POLITICS - Cheney goes against Bush

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POLITICS - Cheney goes against Bush

Post by Dastook »

WASHINGTON — Vice President Cheney took the unusual step Friday of joining with lawmakers in signing a Supreme Court brief that goes further in support of gun rights than the one submitted by the Bush administration.

The filings were made in a case that challenges the District of Columbia's ban on handguns. It was scheduled to be argued on March 18.

Both briefs argue that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to own guns. However, the administration contends that too categorical a ruling could threaten other federal gun restrictions and wants the justices to send the case back to lower courts without deciding whether the handgun ban should fall.

Cheney joined more than 300 senators and representatives, led by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, who want the court to rule that Washington's ban is unconstitutional.

"The vice president believes strongly in Second Amendment rights," Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said.

Seventeen Democratic lawmakers and District of Columbia Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton urged the court to uphold the ban.

Lawyers with long experience at the court could not recall another case in which a vice president took a position different from that of his own administration.


Here ia a list of the lawmakers that signed.

http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/ ... 8020800127
Last edited by Dastook on Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jbm1968 »

This is a small victory for our president in my mind. It shows he had the intelligence to surround himself with smart people not "yes" men.

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Post by Blaine »

Cheny is a good 'un.........Too bad he refuses to run.
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Post by Old Time Hunter »

For some reason I can not open the "list" of lawmakers, anyone else have a different source for the information?
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Post by J Miller »

I can't open it either, but here is the lists. I stole it from a post over on TRF. Joe


Representative Robert B. Aderholt (AL-04, R)
Representative W. Todd Akin (MO-2, R)
Representative Rodney M. Alexander (LA-5, R)
Representative Jason Altmire (PA-4, D)
Representative Michael A. Arcuri (NY-24, D)
Representative Joe Baca (CA-43, D)
Representative Michele M. Bachmann (MN-6, R)
Representative Spencer T. Bachus, III (AL-6, R)
Representative Brian Baird (WA-3, D)
Representative Richard H. Baker (LA-6, R)
Representative J. Gresham Barrett (SC-3, R)
Representative John J. Barrow (GA-12, D)
Representative Roscoe G. Bartlett (MD-6, R)
Representative Joe L. Barton (TX-6, R)
Representative Marion Berry (AR-1, D)
Representative Judith B. Biggert (IL-13, R)
Representative Brian P. Bilbray (CA-50, R)
Representative Gus M. Bilirakis (FL-9, R)
Representative Robert W. Bishop (UT-1, R)
Representative Sanford D. Bishop (GA-2, D)
Representative Marsha W. Blackburn (TN-7, R)
Representative Roy D. Blunt (MO-7, R)
Representative John A. Boehner (OH-8, R)
Representative Josiah R. Bonner, Jr. (AL-1, R)
Representative Mary Bono Mack (CA-45, R)
Representative John N. Boozman (AR-3, R)
Representative D. Daniel Boren (OK-2, D)
Representative Leonard L. Boswell (IA-3, D)
Representative Frederick C. Boucher (VA-9, D)
Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (LA-7, R)
Representative F. Allen Boyd, Jr. (FL-2, D)
Representative Nancy Boyda (KS-2, D)
Representative Kevin P. Brady (TX-8, R)
Representative Paul C. Broun (GA-10, R)
Representative Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC-1, R)
Representative Virginia Brown-Waite (FL-5, R)
Representative Vernon G. Buchanan (FL-13, R)
Representative Michael C. Burgess (TX-26, R)
Representative Danny L. Burton (IN-5, R)
Representative Stephen E. Buyer (IN-4, R)
Representative Kenneth S. Calvert (CA-44, R)
Representative David L. Camp (MI-4, R)
Representative John B. T. Campbell, III (CA-48, R)
Representative Christopher B. Cannon (UT-3, R)
Representative Eric I. Cantor (VA-7, R)
Representative Shelley M. Capito (WV-2, R)
Representative Dennis A. Cardoza (CA-18, D)
Representative Christopher P. Carney (PA-10, D)
Representative John R. Carter (TX-31, R)
Representative Steven J. Chabot (OH-1, R)
Representative A. Benjamin Chandler, III (KY-6, D)
Representative J. Howard Coble (NC-6, R)
Representative Stephen I. Cohen (TN-9, D)
Representative Thomas J. Cole (OK-4, R)
Representative K. Michael Conaway (TX-11, R)
Representative James H. S. Cooper (TN-5, D)
Representative Joseph D. Courtney (CT-2, D)
Representative Jerry F. Costello (IL-12, D)
Representative Robert E. Cramer, Jr. (AL-5, D)
Representative Ander Crenshaw (FL-4, R)
Representative Barbara L. Cubin (WY-AL, R)
Representative R. Enrique Cuellar (TX-28, D)
Representative John A. Culberson (TX-7, R)
Representative Artur G. Davis (AL-7, D)
Representative David Davis (TN-1, R)
Representative Geoffrey C. Davis (KY-4, R)
Representative Lincoln E. Davis (TN-4, D)
Representative Thomas M. Davis, III (VA-11, R)
Representative J. Nathan Deal (GA-9, R)
Representative Peter A. DeFazio (OR-4, D)
Representative Charles W. Dent (PA-15, R)
Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart (FL-21, R)
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25, R)
Representative John D. Dingell (MI-15, D)
Representative Joseph S. Donnelly (IN-2, D)
Representative John T. Doolittle (CA-4, R)
Representative David T. Dreier (CA-26, R)
Representative Thelma D. Drake (VA-2, R)
Representative John J. Duncan, Jr. (TN-2, R)
Representative T. Chester Edwards (TX-17, D)
Representative Brad Ellsworth (IN-8, D)
Representative Jo Ann H. Emerson (MO-8, R)
Representative Philip S. English (PA-3, R)
Representative R. Terry Everett (AL-2, R)
Representative Mary C. Fallin (OK-5, R)
Representative Thomas C. Feeney, III (FL-24, R)
Representative Jeff Flake (AZ-6, R)
Representative J. Randy Forbes (VA-4, R)
Representative Jeffrey L. Fortenberry (NE-1, R)
Representative Virginia A. Foxx (NC-5, R)
Representative Trent Franks (AZ-2, R)
Representative Elton W. Gallegly (CA-24, R)
Representative E. Scott Garrett (NJ-5, R)
Representative James W. Gerlach (PA-6, R)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8, D)
Representative Kirsten R. Gillibrand (NY-20, D)
Representative J. Phillip Gingrey (GA-11, R)
Representative Louis B. Gohmert, Jr. (TX-1, R)
Representative Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (VA-5, R)
Representative Robert W. Goodlatte (VA-6, R)
Representative Barton J. Gordon (TN-6, D)
Representative Kay M. Granger (TX-12, R)
Representative Samuel B. Graves, Jr. (MO-6, R)
Representative R. Eugene Green (TX-29, D)
Representative Ralph M. Hall (TX-4, R)
Representative Richard N. Hastings (WA-4, R)
Representative Robin C. Hayes (NC-8, R)
Representative Dean Heller (NV-2, R)
Representative T. Jeb Hensarling (TX-5, R)
Representative Walter W. Herger (CA-2, R)
Representative Stephanie M. Herseth Sandlin (SD-AL, D)
Representative Brian M. Higgins (NY-27, D)
Representative Baron P. Hill (IN-9, D)
Representative David L. Hobson (OH-7, R)
Representative Paul W. Hodes (NH-2, D)
Representative Peter Hoekstra (MI-2, R)
Representative T. Timothy Holden (PA-17, D)
Representative Kenny C. Hulshof (MO-9, R)
Representative Duncan L. Hunter (CA-52, R)
Representative Robert D. Inglis (SC-4, R)
Representative Darrell E. Issa (CA-49, R)
Representative R. Samuel Johnson (TX-3, R)
Representative Timothy V. Johnson (IL-15, R)
Representative Walter B. Jones, Jr. (NC-3, R)
Representative James D. Jordan (OH-4, R)
Representative Steven L. Kagen (WI-8, D)
Representative Paul E. Kanjorski (PA-11, D)
Representative Richard A. Keller (FL-8, R)
Representative Ronald J. Kind (WI-3, D)
Representative Steven A. King (IA-5, R)
Representative John H. Kingston (GA-1, R)
Representative John P. Kline, Jr. (MN-2, R)
Representative Joseph C. Knollenberg (MI-9, R)
Representative J. Randy Kuhl, Jr. (NY-29, R)
Representative Douglas L. Lamborn (CO-5, R)
Representative Nicholas V. Lampson (TX-22, D)
Representative Thomas P. Latham (IA-4, R)
Representative Steven C. LaTourette (OH-14, R)
Representative Robert E. Latta (OH-5, R)
Representative C. Jeremy Lewis (CA-41, R)
Representative Ron E. Lewis (KY-2, R)
Representative John E. Linder (GA-7, R)
Representative Frank D. Lucas (OK-3, R)
Representative Daniel E. Lungren (CA-3, R)
Representative Cornelius H. McGillicuddy, IV (FL-14, R)
Representative Timothy E. Mahoney (FL-16, D)
Representative Donald A. Manzullo (IL-16, R)
Representative Kenny E. Marchant (TX-24, R)
Representative James C. Marshall (GA-8, D)
Representative James D. Matheson (UT-2, D)
Representative Kevin O. McCarthy (CA-22, R)
Representative Michael T. McCaul (TX-10, R)
Representative Thaddeus G. McCotter (MI-11, R)
Representative James O. McCrery, III (LA-4, R)
Representative Patrick T. McHenry (NC-10, R)
Representative John M. McHugh (NY-23, R)
Representative D. Carmichael McIntyre, II (NC-7, D)
Representative Howard P. McKeon (CA-25, R)
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-5, R)
Representative Malcolm R. Melancon (LA-3, D)
Representative John L. Mica (FL-7, R)
Representative Michael H. Michaud (ME-2, D)
Representative Candice S. Miller (MI-10, R)
Representative Gary G. Miller (CA-42, R)
Representative Jefferson B. Miller (FL-1, R)
Representative Harry E. Mitchell (AZ-5, D)
Representative Alan B. Mollohan (WV-1, D)
Representative Jerry Moran (KS-1, R)
Representative Timothy F. Murphy (PA-18, R)
Representative John P. Murtha, Jr. (PA-12, D)
Representative Marilyn N. Musgrave (CO-4, R)
Representative Sue W. Myrick (NC-9, R)
Representative Robert R. Neugebauer (TX-19, R)
Representative Devin G. Nunes (CA-21, R)
Representative James L. Oberstar (MN-8, D)
Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (TX-27, D)
Representative Ronald E. Paul (TX-14, R)
Representative Stevan E. Pearce (NM-2, R)
Representative Michael R. Pence (IN-6, R)
Representative Collin C. Peterson (MN-7, D)
Representative John E. Peterson (PA-5, R)
Representative Thomas E. Petri (WI-6, R)
Representative Charles W. Pickering, Jr. (MS-3, R)
Representative Joseph R. Pitts (PA-16, R)
Representative Todd R. Platts (PA-19, R)
Representative L. Ted Poe (TX-2, R)
Representative Earl R. Pomeroy (ND-AL, D)
Representative Jon C. Porter, Sr. (NV-3, R)
Representative Thomas E. Price (GA-6, R)
Representative Deborah D. Pryce (OH-15, R)
Representative Adam H. Putnam (FL-12, R)
Representative George P. Radanovich (CA-19, R)
Representative Nick J. Rahall, II (WV-3, D)
Representative Dennis R. Rehberg (MT-AL, R)
Representative David G. Reichert (WA-8, R)
Representative Richard G. Renzi (AZ-1, R)
Representative Silvestre Reyes (TX-16, D)
Representative Thomas M. Reynolds (NY-26, R)
Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez (TX-23, D)
Representative Harold D. Rogers (KY-5, R)
Representative Michael D. Rogers (AL-3, R)
Representative Michael J. Rogers (MI-8, R)
Representative Dana T. Rohrabacher (CA-46, R)
Representative Peter J. Roskam (IL-6, R)
Representative Ileana C. Ros-Lehtinen (FL-18, R)
Representative Michael A. Ross (AR-4, D)
Representative Edward R. Royce (CA-40, R)
Representative Paul D. Ryan (WI-1, R)
Representative Timothy J. Ryan (OH-17, D)
Representative John T. Salazar (CO-3, D)
Representative William T. Sali (ID-1, R)
Representative Jean Schmidt (OH-2, R)
Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (WI-5, R)
Representative Peter A. Sessions (TX-32, R)
Representative John B. Shadegg (AZ-3, R)
Representative John M. Shimkus (IL-19, R)
Representative J. Heath Shuler (NC-11, D)
Representative William F. Shuster (PA-9, R)
Representative Michael K. Simpson (ID-2, R)
Representative Adrian M. Smith (NE-3, R)
Representative Lamar S. Smith (TX-21, R)
Representative Mark E. Souder (IN-3, R)
Representative Zachary T. Space (OH-18, D)
Representative Clifford B. Stearns (FL-6, R)
Representative Bart T. Stupak (MI-1, D)
Representative John M. Sullivan (OK-1, R)
Representative Thomas G. Tancredo (CO-6, R)
Representative John S. Tanner (TN-8, D)
Representative G. Eugene Taylor (MS-4, D)
Representative Lee R. Terry (NE-2, R)
Representative W. McClellan Thornberry (TX-13, R)
Representative W. Todd Tiahrt (KS-4, R)
Representative Patrick J. Tiberi (OH-12, R)
Representative Michael R. Turner (OH-3, R)
Representative Frederick S. Upton (MI-6, R)
Representative Timothy Walberg (MI-7, R)
Representative Gregory P. Walden (OR-2, R)
Representative James T. Walsh (NY-25, R)
Representative Timothy J. Walz (MN-1, D)
Representative Zachary P. Wamp (TN-3, R)
Representative David J. Weldon, Jr. (FL-15, R)
Representative Gerald C. Weller (IL-11, R)
Representative Lynn A. Westmoreland (GA-3, R)
Representative W. Edward Whitfield (KY-1, R)
Representative Charles A. Wilson (OH-6, D)
Representative Heather A. Wilson (NM-1, R)
Representative Addison G. Wilson (SC-2, R)
Representative Robert J. Wittman (VA-1, R)
Representative Frank R. Wolf (VA-10, R)
Representative Donald E. Young (AK-AL, R)


Senator A. Lamar Alexander (TN, R)
Senator A. Wayne Allard (CO, R)
Senator John A. Barrasso (WY, R)
Senator Max S. Baucus (MT, D)
Senator Robert F. Bennett (UT, R)
Senator Christopher S. Bond (MO, R)
Senator Samuel D. Brownback (KS, R)
Senator James P. D. Bunning (KY, R)
Senator Richard M. Burr (NC, R)
Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA, D)
Senator C. Saxby Chambliss (GA, R)
Senator Thomas A. Coburn (OK, R)
Senator W. Thad Cochran (MS, R)
Senator Norman Coleman, Jr. (MN, R)
Senator Susan M. Collins (ME, R)
Senator Robert P. Corker, Jr. (TN, R)
Senator John Cornyn, III (TX, R)
Senator Larry E. Craig (ID, R)
Senator Michael D. Crapo (ID, R)
Senator James W. DeMint (SC, R)
Senator Elizabeth H. Dole (NC, R)
Senator Pete V. Domenici (NM, R)
Senator Michael B. Enzi (WY, R)
Senator Russell D. Feingold (WI, D)
Senator Lindsey O. Graham (SC, R)
Senator Charles E. Grassley (IA, R)
Senator Judd A. Gregg (NH, R)
Senator Charles T. Hagel (NE, R)
Senator Orrin G. Hatch (UT, R)
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX, R)
Senator James M. Inhofe (OK, R)
Senator John H. Isakson (GA, R)
Senator Timothy P. Johnson (SD, D)
Senator Jon L. Kyl (AZ, R)
Senator Blanche L. Lincoln (AR, D)
Senator Melquiades R. Martinez (FL, R)
Senator John S. McCain, III (AZ, R)
Senator A. Mitchell McConnell (KY, R)
Senator Lisa A. Murkowski (AK, R)
Senator E. Benjamin Nelson (NE, D)
Senator C. Patrick Roberts (KS, R)
Senator Kenneth L. Salazar (CO, D)
Senator Jefferson B. Sessions, III (AL, R)
Senator Richard C. Shelby (AL, R)
Senator Gordon H. Smith (OR, R)
Senator Olympia J. Snowe (ME, R)
Senator Arlen Specter (PA, R)
Senator Theodore F. Stevens (AK, R)
Senator John E. Sununu (NH, R)
Senator Jon Tester (MT, D)
Senator John R. Thune (SD, R)
Senator David B. Vitter (LA, R)
Senator George V. Voinovich (OH, R)
Senator James H. Webb, Jr. (VA, D)
Senator Roger F. Wicker (MS, R)

55 Senators
250 House members
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Post by Old Time Hunter »

Thanks! Where's Obama and Hillary's name?
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Post by Dastook »

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Post by piller »

It gives me back some faith in our Country's chances for long term survival to see that this list shows backers from both major political parties. I had all but given up hope that people could see good sense beyond party platforms.
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Post by pshort »

Indeed, Obama, Billiary, Kennedy and that other bum Kerry...
Looks like Billiary missed a good chance to show her "support"
for the second amendment.....

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Post by Charles »

I find John McCain's name missing as well.
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Post by 1894 »

Well , I'm not suprised to not see chuckies or hillarys name , but it looks like I've got 5 thankyou notes to write to the Reps from NY :shock:
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Post by Rusty »

It looks like some thank you notes are in order.

Rusty <><
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Post by old goat »

...J. Miller...Thanks Joe

...Charles...Better look again.

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Post by crawdaddyjim »

Hutchison and Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., who also signed the brief, agreed that some restrictions are valid, citing their support for banning assault weapons.

But they said the court should declare the handgun ban unconstitutional and set a clear limit beyond which governments may not go to limit gun ownership.

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Post by Chuck 100 yd »

Thanx , I needed to see some good news for a change !! :wink:
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Post by Leverdude »

Charles wrote:I find John McCain's name missing as well.
Nah, its there. Election time dontcha know, campaign's & all that.

Still I think its an impressive list. How many guys in congress all told?
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Post by Griff »

From another forum:
Duster Tom,Feb 9 2008, 03:04 PM wrote:
Morgan Ricks,Feb 9 2008, 01:02 PM wrote:I'd go hunting with Dick Chaney any day....
I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney that go for a ride with Ted Kennedy.
Ditto, and although I know why, why ain't Cheney running fer Pres.? This is just about the 1st positive thing I've heard about him, and since I'm a single issue voter, he just got MINE!
J Miller wrote:I can't open it either, but here is the lists. I stole it from a post over on TRF. Joe
Representative Joe L. Barton (TX-6, R)
Representative Kevin P. Brady (TX-8, R)
Representative Michael C. Burgess (TX-26, R)
Representative John R. Carter (TX-31, R)
Representative K. Michael Conaway (TX-11, R)
Representative R. Enrique Cuellar (TX-28, D)
Representative John A. Culberson (TX-7, R)
Representative T. Chester Edwards (TX-17, D)
Representative Kay M. Granger (TX-12, R)
Representative R. Eugene Green (TX-29, D)
Representative Ralph M. Hall (TX-4, R)
Representative T. Jeb Hensarling (TX-5, R)
Representative R. Samuel Johnson (TX-3, R)
Representative Nicholas V. Lampson (TX-22, D)
Representative Kenny E. Marchant (TX-24, R)
Representative Michael T. McCaul (TX-10, R)
Representative Robert R. Neugebauer (TX-19, R)
Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (TX-27, D)
Representative Ronald E. Paul (TX-14, R)
Representative L. Ted Poe (TX-2, R)
Representative Silvestre Reyes (TX-16, D)
Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez (TX-23, D)
Representative Peter A. Sessions (TX-32, R)
Representative Lamar S. Smith (TX-21, R)
Representative W. McClellan Thornberry (TX-13, R)

Senator John Cornyn, III (TX, R)
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX, R)

BOTH Senators
23 House members - almost 10% of all Representatives signing
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Post by sgtgrinche »

no to bad 12 from ohio boy those guys from texas sure are pro gun
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Post by brucew44guns »

It's amazing how a little news of an elected politician doing the right thing can make a big difference to your spirit. Maybe some of these people have heard from relatives who own tons of firearms and ammo, and got chewed on as to the long range implications in a gun free world. Surely our politicians have hunters, collectors, and self defense minded people in their families, maybe a light is flickering on.
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Post by Dastook »

Ya, you gotta wonder if our calls and emails made this happen after the Bush brief was posted all over the internet. I know I called and wrote. I would like to think we made this happen in some small way.
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Post by C. Cash »

Thanks for the heads up...good info.
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Post by Scott64A »

I was tickled to see a handful of GA's lawmakers there.

Note: NONE of Massachussetts' elected officials were here in favor of 2nd ammendment rights.

Sad for my family that hunts and shoots in Taxachussetts.

Speakingof taxes, we just filed and were dismayed to see that after all was said and done, we get a whopping $40.00 back from the Feds.

We owed GA and so ad to use most of the federal return to pay it.

The tough thing is, last year we got nearly $3,500 back combined. Now we're in the low end of a new bracket, and so we enter the middle class.

Sorry to go OT.
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Post by Caco »

2 er 3 Iowa guys I need to complement. But you don't see Harkin-same state of moral decay and stench as Kennedy an such.
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Post by brucew44guns »

Nice to see the 2 senators from Kansas sign the thing.
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Post by cjm135 »

Charles wrote:I find John McCain's name missing as well.
McCain's name is there.
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Post by Ysabel Kid »

Dang it - I called my representative (Jack Spratt, D, SC-5) and urged him to sign onto this. Typically liberal Dem thing didn't do it... :evil:
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Post by Old Ironsights »

Of 250 House members signing:

Only 67, (27%) were Democrats. There are 231 Democraps in Congress - for a whopping 70% showing as Anti RKBA.

183 (73%) were Republicans. There are only 198 Republicans in the 110th Congress - 92% PRO RKBA.

Of 55 Senators:

ONLY NINE were Democtats - 82% Anti RKBA.

46 were Republicans. There are only 49 Republicans in the Senate. 94% Pro RKBA

76 total Pro gun democrats in DC. Where did all those "blue dogs" go?
Last edited by Old Ironsights on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JReed »

21 Republican Reps form Ca.
But Boxer and Fienstien are both missing (not suprised though)
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Post by azoil »

I'm glad that John McCain could find time in his busy schedule to make the vote. :shock:
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Post by FWiedner »

Representative Ralph M. Hall (TX-4, R)
Senator John Cornyn, III (TX, R)
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX, R)
Looks like my representatives in DC deserve their paychecks this week...

Government office attracts the power-mad, yet it's people who just want to be left alone to live life on their own terms who are considered dangerous.

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Post by JerryB »

I wrote to both of mine but Pryor did not sign it, so I'll write to Sen.Blance Lincoln and thank her,real shocked that she would sign it.
JerryB II Corinthians 3:17, Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

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Post by Jeeps »

Representative Michael A. Arcuri (NY-24, D)

Representative Kirsten R. Gillibrand (NY-20, D)

Representative Brian M. Higgins (NY-27, D)

Representative J. Randy Kuhl, Jr. (NY-29, R)

Representative John M. McHugh (NY-23, R)

Representative Thomas M. Reynolds (NY-26, R)

Representative James T. Walsh (NY-25, R)

I suddenly have a warm and fuzzy feeling :D :D :D

Maybe we aren't headed down the tubes after all :shock:


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