308 is about as big a caliber as I want to go in that gun. I would love to see them come out with it in 338 Federal, but am afraid the recoil would render useless.

I have a soft spot for 8mm size rifles, but Joe, how did you manage to shoot that BLR in 325 more than once?? Now, if they had it in 8x57, well then I would be interested, but isn't going to do much more than the 308.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

J Miller wrote:Ummm, just a thought but if you shoot a chip monk with that 7mm mag, you even have a tuft of fur left to show for it. :o


Guess what gets the most chip monks here in the woods?
The 3 abandoned kiity cats that hang around my place(bless their hearts)they get snakes too.

Oh stuff,here we go again with the poor kittys.
hey joe, my daughter called her year old cat just had a kitten yesterday at noon and she said that today she feels a swollen area almost like another kitten might be coming today? The cat is still panting some and making noise.
So,I called the vet----------they said(now get this)since she has let her cat out at least twice tied on a leash,either the cat could be having another kitten the next day(its not uncommon)or what really blew me away----If that female was visited by 2 different males a day apart she could be having the second batch 1 day apart by (2 different fathers????????)
If she isnt better by tomorrow she goes to the vets(stays overnight at least 1 night)and gets a feline leukimia test/female privates checkup/and hospital stay)
Only,1 kitten so far and it looks just like mommy(daughter,said she is keeping it)and for me at least $200 vet bill :lol:

Another weird thing her 5 month old apricot standard poodle(he's a big sucker for a poodle)is really babying that cat(he knows that cat needs to be pampered)the cat keeps bringing the kitten(size of a mouse,its cute)grabs it by the neck and back to the closet in the box.
That dog is so good with those two I cant believe it.(I did say dont trust the dog too close to the kitten though to be on the safe side.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by missionary5155 »

Good morning
The Browning BLR to me is just like the Remingtom idea of electronic ignition and the "whoever made it" Rocket bullet. I am to happy with lever actions the way they were built.
I do not need a magnum cartrige where I hunt. And probably most hunters fall into the same slot.. Farthest shot I have taken on a corn cruncher with was a whole 33 yards down in my favorite river bottoms. I guess I could shoot farther as I see them at 75 yards.. but it makes no sense to me to have to drag them farther when they are so willing to walk up my way.
Actualy the last deer I shot was well over 10 years ago as I do that now with a recurve bow as in Illinois there is unlimited bean eater extinsion from October to January.
Down here in Peru my 1907 vintage 44-40 SRC takes care of all my needs. I have open desert for miles about I can walk & if I so desired to pop a guanaco (a deer sized critter) I can sneek up to 50 yards on them. So it is just a matter of "I do not need a far shot" lever gun. Power.. that is what a 45-70 is for.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

missionary5155 wrote:Good morning
The Browning BLR to me is just like the Remingtom idea of electronic ignition and the "whoever made it" Rocket bullet. I am to happy with lever actions the way they were built.
I do not need a magnum cartrige where I hunt. And probably most hunters fall into the same slot.. Farthest shot I have taken on a corn cruncher with was a whole 33 yards down in my favorite river bottoms. I guess I could shoot farther as I see them at 75 yards.. but it makes no sense to me to have to drag them farther when they are so willing to walk up my way.
Actualy the last deer I shot was well over 10 years ago as I do that now with a recurve bow as in Illinois there is unlimited bean eater extinsion from October to January.
Down here in Peru my 1907 vintage 44-40 SRC takes care of all my needs. I have open desert for miles about I can walk & if I so desired to pop a guanaco (a deer sized critter) I can sneek up to 50 yards on them. So it is just a matter of "I do not need a far shot" lever gun. Power.. that is what a 45-70 is for.
Mike in Peru

Electronic ignition and Rocket bullets??? Wow?

I can see someone possibly not liking the style,having a magazine,its feel/function and such(heck,same could be true with the old Savage 99 lever)
Some people like it's looks/function/caliber and others think its the ugliest/lousy caliber/poor designed gun on the planet.

I do feel with some of the cartridges just because they are called magnums people think (elephant guns?)
I like to think the Rem 7MM Mag as termed-- (an improved cartridge)

Let's not get that caliber confused with the higher power 7MM's like the Weatherby/Ultra Mag/STW/Dakota and such when using Factory loads.(course handloading you could down load them as such?)
The recoil of those guns I have shot is vastly different than the Rem Mag(lot more kick/noise/muzzle blast etc)
How someone when shooting a 45-70(with moderately potent loads)in a lever could say don't need a magnum caliber lever is kinda double talking.(I have 45-70 levers)and with about the exception of shooting maybe the old 1300fps stuff the gun kicks as much or more than a 7MM Rem Mag(which I also have) Shooting my 20"barreled Marlin .35 Rem without a doubt kicks as much/jumps as much as my Browning 7MM Rem.So that part of the equation is kinda in la la land.

As far as brush guns(?????????)do people mean woods guns???(by this I mean other than the guns dimensions,carry factor)
If that is to be comapred the BLR can be had with a 20" barrel and also offered in a better cartridge than the 30-30(the .308 Win)Hope we dont have argue that one? and don't get me wrong,I love the 30-30

I dont shoot anything through brush(unless its been that rare occasion some varmint(woodchuck/chipmonk/crow/coyote etc. that has finally eluded myself causing destruction to the point where I am so ticked off their could possibly be some fine twigs and such but I still have good view of the pest(and even thats rare)and that would be probably a 3" 12ga with #1 buckshot and a close distance.Otherwise I dont shoot any deer/bear etc. through brush so the bullet deflection factor is useless in my situation. Unless I have indeed determined that the bullet is on a clear path I dont shoot period(maybe a P/H or someone would have a different need)

Would I use a .378 Weatherby Mag deer hunting here(no,unless its the only gun I had)
But when I can have something that gives more performance with minimal abuse to the shooter(its a win for me)
Course I like using a Stihl brushcutter or a milwaukee power tool instead of a craftsman too :lol: :wink:
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by M. M. Wright »

Bought my first BLR over 30 years ago and still have it and have bought 11 or 12 more since then, mostly .308 but a couple of .243s and a 30-06. A couple of my hunting buddies have bought them too because they are such great deer rifles. My reason (excuse?) for buying so many is to give them to my grandsons. Still have a few in the safe for the younger ones. The old Belgian made guns had an oil finish on the stock but you don't see too many of them any more and the flush magazine of the newer ones carries better. I like the .308 and a 2 1/2x scope, preferably with a post reticle. I have tricked out several of the boys guns this way and did put slings on for them. I think they are beautiful and boy do they get the job done. Have never found one that didn't shoot little bitty groups. Not sure but the early .308s may have had a one in fourteen twist like the Browning B-78 had. They will not stabilize anything over 165 grains but do an outstanding job with the lighter bullets.
That first one I bought had been carried in someone's work truck either on or under their high-lift jack so I had no problem just using it some more. Barrel shows a lot of wear but still shoots good groups and I replaced the butt-stock that was worn down to the stock bolt. I think three of the ones I have bought were Belgian and a couple were unfired until I scoped and sighted them in. Never had one with a bad trigger, guess I am just lucky on that one.
I have 86s 73s and 92s but really like the BLR just as well. Even had a couple of 99s which had their chambers eventually ruined by failing to digest the same loads as BLRs. I know the 99s are not as strong and load for them accordingly but you know how kids are when they raid the ammo locker.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

Sounds like you have some great guns there M.M. Wright :mrgreen:

I just can't fathom why someone wouldn't at least acknowledge a lever gun with that many very potent calibers would be at least considered a great option?
Anyone that thinks a Marlin or Winchester is a stronger gun(I have got a gold statue to sell them) :lol:
And yes the 45-70 is a great caliber but it isn't no 300 Win Mag
Sure a 45-70 will kill an elephant(but I know for sure a 300 Win Mag with a 180gr FMJ will do so as well)
I have done my own penetration tests on actually shooting railroad rails @ 100/200 yards and I know the difference.

Anyhow that gun in a .308(what a fine gun) :mrgreen:
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by GoatGuy »

Never owned one, never shot one, but have lusted after one in .358 Win. for a couple of decades.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by stew71 »

I find the BLR to be down-right ugly. That, and my 30-30 Marlin is all I need in a lever gun.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by guido4198 »

Like Mr. Miller said:
TO ME the Browning BLRs are ugly bolt action wanna bees.
They may be real fine quality, but their appearance simply doesn't warrant my owning one.
If I won one in a contest...I'd trade it off.
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by madman4570 »

Respect everyone's opinions on here and that's whats cool we all choose what we like.
But just don't use your 30-30 to kill a woodchuck unless you want it to die in the hole(my .22 or RWS airgun will do that) or unless you head shoot them.
We have a standing joke about it at our gun club.Last three I have shot(average distance 60 yards)with my .35 Rem they get hit smack in the middle and leave a trail of their guts back to the hole.(same with the other guys and their 30-30's

Last week took the BLR 7MM up and popped one at 80 yards and it vaporized it.
I like to use a gun that will at least stop a woodchuck from running 30 yards back to its hole. :shock:
Since my house is actually right in the deep woods (with bears around over 600lbs, and we walk usually 6-8 miles of log roads daily,I want something that will at least kill a woodchuck right then and there without having to head shoot it!
A gun being a stopper more than being pretty is more of a priority. I have shot bear with a 45-70 and also one each with a 7mm Mag and 300 win Mag respectively and at least in my case the 45-70 takes a back seat based on at least my experience.
Don McDowell

Re: Help me understand?

Post by Don McDowell »

Another blr fan checking in here :) If I wasn't already spoiled by the terrific handling quality of the short actions I'ld like a 7rem mag in the blr, but those long actions just don't quite feel right for me. But one of these day's I'll find a 7mm08 or 257 bob steel framed 81, and me and the visa will be in bigggggtrouble when the bookkeeper see's the statement. :mrgreen:
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Re: Help me understand?

Post by ollogger »

my Dad has 3 BLRs 7 mag, 284,& 308 he gave me his 94 375
im happy
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