Vaccines and capitol hill

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Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by 4t5 »

Elizebeth Warren , who hails from Cambridge Mass is saying RFK JR will bankrupt the vaccine industry, do you think that is her speaking ?
Or the other Cambridge resident……..Moderna. :evil: hickock45
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by Grizz »

she might have a point. if rfk puts a stop to mass human medical experiments and forces pharma to make real vaccines with proper testing and vetting and with liability for the harm their experimental substances cause, then, yeah, i hope he does it.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by jeepnik »

Here's my take. Skip about ten years of kids receiving polio vaccines. The message will become clear. And in the plus side the prosthetics and iron lung industry will skyrocket

Now mumps & shingles might take a couple of decades but hey, some of those infected with mumps will be sterile (that will help over population). And when the kids getting chickenpox do get shingles later in life they can always blame the government.

Of course we'd have to forgo giving military folks things like smallpox (remember it's living in labs and could be weapons, the army did that right here at home), malaria, yellow fever, etc.

Think about the millions (billions?) vaccines have saved.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by Grizz »

jeepnik wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:21 pm Here's my take. Skip about ten years of kids receiving polio vaccines. The message will become clear. And in the plus side the prosthetics and iron lung industry will skyrocket

Now mumps & shingles might take a couple of decades but hey, some of those infected with mumps will be sterile (that will help over population). And when the kids getting chickenpox do get shingles later in life they can always blame the government.

Of course we'd have to forgo giving military folks things like smallpox (remember it's living in labs and could be weapons, the army did that right here at home), malaria, yellow fever, etc.

Think about the millions (billions?) vaccines have saved.
there is a difference between live virus vaccines, made from live viruses, which are real vaccines and are the kind that did all that good stuff you mentioned, and mrna "vaccines", which i think are not really vaccines at all. they are dna programmers, they modify dna to achieve their goals. this is medical experimentation and it is expressly forbidden in law. there is NO COMPARISON between those two technologies.

the vaccines that rfk supports are the ones we got growing up. he opposes the hundreds of experimental vaccines that use humans as their beta testers. they don't even account for what exactly is in their little drops of badness.

There is an epidemic of sickness among American children, and none of is tied to the standard old-school vaccines. It all tracks with the current shots that babies are getting according to the non-liar information i've read.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by earlmck »

Lady Doc name of Suzanne Humphries wrote a book "Dissolving Illusions". Sure dissolved a bunch of mine about the wonderfulness (or lack thereof) of vaccines. Be a cold day in a very warm place before I take another shot.

Our "Big Pharma" make the Mexican drug cartels look like boy scouts: the cartels come after the teen agers; Big Pharma comes after our babies and when they are injured they are "customers for life". They have a huge number of "customers for life" thanks to the "childhood vaccine schedule".
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by AJMD429 »

I used to be a stong proponent of vaccines, as taught in both pharmacy school and medical school.
The vaccines out when I started practice were tetanus, diptheria, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.
By the next decade there were about three times as many vaccines suggested, then pretty soon mandated, by the regulators.

THEN I saw the outright lies about the covid vaccine, and started digging into what I had been taught, and found that much of what I'd been taught as 'fact' was ALSO lies...

Just as one instance - we were taught how many millions of lives the measles vaccine saved, with mortality data in the US from 1915 or so versus 1975 or so. What was CONCEALED (dunno if accidentally or purposefully, and at what level in the chain-of-information), was the fact that the mortality plummetted BEFORE the vaccine was introduced. Measles mortality decline in the US (and in other nations) correlated way better with when better sanitation and antibiotics were introduced, and ventilation management available in hospitals. It clearly did not correlate by following the vaccine's introduction in different nations.

THEN I read "Turtles all the way Down" - ... e-way-down, and checked many of the 200-plus references in the book to verify whether they were BS or not, and found them accurate. Very enlightening.

THEN I read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and vague suspicions I'd had about the government-industry corruption and RFK's "regulatory capture" began to solidify.

Finally, I am now reading "The Moth in the Iron Lung" - ... -iron-lung, and so far it appears that even with the horrific images we grew up with of helpless children in iron lungs tugging at our hearts, there was a lot of misinformation behind the scenes. That much is pretty evident - whether it was simply a series of misjudgements and assumptions, versus corruption and money-corrupting-politics, is more difficult to say.

Either way, I think the historic thing boils down to the fundamental concept that governments crave power, and two of the ways to accrue power are threats of violence, and fear-mongering. In the US, the Second Amendment stifles too much reliance on threats from government, but we are still vulnerable to fear, and the 'news' media isn't the only collaborator with government in delivering that fear - 'social media' THRIVES on it, and sadly, even 'academia' has largely sold-out to the highest bidder, and in the medical world that bidder is often Big Pharma.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by jeepnik »

Well, I have read on both sides. But let nay sayers refute this. Infantile paralysis was almost completely eliminated in my generation. And subsequent generations have seen even fewer cases.

Small pox is gone. The last case, I believe, was a researcher that got sloppy/ complacent.

There have been in recent years a spike in some diseases resulting in unvaccinated.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by fourbore »

What RFK is saying very clearly is we should be constantly evaluating the safety and NEED for every vaccine that is routinely (almost forced) on children. I will never trust a policy where the advocates try and censor and shout down any who dares to question. That is very bad. We all saw that during Covid. Talk about the 2nd amendment, we lost the 1st and that is more important. Why did Fauchi need a pardon! That says it all right there. Who do you trust now?

Lets take Covid as an example. I got a the 1st shot ASAP.. Figured the odds and seem logical. BUT!!!! I was given a card, like a Communist ID card showing I got a shot that was my access to public spaces. In theory. I was never asked. And I was retired.

Fast forward my wife got Covid, same 2 vaccines as me. But now days you get a 5 day regiment of pills. Covid gone. My friend got Covid. Not knowing, I payed a visit to bring him some soup and otc pills. Later it got much worse and he drove to the ER. He got the pills. 24 hrs late, on the mend. Looks Like I am immune and the normal people just take a pill. Or get sick and get better. I have another friend who did that twice now. Initially we were in a tough way. Fear and deaths. Yet, I know a wholoe lot of folks who refused the vaccine just because they did not trust. Thinking the censorship was hiding something. Time to modify the covid recommendation's to reflect current reality. The good news if a critic like JFK give something the OK, I may have doubts but I know I can believe he is sincere. He wont need a pardon in 4 years!
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by fourbore »

Someone mention Polio and potential horror story. First I dont know and 2nd I dont know ANYONE I can trust to tell me. Covid was a tough virus. It has a cure. I think polio is another tough virus. I bet today it could be cured. If I was JFK I would do some serious home work and consider suspending the recommendation for Polio vaccine. Parents choice. Then wait and see what happens. If the problem comes back and we cannot cure it and its looks serious we resume the recommendation and try and encourage those who skipped the vaccine to get it later. If that is a stupid idea, then fine. Dont do it. What we want is unbiased consideration. Not 'opinions' from someone who needs a pardon 4 years later.

JFK also made a case in the inquisition that HepB vaccine ( a sexually transmitted disease) need not be given to children. (ok unless the mother is a carrier, but not a as general practice) I was actually in shock to hear this was part of the 27 pin cushion routine for infants. Now, every parent has to study every single vaccine because we cannot trust these jerks. Who do you pardon for this? I would seriously consider zero shots for a new born on religious grounds. It is that bad! This is not easy to research. And we are totally on our own.
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Re: Vaccines and capitol hill

Post by AJMD429 »

jeepnik wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:04 pm Infantile paralysis was almost completely eliminated in my generation. And subsequent generations have seen even fewer cases.
... ...
There have been in recent years a spike in some diseases resulting in unvaccinated.
The chronologic and spatial correlation, as well as much of the physiology, do seem to favor that the phenomenon of poliomyelitis was due to a combination of factors, but the virus itself had been relatively harmless until mercury, lead, and arsenic began to be used routinely in infants.

And one thing interesting about the spikes in disease sometimes seen when unvaccinated people get, then transmit, a disease, is that the vaccinated people get sick (wasn't the point of the vaccine that they would be 'protected'?), and in the case of covid, much of the international data show that the vaccinated people got SICKER than the unvaccinated. Looking more closely, the reason for the US data being at-odds with the international data, may have to do with the changing of definitions and the changing of the way data was gathered, in the US, which just so happened to benefit US-based pharmaceutical companies.

Ignaz Semmelweis was ridiculed and punished for being a non-believer in the mid-19th century dogma on intrapartum infections, yet was found to be correct. Many other examples exist of similar disasters happening when 'truths' everyone took for granted were challenged, but the 'fact checkers' won, only later to find lives were lost for failure to challenge the status quo. Add the corruption of big-pharma and their too-cozy relationship with regulators, and I think we should all be wary of falling into the trap of assuming things are true just because on the surface they appear to be. I think if you read The Moth in the Machine it might make you a skeptic as well.

I encourage my patients to read both sides, talk to sources of information they respect, and decide for themselves what vaccinations, if any, they want to be given to themselves or their children. Where I draw the line is if someone ELSE (including especially 'government') tries to FORCE them to get a vaccine, or take a drug; that legally qualifies as 'battery'.

It's the mirror equivalent of when a patient has a terminal cancer, and the government prohibits them from trying something like fenbendazole; to me that is tantamount to murder. Even if there's only a one in a million chance the medication will help, there is no rationale I can see whereby a government should have the right to prohibit the patient from trying whatever they want.

But we have morphed from a Constitutional Republic to a Nation of Busybodies, and hopefully the last election will turn that around.
fourbore wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:24 pm JFK also made a case in the inquisition that HepB vaccine ( a sexually transmitted disease) need not be given to children. (ok unless the mother is a carrier, but not a as general practice) I was actually in shock to hear this was part of the 27 pin cushion routine for infants.
Yep - and the worst part is that the vaccine probably wears off around 15-20 years after administered. So it will wear off about the age that some of the more 'wild' kids will do the risky things (amateur tattoos, sexual promiscuity, injectable drug abuse). I've encouraged parents to delay and give it around 10-12 years of age, so the protection should last until the kid is old enough that if they did take the 'wild' path, they have likely settled down some.
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