POLITICS - The REAL Patriotic American Political Party

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Quick Karl

POLITICS - The REAL Patriotic American Political Party

Post by Quick Karl »

The Patriotic American Political party membership requirements:

1. You have to love America, what it once stood for, and be willing to put everything you have and love on the line for her, if and when required.

2. You can be any religion you choose, except Muslim, but you have to keep your religious beliefs to yourself during meetings or activities -- do your preaching with actions, not words -- it will be far more effective.

3. No one race or religion is any better than any other, we are ALL God’s ‘chosen people’, (unless you choose to live opposed to what every reasonable human knows is right and wrong) so save that excuse for screwing people over for your mommy. If ‘you’re people’ have been hated and being killed for thousands of years, it’s time to start looking in the mirror.

4. You can not be atheist, we won’t harm you if you are, so long as you keep your personal choices to yourselves and stay away from our children, but we don’t want you in our party, because your philosophies are detrimental to society.

5. You can not be gay, we won’t harm you if you are, so long as you keep your personal choices to yourselves and stay away from our children, but we don’t want you in our party, because your philosophies are detrimental to society.

6. You can not be liberal, we won’t harm you if you are, so long as you keep your personal choices to yourselves and stay away from our children, but we don’t want you in our party, because your philosophies are detrimental to society.

7. You can not pursue any form of government entitlement, ever, to include unemployment, social security, welfare, food-stamps, etc. etc., - you, your family, and your church are responsible for you (now let’s see how many long-winded religious phonies come to your aid).

8. If you’ve ever scammed an insurance company then bow your head in shame and walk away, we don’t want you.

9. You can not seek a career in government employment or politics – anyone who does has a severe personality flaw, and we don’t want those people in our party. Government Service should be limited to 8-years with no lifetime retirement or medical benefit.

10. If you are given a 400-million dollar bonus when you retire, like the CEO of Exxon received, and you do not contribute 3/4th of that to REAL charitable causes, WE will take it from you and WE will donate it to REAL AMERICAN charitable causes.

Something tells me this is going to be a very small political party.
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Post by J Miller »

Something tells me this is going to be a very small political party.
No kidding. There is so much wrong with that "political party platform" I wouldn't even consider it.

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Post by alnitak »

You should rename it "Personal Political Party" (or the P-P Party), since it violates many principles upon which America was founded.
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Quick Karl

Post by Quick Karl »

alnitak wrote:You should rename it "Personal Political Party" (or the P-P Party), since it violates many principles upon which America was founded.
In case you haven't noticed, our entire society is violating many of the principles our country was founded on...
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Post by Jason_W »

I'm confused at the blend of ideologies here:

Rules 2, 4, and 5 are very theocratic

Rule 6 is a characteristic of fascism

Rule 10 is blatantly communist.

Last edited by Jason_W on Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OT The REAL Patriotic American Political Party

Post by Jayhawker »

Quick Karl wrote:
You can not seek a career in government employment or politics – anyone who does has a severe personality flaw, and we don’t want those people in our party. Government Service should be limited to 8-years with no lifetime retirement or medical benefit.
Well, I guess I need not apply then.

USN Retired
Well done is better than well said.
Quick Karl

Post by Quick Karl »

French observer Alexis De Tocqueville argued that (ya, I know he's French :-P):

The conflict between the impulse for private gain and the impulse for community and the common good would eventually tear America apart.

Even though our founding fathers went to great lengths to create a republic . . . a system of government in which the people elected representatives to go to two separate houses of Congress and the Senate, and executive and judicial branches for checks and balances . . . we have slowly allowed this magnificent system to erode and turn itself into a twisted form of a democracy. In fact, we no longer consider the United States a republic anymore. We openly flaunt ourselves as a democracy, and are attempting to convince other nations of the world to become democracies too.

A few quotes from Alexis de Tocqueville:

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.

It is the dissimilarities and inequalities among men which give rise to the notion of honor; as such differences become less, it grows feeble; and when they disappear, it will vanish too.

In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships.

As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own.

In America the majority raises formidable barriers around the liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them.

And the best one of all:

America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.


"A pure democracy can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party. Hence it is, that democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." -- James Madison
Quick Karl

Re: OT The REAL Patriotic American Political Party

Post by Quick Karl »

Jayhawker wrote:
Quick Karl wrote:
You can not seek a career in government employment or politics – anyone who does has a severe personality flaw, and we don’t want those people in our party. Government Service should be limited to 8-years with no lifetime retirement or medical benefit.
Well, I guess I need not apply then.

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I would wholeheartedly distinguish honorable military service from government bureaucratic hogwash.
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Post by alnitak »

Quick Karl wrote:
In case you haven't noticed, our entire society is violating many of the principles our country was founded on...
I certainly can't disagree with that. And I also agree that we are no longer a Replublic, and that Democracies are doomed to fail eventually, as the majority imposes rules. and votes for entitlements, that rob the citizens of liberty and security, and drain the achievers of the ability to sustain the entitlements.

I just disagree with some of the principles you outline (although others would sure feel good to enforce sometimes).
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Post by Blaine »

Yaa, Ve Vill march due ze beat of ze zame Drummer und Sig Heil........

There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.....
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Post by Andrew »

BlaineG wrote:Yaa, Ve Vill march due ze beat of ze zame Drummer und Sig Heil........

There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.....

Some of it ain't too bad, but, a fair amount seems contradictive(sp).
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Post by AJMD429 »

Every four years, when we see the choice boils down to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, a chorus of voices springs up that "What we need is a NEW political party - one that believes in the Constitution and limited government!" Aside from the debate over whether we should just FIX the two existing 'major' parties, all the proposals seem to forget that we have HAD such a party for 20 years, and it has been consistently on the ballots, and had a very consistent, principled platform which is VERY much based on the Constitution. That party is the Libertarian party.

Dems hate the Libertarians because they are truly for less government, as opposed to the Republicans, who give it lip service, but oblige the Dems by increasing government and taxes when Dems are out of office, screwing things up badly enough that it is usually only a few years before we throw them out and get Dems back in power.

Republicans seem to hate the Libertarians because they won't impose 'moral' constraints via the government. The Libertarians are ok with your church throwing you out if you smoke dope, or drink alcohol, or gamble, or wear the wrong colored shirts, but they don't think government should be making ANYONE'S religion a requirement for citizenship - even the generic kind of 'Christian' religion many if not most of us DO believe in some form of.

Until the Republicans can actually CUT taxes (i.e. enact the FAIR TAX) and get become comfortable with letting the CHURCH once again be in charge of MORALITY, and keep the government limited to CRIME rather than arbitrarily defined 'vices' we will have a hard time attracting enough votes from true 'conservatives' and Libertarians to get anyone elected, and when we DO get one elected, we will be disappointed when they raise taxes, increase the government's micromanaging, and do what we were afraid the Democrats were going to do. :(
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Quick Karl

Post by Quick Karl »

AJMD429 wrote:Every four years, when we see the choice boils down to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, a chorus of voices springs up that "What we need is a NEW political party - one that believes in the Constitution and limited government!" Aside from the debate over whether we should just FIX the two existing 'major' parties, all the proposals seem to forget that we have HAD such a party for 20 years, and it has been consistently on the ballots, and had a very consistent, principled platform which is VERY much based on the Constitution. That party is the Libertarian party.

Dems hate the Libertarians because they are truly for less government, as opposed to the Republicans, who give it lip service, but oblige the Dems by increasing government and taxes when Dems are out of office, screwing things up badly enough that it is usually only a few years before we throw them out and get Dems back in power.

Republicans seem to hate the Libertarians because they won't impose 'moral' constraints via the government. The Libertarians are ok with your church throwing you out if you smoke dope, or drink alcohol, or gamble, or wear the wrong colored shirts, but they don't think government should be making ANYONE'S religion a requirement for citizenship - even the generic kind of 'Christian' religion many if not most of us DO believe in some form of.

Until the Republicans can actually CUT taxes (i.e. enact the FAIR TAX) and get become comfortable with letting the CHURCH once again be in charge of MORALITY, and keep the government limited to CRIME rather than arbitrarily defined 'vices' we will have a hard time attracting enough votes from true 'conservatives' and Libertarians to get anyone elected, and when we DO get one elected, we will be disappointed when they raise taxes, increase the government's micromanaging, and do what we were afraid the Democrats were going to do. :(
I am registered as Independent, because I sincerely believe that anyone that seeks political office is seriously flawed by that very nature, and precisely that which we do not want leading our country...

Our country is being consumed from within.
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Post by tman »

if you did away with the entiletment and safety net programs, you would hear a louder scream from corporate america and our elected officials. they are the greater receptricants of government handouts, via the taxpayer, than the working classes and the poor combined. they enjoy the benifeits of a social system of government and make sure that you adhere to the capitalist form
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Post by alnitak »

AJMD429 wrote:Every four years, when we see the choice boils down to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, a chorus of voices springs up that "What we need is a NEW political party - one that believes in the Constitution and limited government!" Aside from the debate over whether we should just FIX the two existing 'major' parties, all the proposals seem to forget that we have HAD such a party for 20 years, and it has been consistently on the ballots, and had a very consistent, principled platform which is VERY much based on the Constitution. That party is the Libertarian party.

Dems hate the Libertarians because they are truly for less government, as opposed to the Republicans, who give it lip service, but oblige the Dems by increasing government and taxes when Dems are out of office, screwing things up badly enough that it is usually only a few years before we throw them out and get Dems back in power.

Republicans seem to hate the Libertarians because they won't impose 'moral' constraints via the government. The Libertarians are ok with your church throwing you out if you smoke dope, or drink alcohol, or gamble, or wear the wrong colored shirts, but they don't think government should be making ANYONE'S religion a requirement for citizenship - even the generic kind of 'Christian' religion many if not most of us DO believe in some form of.

Until the Republicans can actually CUT taxes (i.e. enact the FAIR TAX) and get become comfortable with letting the CHURCH once again be in charge of MORALITY, and keep the government limited to CRIME rather than arbitrarily defined 'vices' we will have a hard time attracting enough votes from true 'conservatives' and Libertarians to get anyone elected, and when we DO get one elected, we will be disappointed when they raise taxes, increase the government's micromanaging, and do what we were afraid the Democrats were going to do. :(
Although I am a registered Republican, more and more I consider myself a Libertarian. I find their views to be more consistent with my understanding of the intent of the Founding Fathers, and my personal beliefs of the role of government.

The problem with the US politics is that there are only two parties...which forces each one to extremes to provide differentiation. We NEED a viable third political party. I hope that over time the Libertarian Party can evolve to provide the checks and balance needed on the other two.
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Quick Karl

Post by Quick Karl »

Gee, strangely and suddenly I'm not receiving updates to the topics I'm watching...
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