Five Possible Outcomes for the Election I can think of....

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Five Possible Outcomes for the Election I can think of....

Post by AJMD429 »

1. Something happens that makes the election not happen.
2. Trump is declared winner and everyone accepts that result.
3. Trump is declared winner and the result is contested.
4. Harris is declared winner and everyone accepts that result.
5. Harris is declared winner and the result is contested.

I think the odds of #1 are probably less than 1%, but these are strange times indeed.
The odds of #2 happening are likely close to zero, given the statements, history, and violence of the Left.
I can't imagine #4 happening though, because there simply hasn't been much enthusiasm for her other than in the military-industrial complex, perhaps big-pharma, and academia; nobody with any sense would expect her to truly draw in 'winning' levels of legitimate votes.
So it is likely either #3 or #5, and right now I think the cheating has been so blatant and so-far-successful that Harris is far more likely to 'win' - I sure hope I'm wrong... :|

I love the way the 'news' media keeps asking (only the) Republicans " you promise to accept the election results no matter what...?" It's almost like they PLAN to cheat, and PLAN to get caught, but figure that they can make Republicans promise NOT to contest the results even if there is blatant cheating (which we are already seeing plenty of evidence of).

Funny how the Democrats have contested almost every defeat THEY have had for the past few decades, in many cases using 'mostly peaceful' violence, but they expect Republicans to ignore cheating.

If you look at those five potential outcomes -

1. The Dems are desparate enough now to 'allow' (more likely cause) some terrorist act, or assassination, or even wtart a war, so if that happens they may happily invoke their new military powers that bypass the posse comitatus principle. I don't see any way that ends well, even though the conservative folks are smarter and tougher - violence has too much collateral damage to innocents.

2&3. The Dems have already said they will not accept a Trump win (making their assertions against Republicans not doing the same all the more hypocritical), and when the Dems don't get their way they seem to always get violent big time, and judging from the BLM summer, they couldn't care less about collateral damage to innocents, so a Trump win, even if it were to dramatically over-ride the cheating so as to be plain and pure and huge, would mean scary times.

4&5. The Republicans don't tend to be violent when they don't get their way (but be prepared for agent provocateurs from the Dems to do their fake 'hate-crime' stuff as an excuse to 'crack down' on any and all dissent). However, the blatant cheating we've already seen leading up to Election Day, the already-declared desire to put dissenters in jail, and their track record the past few elections, pretty much mean there is little to make anyone have faith in a Harris 'win'. (Seriously, how many people really want to vote in censorship, more taxes, more wars, and gun bans... :? )

So.... I can't see any path to a 'peaceful' next couple of months, other than if Harris is allowed to cheat/'win', and the RINOs do like they did four years ago. That will be the classic trading-in of temporary peace for eventual tyranny. Any of the other four outcomes simply accelerate the process.
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Re: Five Possible Outcomes for the Election I can think of....

Post by 4t5 »

Demoncrat governors are already saying they’re they are gonna stonewall TRUMP.
TRUMP should cut funding to them hickock45
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Re: Five Possible Outcomes for the Election I can think of....

Post by AJMD429 »

I'm already writing my legislators telling them I expect FULL support of Trump's agenda.

The '3 of 7' dude has some interesting speculation on the unexpected 'peace' we are seeing post-election.

Still praying daily for the US (kinda been doing that for a couple decades, actually).
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Re: Five Possible Outcomes for the Election I can think of....

Post by Pisgah »

I think wisdom requires layin' off that smoke, Doc... :lol:
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