I've just sized around 150 30-30 cases. Now I put my Forster case trimmer in the vise, it's screwed to a short piece of 2x4, and put some oil on the cutter shaft.
Then I put in a case and trim it. The trimmer was set for 30-30s cos that's what I used it on the last time. But instead of cutting the case to 2.028", it cut it to 2.020". ARRRGGGHHHH

Trying to get that thing back to 2.028" is a pain in the @$$! Especially when I never touched it since the last time and it was set to 2.028 then.
Now adjusting a Forster should be simple, but it's not. You got to loosen a tiny dinky little set screw, then turn the adjuster screw, then tighten the set screw.
Sounds simple, but not. The adjuster screw will move the cutter over a thousandths of an inch with just the tiniest fraction of a turn. Then when you think it's right, tightening the darn set screw moves the adjust screw and it's off again.
I think a big part of the problem is the four fingered collett that you put the case into then tighten. If you don't get it exact each time you have a variation. Case rims vary, so it's really hard to do. This is a feature I want to get rid of.
I'm upset. I want a case trimmer that is user friendly and EASY to adjust. I want the KISS principle to apply.
K eep
I t
S imple
S tupid
Anybody know of such a case trimmer?
If this house wasn't a frame house I'd beat my head on the wall I'm so frustrated at this stupid trimmer. I've botched a half dozen case just trying to set that thing.[/RANT]

PS: I hate and despise this stinking censor. The words it substitutes for what I put in don't come anywhere near expressing how really infuriated I am.