OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

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OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Old No7 »

1/15 UPDATE:
THANKS to all for the kind thoughts and prayers voiced below! Much appreciated!

Saw my Eye Doc today and my eye had finally cleared up enough so we could confirm there was a large U-shaped tear in the retina. Not great news, but at least we know what we're dealing with and the best news is that so far, there's no sign of a detached retina (not 100% out of the woods on that, but fingers and toes are crossed...) So we fixed it up right then and there -- Carpe Diem! Why wait?!?!

My Doc is an ex-military hunter/shooter, so when I asked him "How's your aim?" with the laser, he replied: "Not too good, but not to worry, I have plenty of ammo!" :shock:

Whereas most patients don't feel the laser at all, I didn't fall into that group as my tear was right on a nerve. Then it got even worse when he turned the laser up a notch (to the "Destroy all tanks!" setting -- yup that's what he called it!), but I just grinned and beared it. Still very sore tonight, but at least I'm on the mend now, and where I couldn't even make out the eye chart in his office on Monday morning, today I made it to the 20/60 line. So it's finally getting better after all...

He did say that 50% of the population will get a PVD (see below) by age 50, but most of those don't bleed or create a tear. 1 or 2 floaters may be normal when that happens. But God forbid you may ever see "1,000's of floaters" and "black spider webs" like I was seeing (and I had not been drinking...), then get thyself to an ophthalmologist pronto.

So with God's good grace, your camaraderie and some good luck over the next week, maybe I'll be out hunting & shooting again by the following weekend.

Tight groups.

Nice "seeing" you guys again!

Old No7

= = = = = = = = = =

Hello all:

I purposely didn’t title this “Prayer Request”, as my situation is much less life-threatening or permanent (I hope…) than most of the maladies that Prayers are requested for on this forum... But darn it all -- I cannot see my rifle sights!!! :shock:

If you’ve seen my recent posts about the Camo Gun Wrap or Snow Camo, then you’d know I was all geared up for some winter fox/coyote hunting… But now I’ve been sidelined by an eye problem which cropped up without warning.

“As we age” (or so I’m told), it’s common to see 1 or 2 “floaters” in your field of view, which will usually disappear over time as gravity takes hold and they get reabsorbed back into your body. Well, I’ll give you a heads up -- if you ever see “1,000’s of floaters” and “black spider webs” in your vision, get yourself to an ophthalmologist right away!!!

That happened to me without warning on Saturday night, and my bride took me to the ER just to be sure I wasn’t having a stroke or something (“good woman”, think I will keep her!). The ER Doc said I had a “PVD” and needed to see a specialist on Monday morning pronto. By Sunday noon, the number of black spots had doubled and I’d lost about 40% vision in the right eye -- which is my SHOOTING eye!

A PVD is a “Peripheral (side) or Posterior (back) Vitreous Detachment”, where the egg white-like sac in your eye between the lens and retina pulls away from the retina. The tiny spots I was seeing, which an online search described as “like a broken bag of pepper on a white sheet” or “like being caught in a blizzard of black snow” (both very descriptive AND accurate!) are actually blood cells from a broken blood vessel. Now the only question is whether the PVD caused a retinal tear, but there’s so much junk in my eye, the Eye Doc could not see if there’s a tear or not. If there is a tear, I’m at high risk for a possible detached retina, as my late father had one in his 50’s (I’m not “there” yet, but getting awful close…)

So now I am limited to no driving, little PC work with frequent “eye breaks”, no heavy-lifting or vibrations, and I must sleep sitting up. My Eye Doc is a also a hunter and he just bagged a coyote last Saturday, but while he didn’t limit me from shooting -- I can’t even see the rear sight, never mind see through the sights… Not fun guys…

So, if you’re in the mood to please include me in your positive thoughts for the day, I sure would appreciate it. I sure hope this is temporary… But Lordy, I do wanna shoot again!

Oh, and by the way…

My experiences since last Saturday night have taught me that there is no reason to fear any one-eyed Pirates or Villains after all!

So far I have managed to…

* Pet the dog and get a handful of air…

* Reach for a light switch and miss by 3 inches…

* Put cream in my coffee and miss the cup completely…

Yup, the loss of binocular vision is a handicap, so I am staying away from my guns for awhile... :x

Tight groups, and here’s looking at ya -- even if it is only with 1 eye!

Old (and getting older…) No7
Last edited by Old No7 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Hobie »

Prayers said. I don't have an answer for you though I wish I did. "He" does.


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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by marlinman93 »

Sure am sorry to hear this, and I will be praying that this will work out better for you!-Vall
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by rjohns94 »

Dear no 7, you are in my prayers and please keep us posted on your progress.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by JReed »

Sorry to hear this man. Looks like you may have to shoot south paw until you heal up. Prayers up hope you get back up to snuff soon.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Tycer »

Heal well man. Prayers up!
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by AJMD429 »

If I'm not mistaken (and I'm NOT an ophthamologist) "sudden jarring" is also not a good idea in those at risk for retinal detachment (which includes extremely nearsighted individuals simply because their eyeball is so long it 'stretches' the retina?), so heavily-recoiling guns may seriously be something to avoid. Now, I've only shot a couple of guns I thought really 'jarred' my head (my wife says THAT'S what's wrong with me...), but something to be aware of.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Guncase »

Could you see one of those new fangled red dot sights? With those you don't have to line anything up. It hits where the dot is.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by crs »

Been there , done that. :cry:
Two retina detachments on the right eye and one time on the left, all with tears and lots of floaters. Best locate a top notch retinal surgeon to fix things when the floaters subside enough for the tears to show.
Good news is that current medical technology makes this a good probability operation.
I can shoot a shotgun right handed again, but have not switched back from shooting rifle left handed yet.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by C. Cash »

Prayers are going up for you Old No. 7. I'm betting things will settle down with your peeper. I am a one eyed shooter...had a right eye puncture/detachment in the military and pretty much lost all usable sight in that eye. Had to switch to lefty but I'm nearly as good as I ever was. Probably won't be necessary for you, but just know there is likely a plan B which will work,if necessary.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Griff »

Prayers up from here also. Hopefully the sawbones (eye-types) will have good ideas for ya.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by kimwcook »

Griff wrote:Prayers up from here also. Hopefully the sawbones (eye-types) will have good ideas for ya.

Hoping everything goes good.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Rusty »

Prayers done.

Can you see through a scope? I'm no good with iron sights myself any more.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Jaguarundi »

Godbless and Godspeed your recovery.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by GonnePhishin »

Old No 7,

You have my prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery :(
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by gamekeeper »

Old No 7

Prayers sent for a speedy and successful recovery. Please keep us informed of developments.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by RIHMFIRE »

Prayers up
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Rexster »

Prayers up!
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by okdee »

Prayers up for you! I remember my Dad, in his last couple of years living, talking about the little black bugs that were crawling over everything that he looked at. :?

He never went to a doctor and lived with it to the end. He just accepted it. I am glad you are pro-active/positive about getting help!

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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by PaperPatch »

Thou shall mend!!!!
Be well.

Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Idahoser »

Prayer sent.

I have a gigantic floater in my off eye, and it doesn't show any evidence that it wants to go anywhere. Hate it.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see my rifle sights…

Post by Modoc ED »

Of course this situation rates a prayer. Prayers up. Hope all turns out ok.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Old No7 »

Back to Top -- Update added way up above, thanks!
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Modoc ED »

Glad you're on the mend!!! Just do what the Doctor says to do. NO HEROICS or pushing it!!!!!!!
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by JReed »

Glad to hear all is well and mending :D Dont over do it wait till the Doc says its cool to go shooting again.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by rjohns94 »

that is great news for sure. prayers continue
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by piller »

Glad to hear that you will be OK.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Jaguarundi »

Godbless that is great news :D !
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Hobie »

Praises be...


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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by nemhed »

Good news indeed, prayers said for your continued healing and improvement!
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by rangerider7 »

God Bless! Hang in there.
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Re: OT: Positive Thoughts Needed – Cannot see sights… *UPDATE*

Post by Hagler »

AMEN! Good to hear you are doing better.

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