OT-I'm not leaving, I'm not going anywhere, I like it here

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OT-I'm not leaving, I'm not going anywhere, I like it here

Post by J Miller »

I'm not leaving, I'm not going anywhere, I like it here, I'm staying.
There has been a bunch of b.s. happen on this forum lately, and maybe I've been a part of it. I know this winter has gotten on my nerves, but I'll get over it.

I've seen one member attacked viciously by other forum members and leave us. All because he doesn't believe like some think he should. The quality of this forum took a hit with his departure.

One regular member is now simply lurking and rarely posts any more.

Now another is leaving.

A member posted a silly cartoon game and raised the ire of those who live and breath liberal political correctness. I wish I'd seen it before he pulled it and the thread was locked.

So, I figure that since I've been here from the beginning and I've watched this forum change, it needs me.

So for those who like me being here, I'm staying.

For those who don't like me, I'm staying.

This is my favorite forum. I was invited to join and I'm glad I did. Now go shooting and enjoy your day.

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Post by Rebel1972 »

Here,here.And pass the scotch.Its comin' a blizzard in Tennessee and I don't want to get to far away from the campfire.
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Post by AJMD429 »

I wish we could get politicians in office who talk straight like Joe! Too many wishy-washy, non-committal, namby-pambies in office.

It's winter, I can't find the leak in my daughter's ceiling, despite working 60 hours a week, I haven't got a paycheck since November (I might get one in March), I don't like any of the presidential frontrunners, AND one of our goats has a bad hoof.

If I can think of anything else to gripe about I'll be sure and post it. :roll:

Seriously, we all 'vent' and share stuff we like and dislike, and at least some of it (really, MOST of it) involves guns with levers.

If I get a chance, I WILL punch some holes, hopefully using a levergun, and post it, just so's you all get your fix of gun stuff... :wink:
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Post by Blaine »

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Post by meanc »

Yup. Same here.

As a matter of fact, I'm of the opinion that anything you say here can and will be subject to being rebutted, complimented, ignored, criticized, heeded, etc...

No difference between this and talking face to face in the real world.

I'm still young enough to think I know everything, but coming here is a great place to get humbled by the sheer amount of knowledge available.

And I appreciate it.

So, whether some people like me or not, I'm sticking around too.
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Post by Ysabel Kid »

Joe -

Glad you are staying - I very much enjoy your posts and replies. I'm staying too - unless or until the moderators, Jim or Paco ask me to leave. It is their forum and I am a guest. This is the only forum I frequent, but figured that since I found the BEST one right off the bat - with the BEST folks around the world, there was no need for me to go elesewhere!

I like the variety of posts, and the marking system we use. I read - and post - a lot of "OT", "Political" and "Humor" posts. Don't have time to read everything, and don't stick with ones that aren't of interest to me or are too argumentative. But it is the variety that is the spice of life - with a solid foundation of gun-related and especially lever-related topics.

Hope I am not the reason others are leaving. As I have said before, being a relative newcomer (2006 to the old forum), I'll go if that is the case - the powers that be just need to let me know I've worn out my welcome.
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Post by Hobie »


Glad to hear it. :wink:


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Post by Borregos »

YK +1 :D :D :D
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Post by JReed »

Glad to see your sticking around Joe :D .
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Post by rjohns94 »

Joe, Glad you are staying and wish everyone else would too. this is my farorite forum, the one I spend the most time on, and the one I learn the most from. I enjoy the lively discussions. I don't enjoy the personal attacks. I value the opinions of those here, whether I agree with them or not. There are alot of experts here (of which I am not one), and there are various levels of experience represented here. I appreciate them all. just my lowly opinion. :)
Mike Johnson,

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Post by rangerider7 »

For what it is worth, count me in. I like it here.
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Post by bsaride »

Nobody knows me here, yet.
I just started buying guns about a year ago
after life took a dump. Life is still tough and
I expect it will stay that way. Sh*t happens,
usually to me. I won't bother you with the
details. I have 3 22s, M39, M52 and a Stevens
Favorite that needs alot of work, an old Iver
Johnson pristeen revolver and my 1908 M93
30-30 that I am working on to use at the SoCal
shoot next month, that and an old $50 12 Ga
are all I own at this time. Discounting the 12
Ga my newest is 1946. I had a bunch of guns
(17) that I had to let go in 2001. I haven't
been out shooting much and prior to last year
it has been 10 yrs since I was out, and 22 yrs
since I used a shotgun.

I like this Forum very much and plan to stay.
I work from home and check my emails on
two sites and come here several times a day.
There is alot of knowledge here and some
great pics too! If i'm not feelin like looking
at a post, political or otherwise, I just don't
go there. If I see something I don't care for
so be it, I use my back button and let the
poster be without any comentary.

This is a good site and I'm here to stay!
whatever that means, lol.
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Post by rock-steady »

Alright, dang it. I'm staying too. 8)
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Post by Charles »

Joe.. A couple of observation on your post.

1) If never thought of myself as PC and in fact my Wife and I are very much against 99% of it.

2) Being against Neo-Nazi/White Supremacy/KKK propaganda is not PC. It is not just a silly game. Joseph Goebbles used such cartoon games to condition the hearts and minds of the Germans to prepare them to hate and kill Jews. That silly game belongs to the same line of attempt to brain wash the American People and it comes from a recognized Neo-Nazi hate web site.

3) If opposing such a things is PC, the hell yes I am PC, but I didn't know I was. I just thought I was being a responsble American of the Christian stripe.

4) I have been the object of scorn and name calling by others because I take a strong stand for my views on certain issues. I got give a rats patoot. Thne name calling and scorn, speaks much louder about those that do it, than it does about me.

5) I will be here to express my heart felt understanding on issues both firearms related and not.

6) I took a time out to examine my heart about my participation in this site. Having done that.. I feel very good about my being here.

7) I am sorry if that feeling is not mutual.

8) Das all!
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Post by Rebel1972 »

Charles, I'm playin' the devils advocate here but don't the PC crowd use the same brainwashing techniques(ie,repeating a lie until it becomes a fact).
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Post by homefront »


100% correct, my friend. Thanks for speaking your mind. :D
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Post by k8bor »

I wasn't invited to join, but did anyway. So you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere either.
de k8bor

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Post by Charles »

Rebel... Of course you are correct. The ploy of repeating a lie often enough until it is accepted as fact , doesn't belong to any one group.

It is my observations that both the extreme right and left wings in this country are mort interested in their adgendas than the facts or reason. They are not interested in making reasoned, decisions, they are interested in winning over whoever they consider the other side to be.

I just find it interesting that often holding a position that is generations old is called PC by the extreme right wing, or "radical extemism" by the left win.

It is as old as human nature, to take any opinion or person whom disagree with , slap some sort of pajorative label on them, and then that person or their opinion can be dismissed out of hand. You don't have to deal with their opinion because they are extreme, reactionary, liberal or PC. Their thought can be dismissed with any consideration.

CS Lewis.. Wrote an essay on "Bulverism" in essense it tells the story of a young Ezekel Bulver who when he was 5 years of age here his mother and father in an argument. His father was holding the position that the sum of two sides of an equilateral triange was greater than the third. His mother responded by sayings to his father, "You only say that because you are a man?".

Then is occured to young Ezekel that logic was no necessary part of argument. His spirit lives on in what Lewis calls "Bulverism".

Take care and good shooting... Charles
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Post by ceb »

Well dang Joe, if your stayin, then so am I. Us Illinoisions must stick together.
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Post by nemhed »

I was born in Illinois can I stay too? :wink:
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Post by bsaride »

nemhed wrote:I was born in Illinois can I stay too? :wink:
I was born in a Dodge pickup

and I am staying, lol

as far as I know, where you were born has no relation to how you hold your levergun.
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Post by 505stevec »

I hated the game and thoght it was in poor taste not because i am a bleeding heart liberal, in fact I am the most conservative person I know. However, if think that racism is equal to conservatism someone is sorely mistaken. The Liberal left like to paint gun owners as "redneck, neo-nazi, inbred minority haters" this game plays right into it. Set aside your feeling about immigation and think about if the game portrayed you and yours as the targets. Sure most will say "its all in fun" but its not and they know it. I am Hispanic, Mexican, Latino or whatever. Most of all and I tell everyone this I AM AMERICAN!!! I serve my country every day as a Law Enforcement Officer. I love our freedom and our Government. Being Mexican is not synonymous with flag burning and freeloading and all the other people that stoop to a level to think your race is better is ignorant. I love this forum and for the most part have just read and learned. When I post it is to something I agree with totally or disagree with. I disagreed with the game. Dont pain someone who hated the game as PC just to assuage your guilt for being crass about race. Nuff Said
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Post by TCB in TN »

I am a newbie here, but to be honest I really like this place. I have not posted just a bunch, because I often like to listen but when I really have something to say you can bet I will. I used to consider myself a conservative, but have realized that I am really more of a libertarian with some conservative tendencies. While I don't like much that is in the world today, I really believe that folks need to grow a little thicker skin and deal with life.

While I am a good ole southern redneck white boy, I have had friends from every race and ethnic group, and still do for that matter. Back in my youth I could get rough and tumble pretty quick and have mashed a mouth or two in the past for using the wrong name for one of my friends. I happen to believe that people are people and should be treated as such, but now I have grown up and older I realize that a response like that gives power to the person making the comment, nothing more.

People are going to always be people, think what they want, say what they want, so I gave up worrying about what idiots think of me some time back. There are people whose opinion of me is a concern, they are close to me, and I trust them. Outside of that I am NOT going to worry about it.

BTW thanks to Paco and the rest for running an A-1 top notch site!
And thanks to so many of the rest of you for making me feel welcome here for the short time I have been around.
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Post by Old Savage »

It is the extreme middle that keeps getting in the way and being unpredictable.
In the High Desert of Southern Calif. ..."on the cutting edge of going back in time"...

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Post by Scott64A »


Nothing liberal about having an issue with a flash game posted on an Aryan Supremist site where you grease Mexcians.

I admit, I played that game, but had to reflect on the sheer ugliness of such a game. I even looked around that site a little and found it to be hateful.

Not my cup of tea, and I'll defend anyone's right to say yay or nay one way or the other on it.

oops, got a call.. more later
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Post by JB »

I have anything against anyone based on their color of skin, but I'd have no problems with just about ANY measure to keep out the illegals. If the penalty was something more than a free ride back to their country, they might think twice about trying it. I did play the game, but once I saw it was a nazi website I didn't go back.
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Post by SmokeEater2 »

I like this forum and though I'm a newcomer here I plan to stay until Paco,Hobie,JimT or Ambrocal (sp?) throws me out.
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Post by Sixgun »

Hey, I paid my $10 :D --I'm staying :D :D or going, it don't matter to me. My life, fun, and things I like to do sure don't depend on a forum.-----------------------Sixgun
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Post by pharmseller »

Gee guys, can I stay, too?

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Post by J Miller »

I was borne in St Johns Hospital, City of Springfield, Sangamon County, State of IL, aprox 11:30PM, August 16th 1952. Not that where you was born has any bearing on staying or leaving this forum.

Charles, propaganda and brain washing is rampant in our world. EVERY BODY does it. It's wrong, it always has been, always will be. But I'm not gonna raise my already too high blood pressure getting hot about it. I've seen that silly game several times in the last couple years, even played it once. I just give it the attention it's due and move on. No sense in getting all bent about it.
I reserve that for other things.

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Post by dennie »

I am no expert on anything.
I am not PC.
I have little to say that others want to hear.
I am really not sure where, or what, Illinois is. :D :D
But I am stayin' whithya!
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Post by Blaine »

Well, I'm leaving.

Eating lunch, then I'll be back...I promise.
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Post by kimwcook »

I wasn't born anywhere near Illinois. But I did get spit on in your fabulous O'hare airport. I was heading for my first duty station fresh out of MCRD San Diego. I was wearing my class A uniform. I got off in the O'hare airport to change planes. Some longhaired whatever came up to me and spat right in my face. I wanted to kill him right then and there. Kept my composure, cleaned myself off and walked to my terminal. I never traveled in uniform again.

I know it was because of the war in Nam, but I didn't start it. I was only a Marine.
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Post by Bullard4075 »

Hey gentlemen I came in late , was out feedin the cat.
Whos leavin ??
Have I been asked to leave ??
Where will I go ??
Who will feed the cat while I'm gone ??
Can I take anyone with me ??
Can I take Megyn Kelly with me ???
:D :D
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Post by Jeeps »

Myself being against anything PC can only say......

I am a Pollock and my favorite jokes are the polish ones :shock:

I grew up on a dairy farm and smile everytime I hear "you know your a redneck when" Most of the punchlines bring back fond memories:P

At the same time, I've never seen a flash game that involved shooting pollocks.
Can't honestly say what I'd think of that, but I'd prolly play a round or two
to see if I could beat the high score. :roll:

I don't like nazi's or the kkk, if I see a couple wannabees I'll either laugh to
myself or openly, whatever I feel like at the time. If they try to recruit my son
well then I'd be giggling at dead nazi's I would guess.

As far as the flood of Illegal aliens into our country, I don't know what to
think ATM, I know I wish it wasn't happening. They are putting a strain on
our system that will only get worse as time goes on.

Tax dollars for kids in school who's parents don't pay taxes :shock:

Hospital bills being payed by your tax dollars for illegals :(

Citizens of the USA being raped or murdered by illegals :?

Tax money to incarcerate criminals who shouldn't be here :cry:

Putting up with all this nonsense for the sake of illegals who are only
looking for a better life :(

Watching illegals put another flag above mine in my country, and then
fly mine below theirs upside down :evil:

Waiting for the govt. to do something about it :x

When does diplomacy admit defeat, when does our burden start really taking
a huge toll on our society and way of life that people who came here without
invitation throw it in our faces that if we don't like it, tough cookies, you
have to take the poop were feeding you or we will label you a bad person.


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Post by BenT »

I come here seeking great knowledge. :wink: Actually some gun info and some entertainment. I deal with B.S. on a daily basis the last thing I will read is a political thread. I come here to take a break . I like going back to work with a smile on my face.

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Post by bsaride »

Jeeps wrote:Myself being against anything PC can only say......

I am a Pollock and my favorite jokes are the polish ones :shock:

I grew up on a dairy farm and smile everytime I hear "you know your a redneck when" Most of the punchlines bring back fond memories:P

At the same time, I've never seen a flash game that involved shooting pollocks.
Can't honestly say what I'd think of that, but I'd prolly play a round or two
to see if I could beat the high score. :roll:

I don't like nazi's or the kkk, if I see a couple wannabees I'll either laugh to
myself or openly, whatever I feel like at the time. If they try to recruit my son
well then I'd be giggling at dead nazi's I would guess.

As far as the flood of Illegal aliens into our country, I don't know what to
think ATM, I know I wish it wasn't happening. They are putting a strain on
our system that will only get worse as time goes on.

Tax dollars for kids in school who's parents don't pay taxes :shock:

Hospital bills being payed by your tax dollars for illegals :(

Citizens of the USA being raped or murdered by illegals :?

Tax money to incarcerate criminals who shouldn't be here :cry:

Putting up with all this nonsense for the sake of illegals who are only
looking for a better life :(

Watching illegals put another flag above mine in my country, and then
fly mine below theirs upside down :evil:

Waiting for the govt. to do something about it :x

When does diplomacy admit defeat, when does our burden start really taking
a huge toll on our society and way of life that people who came here without
invitation throw it in our faces that if we don't like it, tough cookies, you
have to take the poop were feeding you or we will label you a bad person.
+1 (but only 1/4 polish, lived on a ranch once, family had a dairy farm for about 120 yrs)
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Post by MikeS. »

I'm a moderator on a food based board and back in Jan. we decided to ban any political discussion on the board. Not saying that should be done here.

Anyways thanks to y'all I now own 6 lever guns. Before coming here I had owned 1, gave it to my best friend. So I'm staying too. I get great advice and learn a lot here. Thanks to y'all.

If I don't like a thread here I ignore it. Simple as that.

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Post by Charles »

Mr. Miller... It is obvious from your post that you consider Nazi race hate speech and brain washing to kill others, just silly stuff and nothing worth getting spun up about. You are saving your strength for something really significant to worry about. There were millions of Germans who thought the same thing in the 30's.

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Post by Blaine »

Charles wrote:Mr. Miller... It is obvious from your post that you consider Nazi race hate speech and brain washing to kill others, just silly stuff and nothing worth getting spun up about. You are saving your strength for something really significant to worry about. There were millions of Germans who thought the same thing in the 30's.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Blake.
Charles, I respectfully submit that this has run it's course. Nazis WERE killing people. We are not. I don't care for these type of games, but drawing a moral comparison between Joe and Hitler.....well, that dog don't hunt, Sir. There's a million other shortcomings we can rag him about, if need be........
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Post by JohnnyReb »

Charles wrote:Mr. Miller... It is obvious from your post that you consider Nazi race hate speech and brain washing to kill others, just silly stuff and nothing worth getting spun up about. You are saving your strength for something really significant to worry about. There were millions of Germans who thought the same thing in the 30's.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Blake.
Charles... with all due respect..... If you feel so strongly then get out in front of the crowd..... ever laugh at Blonde jokes? Think Jeff Foxworthy is funny? These are the last two politically correct permissible prejudices... If you feel so strongly about the downtrodden, abused and discriminated against then fight 'em!!!

The reason I can say these things is that I am: GERMAN heritage; blonde; a southern redneck; and to beat all.... a lawyer.

stuff! I AM a walking joke!!!
Last edited by JohnnyReb on Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Redneck suicide note: Here, hold my beer and watch this!!
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Post by Chuck 100 yd »

I aint goin too !!! :wink:
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Post by J Miller »

Now, this is why Junior left. You see he didn't think like other folks thought he should. So he was ragged on mercilessly until he'd had enough and left.
I have the right, yes the right , to feel, think, and say what I please. I also have the right to not be harassed by those who don't like my way of thinking. I'm not easily offended, but people can get on my nerves if they work at it.

I am a Pollock too. And like Jeeps I love the old Pollock jokes. Too bad they became insensitive and politically incorrect. There were sure some funny ones. Hey Jeeps, do you remember any? I've forgotten them, it's been way too long since I've heard any.

I'm still staying, I still own lever guns, and I ain't goin nowhere - and I still don't think that silly cartoon was anything to get your panties bunched up about.


PS: I have the link to that silly cartoon game. I could repost it and start this all over again. Bwahahahahahahahaha
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Post by Charles »

With all due respect mr JohnnyRebel blond jokes and Jeff Foxworth and his Redneck humor is not in the same league with Tom Metzer and his Nazi white supremacy group. The latter is not joking!

I would think that even a German lawyer could see the difference.

In case you don't know, I am a a German lawyer as well.

My uncle commanded heavy artillery with Paton's 3rd. Army but did not get home until 1947. Being a lawyer he voluntered for War Crimes duty and prosecuted the Mathausen Nazis at Dachau. He told me he would have gotton home a year and a half earlier, but he was busy hanging my relatives. I grew up looking through a basket of photos he brought back with him that were excess to what they used in the trial.

I NEVER treat Nazis as a joke! People who hate are capable of anything. People who turn a blind eye to Nazi hate groups are culpable when people die and they laughed at the threat.

The Muslam who turns a blind eye to the Jihadie killer must answer to God for his or her complicity in the crime.

No sir Mr. Johnny Reb... Tom Metzer and his followers are not a joke. I am truly sorry that you think they are in the same catagory as blond and redneck jokes.
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Post by Charles »

Humm...Mr. Miller... You have a right not to be harrassed? You are very quick to express your disagreement with others and slap labels on them in your disagreement. You give as good as you get.

"A member posted a silly cartoon game and raised the ire of those who live and breath liberal political correctness. I wish I'd seen it before he pulled it and the thread was locked"... Joe Miller
Last edited by Charles on Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JohnnyReb »

Charles wrote:With all due respect mr JohnnyRebel blond jokes and Jeff Foxworth and his Redneck humor is not in the same league with Tom Metzer and his Nazi white supremacy group. The latter is not joking!

I would think that even a German lawyer could see the difference.

In case you don't know, I am a a German lawyer as well.

My uncle commanded heavy artillery with Paton's 3rd. Army but did not get home until 1947. Being a lawyer he voluntered for War Crimes duty and prosecuted the Mathausen Nazis at Dachau. He told me he would have gotton home a year and a half earlier, but he was busy hanging my relatives. I grew up looking through a basket of photos he brought back with him that were excess to what they used in the trial.

I NEVER treat Nazis as a joke! People who hate are capable of anything. People who turn a blind eye to Nazi hate groups are culpable when people die and they laughed at the threat.

The Muslam who turns a blind eye to the Jihadie killer must answer to God for his or her complicity in the crime.

No sir Mr. Johnny Reb... Tom Metzer and his followers are not a joke. I am truly sorry that you think they are in the same catagory as blond and redneck jokes.
Very nice rebuttal (I am being sincere); however, you either missed my point or chose to deflect.... I was referring to the fact that you were upset because many serious matters of consequence start out as being viewed as harmless humor, etc. My point is not to maintain a double standard; to be so strongly opposed to the end result of discrimination (when it is easy to see the consequences) but not be opposed to it when it does not personally offend you or is not so obvious in it's ultimate effect. That is the standard to which I am referrring...

Remember the elimination of the Jews and the holocaust did not come on suddenly in 1939. The seeds of it were sown immediately after WWI. Opposition to the discrimination in the '20's could have turned the tide... instead it took WWII in which your uncle bravely fought....
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Post by homefront »


Nobody wants to learn from history.

The libs have completely forgotten how Hitler first disarmed every populace he invaded or exterminated. How he didn't dare invade Switzerland, partly due to its marksman townsfolk. They've forgotten that firearms are the mark of a free and responsible society.

There is no room for racial intolerance, especially when it's disguised as a sophomoric/harmless game. The conditioning is somewhat subtle, and grows ill thoughts in the weak-minded. Nowadays, youth can't seem to tell the difference between a game and reality, and I agree with your intolerance of all of it.
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Post by Charles »

Mr. Johnny Reb... I missed the point of your post. You asked an honest question, so let me give you and honest answer. Prejudice, which mean to pre-judge, toward others human beings is part and parcel of human existance. Because it is common does not mean it is acceptable or right. You are correct that some of it that may seem harmless can become harmful it given free rein.

All prejudice is offensive at some level to somebody. Just because it is not directed at me, doesn't make it any less offensive in it's basic nature.

All of that said, there is a vast difference between something which is offensive and something which is dangerous. Nobody is posting hate web sites against blond and rednecks and advocating their deaths.

A man has to pick and choose his battles. Life will be very unplesant if a man turns every issue into an Alamo. I am not willing to turn blond jokes and Jeff Foxworthy into an Alamo. I am willing to turn Nazis and hate mongers into an Alamo. One cannot turn a blind eye to an evil so obvious and potent.

Talk to any Jew and he or she will tell you the genesis of the Holocaust began centuries before WWI.
Last edited by Charles on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blaine »

Nobody is posting hate web sites against blond and rednecks and advocating their deaths.
Wanna bet big money on that? They got 3000 of them on 911 and so on and so forth. I don't want to start on illegals that are here ONLY to break the law and kill to protect their drug business.
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Post by J Miller »

Charles, homefront and others who are offended by this silly game.

I used to be the kind of person who was personally offended by anything that was opposed to what I believed, or perceived as wrong by the group I was with, or the church I belonged to.
It got to the point that was taking everything as a personal attack. That had to stop. It was useless to get all worked up over something that I didn't agree with.
I learned to control myself for the most part, and ignore things I cannot change.
I still state my thoughts as you have seen, and will label people too. But you are doing the same thing.
This game may have been put together by neo nazis, I don't know, I never went beyond laughing at it and playing once.
What I do realize is that in this country all of us, even neo nazis have the right to think and speak out as we believe.

You don't like that game and you have stated your dislike for it. I couldn't care less about it. And I've stated my lack of care about it.

That should end that. But no, you have kept stirring the stink until several people here have told you to let it drop.
The offensive game was removed by it's poster, but you and several others continued the harassment until Hobie locked the thread down.
When it was removed you should have let it drop. But you didn't.

Now, enter J Miller into this I'm leaving / I'm not leaving stupidity. I stated my opinion at that time and you had already stated your opinion. Why did you start stirring the stink again? Because you are trying to force your way of thinking on others. I won't give in. I still don't give a rats behind about that game. It's a stupid silly game that doesn't deserve the attention this and the other thread is giving it.

Now if you will go back to the beginning of this thread you will notice that after my initial post I said nothing about that game until you brought it up again. And after this last comment I'm not going to say any more about it.

You have said your peace, I have said mine, others have said theirs, it's been hashed over enough, if you continue to rehash and harass me and others about it, then YOU are the problem, not the silly game. LET IT DROP.

"We may not agree on everything, but that does not mean we can't be friends." - J Miller (a long time ago)

I'm still not leaving this forum, nope, no way, no how, not till the moderators / administrators / owners throw me off.

***Be sneaky, get closer, bust the cap on him when you can put the ball where it counts ;) .***