If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by C. Cash »

That photo is interesting Bill. The lever, if you want to call it that, looked unidentifiable and perhaps even drawn in later. It almost looked like a trigger guard off of a plains rifle, but the angle of it is all wrong. But the frame and mag tube definitely made it a lever... A 76 if I remember correctly. Will try and find that pic. I remember another pic of a famous mountain man with either a Sharps or Spencer Gemmer.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

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Of course he would choose the best horseback big game rifle made, the 444 Marlin. I doubt JJ would need a scope. I remember he was real handy close quarters.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Malamute »

In the book "Crow Killer", Johnson was reported to have used a 50 cal trapdoor springfield ("needlegun", as it was called in the day). He also was fond of the Colt SAA for close up social work. He was simply using what was available at the time, and met his needs.

Johnsons Hawken rifle is in the Cody Firearms Museum. It's a large rifle, in 56 cal. It may have been made special for him, as it's obviously heavier and has a longer length of pull than ony of the other Hawken made guns in the case next to it.

The film mentioned a 30 cal Hawken, but I've yet to ever hear of one being made in real life in such a small caliber, it would be pretty useless as a plains and mountain rifle.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by CowboyTutt »

Hey Cash, nice to "see" you too! Same applies to Bill, Bob, Frank, 'Mute and Freddie. I would agree that J.J. adapted to the times and what was the best made and most powerful would be what he desired. I have the book Crowkiller on my shelf but have not read it in many years now. Interesting read though. -Tutt
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by harry »

Malamute wrote:I didn't understand the question as "if he were living exactly like he could in the 1800's", but I may be mistaken. I'd agree Colorado wouldn't be the best place to live in the hills and try to make it. Other Rocky Mountain states are a bit less "modern" in their politics and social perspective. Certain places in Alaska, and not all the state, are probably about the only place one could live a subistance lifestyle today.

There's beaver trapping seasons, tho it probably isn't a practical way to make a living at this point.

Something many don't realize, contrary to what the movie portrayed, Johnson wasn't just a trapper. He was in the military, and scouted later, as well as lived in a town and was town Marshall in Red Lodge Mt. He didnt spend all his life living in the mountains as a hunter/trapper.
Not that you could make a living traping but you can make enough to buy toys with. This is my son and myself a couple of years ago trapping with friends we made around 5000.00 over the winter. This is a over night set of 20 traps = 13 beaver
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Buck Elliott »

I lived 5 to 6 months per year, for 20 years, in the mountains and wilderness areas around the perimeter of Yellowstone Park.. We saw - sometimes very close-up - black bear, grizz, cougar, the occasional wolverine, coyotes, wolves, back-country Rangers, G&F wardens and biologists, tourists (and other amateurs), along with the odd camp robber or self-styled marauder... Mostly, we toted along powerful revolvers, and for a couple years I had a 1901 Winchester shotgun in a saddle scabbbard.. Once in a while, I'd drag along an '86 (.45-70) or my .454 rifle, just for fun or comfort..

Back in the late '30's, "Mountain Man" Earl Durand made out with an assortment of Winchester or Marlin .30-30s... Unfortunately, poaching got Earl in trouble too, and he wound up killing, before it was all over.. He escaped from jail in Cody, and eluded posses for some time, before He was shot from ambush, by a kid, as he exited a bank in Powell, Wyoming, after robbing it...


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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Washita »

Old Ironsights wrote:
Washita wrote:... He killed 2 LEO's who were just doing their job, in cold blood, for no real reason. ...
Without examining any of the particulars, THIS OPINION is what allows Tyranny to go unchallenged.

The SS were only doing their job too...

I see. You think American LEO's are the modern-day equivalent of the SS? I think a little explanation is in order. As I recall, Dallas killed them for no reason except that they were aout to bust him for poaching. What part of this do you consider acceptable--the poaching or the murders? Or both?
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Booger Bill »

A fellow on a different gun chatt site said he knew those wardens. The man was ex LEO himself. He claimed the one warden was VERY badge heavy and unorthodox and overstepped himself repeatedly. The man also had incidents with him too. Still, he nor me condones killing someone over poaching. Thats what courts and trials are for to argue things out. I probley with work could dig up that old thread but wont since I wasnt there. Still that one warden was known as a stinker that from other reports should never had been given a badge. For dalles to be out of prision is almost unbeliveable. Makes you wonder what happened behind the scenes.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by walks with gun »

I thought Jerimiah was a bullfrog.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by t.r. »

Jerry Johnson would likely be hunting with a modern .308; you pick the action type.

Doubtful if he would be after beaver very much. With gold over $1,500. per oz he'd be prospecting for a living. Still plenty of gold within the Rocky Mts in hard to access valleys. He might work a little as a timber cruiser or big game guide.


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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Meeteetse »

I know Jeremiah Johnson. He lives in a log cabin he built in central Wyoming on 80 acres he owns, with National Forest as his backyard. Elevation at the cabin is 9465 ft. above sea level. He hunts legally with a bolt gun in .300 Weatherby, owns horses, snow mobiles and a pickup. He carries a Ruger Single six everywhere and his dog is named Griz. Just so happens he is my uncle on my Mother's side. Sold his ranch a few years back and moved to the mountains. Comes to town for groceries once in a while. He is living his dream and probably doesn't care about much that goes on off his mountain. . . . . :D
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Old Time Hunter »

Can't say what a real mountain man of today would choose, but my cousin after coming back from 'nam in 1970 lit out from home around '71 and never really came back to settle. He bought a Montgomery Ward .30-30 lever, still has it, never needed anything more. He has put his feet down and hiked almost all of the Rocky Mountain range from El Paso to Skagway. Over the last forty years or so, he has primarily worked as guide, as a camp stoker, and trapped on the side. Don't think he ever has had an issue whether or not the .30-30 was enough gun, don't think he cares either. Only hard roof home he ever owned was a early '50's Moon travel trailer he pulled with a 1959 Ford 4 X 4, when he had enough gas to go somewhere. Still has that too, says it is parked up north of Wallace, Idaho right now. Unfortunately, he is in a bad way at the VA near Ft. Lewis, he found his way into Missoula last fall darn near crawling. Apparently he has carried a bullet for upteen years in his chest cavity that was so close to his heart they didn't do noth'n about it way back when. Well, over the years it settled against the back of his heart and the muscles somehow grew around it. Hopefully the Doc's at the VA will figure something out, but for now they have to keep under observation and on beta blockers to keep him from getting excited. The Sheriff's department in Missoula is keep'n his Montgomery Ward for him...for now anyways.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Old Time Hunter »

Booger Bill wrote:Right here above cedar city utah we have a fugitive "mountain man" that has been haunting the high contry not far from me for at least 5 years and really more like 7. Read this story: http://abcnews.go.com/US/utah-mountain- ... 3D15775338 About a month ago someone on the edge of town here thought they sighted him, they had a army of leo looking for him even with a helicopter. He slipped away. I have more articles and info on him I will post a little later if you guys want. Just today I and some friends were rideing the trails on quads on the edge of "his territory". We were armed. More later.
Here`s another http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/2 ... 93254.html
Another: http://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/o ... 963f4.html
Here is some old mug shots of him: http://www.ironcounty.net/departments/s ... app-photos
Leave him be...heck I leave my cabin doors unlocked, never had any damage and once and awhile there has been a thank you note left on the table for my generosity.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Booger Bill »

I have researched all I can on this guy. Basicly, here is what is known. He has always been a criminal and done time for burgulary in california. Dropped out of sight 9 years ago. 7 years ago he started hitting cabins here. They finaly put a name on him 3 months ago and finaly know who they are looking for. This guy had burglared over two dozzen cabins eating things up, stealing what he needs. Over two dozzen stolen guns have been found in a couple campsites of his along with a mountain of stolen goods from the cabins. In cabins with religious pictures he has shot the places up. He has left notes telling people "Get off his mountain", and left a note to the sheriff that he would bury him. He also has deficated in pans and leaves them on the floors of the cabins etc. Now this has NOT been published yet, but in the area he has been operateing a woman was found murdered, the case has not been solved and it happened the same time this guy started hitting cabins in the general area. I suppose it hasnt been published as they dont want to panic people. Just my guess.
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/6351 ... ified.html
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by sore shoulder »

Well if someone wanted to go knock over some cabins and commit vandalism freely without getting caught because it would be blamed on someone else, I think that would be a good place to do it.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Booger Bill »

They finaly got good prints along with trail cam photos of him. They know who they are looking for.
http://www.ironcounty.net/departments/s ... app-photos
About 6 weeks ago someone supposedly seen him on the edge of town here carrying a rifle. The report was taken seriously and there were about 50 leo and a helicopter looking for him but he slipped away. Last fall a guy thought to be him walked out of the woods with a rifle in front of some bow hunters. He immediately bolted and ran back into the woods.
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Re: If Jerimiah Johnson was roaming the Rockies today

Post by Crazy Horse »

MY AR-10.. :)
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