Morons in the 'news' media...

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Morons in the 'news' media...

Post by AJMD429 »

I love how the author of this piece thinks that having lots of guns or ammunition means you're "planning a mass-casualty event"... ... r-AA1sWk6Y

...exactly how one person could shoot more than a couple guns at once, they need to explain to me...

...and I've never heard of a 'mass-casualty event' where 250,000 rounds were fired, or even 250, so what kind of 'limit' does this moron propose...?

He wants to "hide under the sofa" and perhaps he should...he's clearly disconnected from reality...
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws
"first do no harm" - gun control LAWS lead to far more deaths than 'easy access' ever could.

Want REAL change? . . . . . "Boortz/Nugent in 2012 . . . ! "
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