Or the other Cambridge resident……..Moderna.

there is a difference between live virus vaccines, made from live viruses, which are real vaccines and are the kind that did all that good stuff you mentioned, and mrna "vaccines", which i think are not really vaccines at all. they are dna programmers, they modify dna to achieve their goals. this is medical experimentation and it is expressly forbidden in law. there is NO COMPARISON between those two technologies.jeepnik wrote: ↑Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:21 pm Here's my take. Skip about ten years of kids receiving polio vaccines. The message will become clear. And in the plus side the prosthetics and iron lung industry will skyrocket
Now mumps & shingles might take a couple of decades but hey, some of those infected with mumps will be sterile (that will help over population). And when the kids getting chickenpox do get shingles later in life they can always blame the government.
Of course we'd have to forgo giving military folks things like smallpox (remember it's living in labs and could be weapons, the army did that right here at home), malaria, yellow fever, etc.
Think about the millions (billions?) vaccines have saved.
The chronologic and spatial correlation, as well as much of the physiology, do seem to favor that the phenomenon of poliomyelitis was due to a combination of factors, but the virus itself had been relatively harmless until mercury, lead, and arsenic began to be used routinely in infants.
Yep - and the worst part is that the vaccine probably wears off around 15-20 years after administered. So it will wear off about the age that some of the more 'wild' kids will do the risky things (amateur tattoos, sexual promiscuity, injectable drug abuse). I've encouraged parents to delay and give it around 10-12 years of age, so the protection should last until the kid is old enough that if they did take the 'wild' path, they have likely settled down some.fourbore wrote: ↑Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:24 pm JFK also made a case in the inquisition that HepB vaccine ( a sexually transmitted disease) need not be given to children. (ok unless the mother is a carrier, but not a as general practice) I was actually in shock to hear this was part of the 27 pin cushion routine for infants.