I have recently been playing around with some heavier bullets in my .44 mag lever action and getting some good results accuracy wise:

This load was developed from 25,000 psi data for 44 SPC + P listed in American Hand Loader (https://www.handloadermagazine.com/44-s-w-special-p)
However, the issue is that with these longer bullets I am having to load them in .44 Special brass as they are too long to go through the action cleanly in .44 Magnum cases.
I was wondering, would it be worth trimming down some .44 mag brass shorter than usual "Trim to" length in order to get the case mouth in the crimping groove. This is what Hornady recommends with their FTX bullets in .44 mag (FTX bullets are rather long).
The issue of course is load data with the shorter case and reduced case capacity.
My thoughts would be to pick a powder that would be forgiving in terms of having a wide min - max charge and 2 powders come to mind: 2400 and Vihtavouri N110
(Certainly wouldn't use Hodgdon H110 / W296 for this).
So, starting with 25,000psi 2400 (from Hand Loader) and Viht N110 tested load data from https://castboolits.gunloads.com/showth ... nd-VV-N110 and here: https://castboolits.gunloads.com/showth ... ht=Special).
I would then work up a load checking against Gordon's Reloading Tool predictions to determine a max load (Making sure to come up in small increments)
Any thoughts folks? Am I crazy?
Best wishes,